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Group 3
 Liking to be with and talk to people.
 The quality or state of being literate
 The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behavior to express or exchange
 Social Literacy concerns itself with the
development of social skills, knowledge
and positive human values that enable
human beings to act positively and
responsibly in range of complex social
settings. It is the knowledge of how to
behave and treat other people in a way
that is morally upright, just, and
equitable, with a view of promoting
positive and productive relations that
are free from unfair prejudices,
hate ,and discrimination.
-The first step in a social interaction is greeting someone. Greeting others is done not only
with the words like “Hi” or “How are you?” but with facial expressions, tone of voice, and
gestures such as a nod or a wave. The nonverbal part of greeting someone is just as important as
the words.

-In order to carry on a conversation, a child must be able to initiate, and close conversation
appropriately. This requires good listening and attention skills, as well as the ability to take turns
and probe missing information. Being a good conversationalist requires turn-taking and
reciprocity. Children have to listen as well as they talk.
-Once a conversation is initiated, it has to be maintained. In order to do that, it is important to
understand the audience once is talking to.
-Empathy is more than perspective taking; it means that one is able to feel what the other
person feels. It allows one to really connect with other people.
-Cues are the hints and signals that guide us to the next thing to say or do. It can be verbal or
-Conversations also require that one previews or thinks about what effect the words or actions
may have on the listener before she says or does them if the impact will be negative, one can adjust
what she might say or do.
-Problems and conflict are often a part of social interactions. Someone may not agree, get
angry, insult, or become aggressive at something that one says. How one reacts to these conflicts
depends on how good her problem-solving skills are.

-A person with good social skills is confident enough to make a sincere apology for her error.
Apologizing is a sign of humble and mature character when one commit mistakes.
The Roles of Parents and Teachers in Teaching Social Skills to
 Parents typically play the major role in teaching children social
skills. Parents can directly teach social skill by modeling, role-
playing, and providing opportunities for their child to rehearse and
practice new skills.
 School is the place where children spend the majority at their time
with peers. It is therefore, a natural and perfect setting for children to
learn and practice social skills. While teachers do not have to teach a
class in social skills, they can take advantage of every opportunity to
help children improve their social skills.
 How children develop their social literacy is intrinsically a contextual matter and is not
something that can be easily traced in a linear or developmental fashion.

 The acquisition of social literacy is a complex process that is historically and culturally
conditioned and context specific.

 Children learn through social practices, both explicit and implicit, and become human through
social interaction.

 Children are disposed to be social before they learn what sociability is all about
 From their culture, children learn customs that provide them with a
guide to act in ways that minimize conflict


 The social order of children is created by explicit and implicit
agreements entered into by self-seeking individuals to avert the
worst consequences of their selfish instincts.
Subjective Standards of Morality

 Truthand morality are considered subjective and open to

individual interpretation. This can be seen in the current
culture, where actions and behavioral patterns that were
once considered bad have now become acceptable.
 When the standards of measure between good and bad
changes, this gives us license to change as well and opens
the gates to all kinds of abuse.
Human Nature
 we would all like to believe that people are inherently good,
experience has taught us that the inherent goodness of humanity is,
at best, unreliable.
 We insist that others be judged according to a fixed moral standard
but invoke a subjective one when our own behavior is questioned.
 We demand justice when we perceive ourselves to be victims of
wrong doing, but we surround ourselves with excuses when we do
Situational Awareness in the Workplace
 While casual office has become the norm in many offices,
job interviews typically require more format dress and
behavior to demonstrate a level of respect. Stories prevail
of young adults showing up to interviews in casual
clothing, texting, or using phones during job interviews or
even bringing their parents with them. Such behavior
demonstrates a lack at situational awareness about what is
appropriate to do in different social circumstances.
 Todays students have grown up with the internet that they
have become inseparable from their gadgets.
 Blake (2017) offers helpful reminders to young
professionals in terms of social skills in the modern age.
The situation underscores the importance of educating
students in what could be called social literacy to ensure
their academic and career success.
Social Intelligence In Technological Communication
 Text-speak and technology used have affected many young
peoples ability to communicate, but students still needs to
ensure their writings denotes respect and provides enough
context for professors (or future employers) to easily
 Reduce
students ability to communicate using correct
 Learn more about the formality of communication
Social Intelligence In Traditional Communication
 While email has taken over as the primary method of
communication, traditional modes still exist.
 Learning to properly write thankyou card, cover and business letter
not only teaches students that these documents exists but also show
them how to craft such document, saving them energy in the future
and denotes
 Crafting these illustrates understanding of social expectation a level
of respect and or appreciation.

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