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Subject- Science
Class- IX
1.All the students requested to make 200 pages science activity book.
The same notebook will be continued next year.(10th std)
2.There will be only one activity book for part I and part II .
3. In the same activity book answer of questions should be written
minimum one page (back and forth)
4. Diagram should be drawn on the blank page with proper labeling.
5. In the activity book students will first complete Term -1 and Term-2
activity of 9th std.
Science Activities
Term I
1) To study the concept of power and scientist who invented it.
2) To obtain information about commonly used gadgets or devices which are
based on principles of Newton's laws of motion.
3) To study any two instances of transformation of energy in real life.
4) To study the symbols of components of an electric circuit.
5) To study the classification of phanerogams with a suitable a examples.
6) To study the spread and prevention of disease (Dengue, Influenza, AIDS
and cholera)
7) Collect the information of Meteorological department of India
8) To study how we can maintain balance in an ecosystem.
Science Activities
Term II
1) To study crystalline and non-crystalline amorphous form of carbon along with
their properties.
2) To study the human ear in detail.
3) To gather some information about Chandrayaan II.
4) To study alpha, beta and gamma rays with the help of experiment.
5) To study the applications of biotechnology in various fields.
6) To study genetic disorders commonly found ( any four )
7) To study the structure of brain in detail.
8) To study the different types of telescope in detail.

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