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Formation and

Development of Conscience
Learning Goals and Standards

Identify the different principles

that govern conscience; and
Be able to follow and apply the
principles of moral decisions;
There are certain principles that form or govern

1. A person is obliged to form a right with an

unerring conscience

2. Everyone is obliged to follow his/her

3. An individual is not permitted to follow
erroneous conscience.

4. If a person with perplexed conscience finds it

impossible to ask for an advice, he/she should
choose what seems to be lesser evil. He/She
should follow the reflex principles.
Reflex Principles
are rules of prudence which do not solve
doubts concerning the existence of a law, moral
principle, or fact by intrinsic or extrinsic
evidence. Instead they only indicate where, in
cases of unresolvable doubts, the greater right is
usually to be found and the lesser evil is to be
feared, and which side, therefore, is to be favored
as long as the doubt persist.
The following are the Reflex Principles:

a. In doubt, the condition of the possessor is the


b. In doubt, favor the accused; or (which one

comes to the same): crime is not to be presumed,
but to be proved.
c. In doubt, presumption stands on the side of the

d. In doubt, stand for the validity of the act(e.g.,

the validity of the matrimonial
bond[cf.CCC#1060] or the validity of an
examination or an appointment to an office
e. In doubt, amplify the favorable and restrict the

f. In doubt, presumption stands for the usual and

the ordinary (or follow the daily and ordinary
g. In doubt, favor the customary and hitherto

h. A doubtful law does not obliged (i.e.,

presumption stands for liberty).

5. Only the certain conscience is a correct guide

to moral behavior.
Hebrews 9:14 "How much more, then,
will the blood of Christ, who through the
eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished
to God, cleanse our consciences from
acts that lead to death, so that we may
serve the living God!"
Essay Question (10 points each)

1.What do you think is the importance

of having a clear conscience?
2.How does conscience affect your day
to day life?
3.Why did God give us a conscience?
 Catechism of the Catholic Church
 Christian Morality in Contemporary Society by Esteban T.
 Church Dogmatic by Karl Barth Vol. III
 New American Bible

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