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Course Project

Adopting New Life

Routines ---Pandemic
Juan Andres Ariza Bautista
For this Presentation, I will talk about the life changes I had to make in order to
survive and pass the time during the Pandemic outbreak last year and how I coped
with these life changes. I will also highlight what I consider to be the most productive
and appropiate activities, diet , Study habits one must adapt into their life routine
when there is no possiblity of going out.
According to University of Michigans department of Psychiatry,
Physical activity and exercise can be effective treatments for both
Anxiety and Depression, which were according to them, the most
common symptoms of the pandemic as of September 2020. Exercise
also triggers important inmune responses on the body, which can
potentially protect you from disease and improve overall Health,
A new diet
During the Pandemic, our activity levels decrease and our metabolism slows, which
means we must adapt our diet so our body can compensate for the lack of activity and
sedentarism, this means we must limit our comsumption of packed foods, fat and
focus on more lean options such as fruits and vegetables, as well as a healthy amount
of non sugary carbs.
The fact we could no longer face each other was perhaps one of
the hardest aspects of the pandemic, we are social creatures
after all and we are used to gatherings with family and Friends.
Suddenly refraining from seeing our loved ones clearly played
a part on the diagnosis for depression and anxiety many people
had. During the pandemic we had to resource to social apps and
platforms like Zoom and Skype to communicate and keep a
distance - To keep in touch is to cope with our need for
socialization, which is an important aspect of living.
Study/Work Habits
To study at home has it pros and cons, mostly pros, since it means
we can actually work from our beds. Nonetheless concentration
and disposition for work has become a challenge, and so experts
have given recomendations for study and work during pandemic
such as leaving the phone aside and setting and holding virtual
meetings in appropiate quiet places.

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