2 - Paradigm Public Administration

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The Begining

• Wodrow Wilson, in 1887 introduced Americans to the field with an essay titled, “The
Study of Administration”
• “is getting  harder to  run a constitution than to frame  one,” and called  for  the 
bringing of more intellectual resources to bear in the management of the state.
• Aside from Wilson’s essay, PA intellectual roots were planted in practical ground.
Public Service Movement (1906)> John. D Rockfeller’s to found and fund the New
York Bureu of Municipal Research > think thank> what PA in practical should be
• Tammany Hall, the corrupt political machine that ran the city, felt directly threatened
by the bureau.
• 1928, seventy-four cities had research bureaus
Think thank for Public Service

• First decade 21st , EH Harriman offered $250 k to Havard, Yale and Columbia, to start
school of PA. But they had no intention of sending their “graduates into a blind alley”
that let to “ no career for a gentleman”
• Harriman then gave her money to New York Bureau of Municipal Research, stipulating
that it create Training School for Public Service in 1911 (First trained PA). In 1924
became Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs under Syracuse University)
• In 1914 APSA announced that one of political sciences mission was to educate “expert
and to prepare specialist for governmental positions”.
• And first graduate degree in PA was introduced by Uni of Michigan, which placed
program in political science department. PA stand as a prominent pillar of political
PARADIGM 1: The Politics / Administration
Dichotomy 1900-1926
• Frank J. Goodnow in his book Politics and Administration (1900) write:
“Politics, has to do with policies or expressions of the state will” while,
“Administration has to do with the execution of these policies”.
• Elected Politicians and appointed Public Administration do different
• Dichotomy held that PA brought efficiency to execution of policies made
by elected politicians.
• City manager still uncomfortable, because they are merely administrator
and do not involve themselves in politics
• There is dilemma of dichotomy, while in reality PA often make policy.
• But Leonard D. White in Introduction to the Study of Public
Administration (1926) the first textbook in this field write: Politics
must cleaved from administration so that the field can develop as a
pure sciences which will assure the attainment of governmental
• This dilemma led to next paradigma
PARADIGM 2: Principle of Public Administration
• In 1927 W.F. Willoughby’s book, Principles of Public Administration
appear in this field.
• This book believe that, PA would be effective if they learned and applied
scientific principles of administration.
• The status of PA soared during this period, professional association
grown, and many government calling PA Community to provide advice
more frequently.
• Between 1927-1936 the number of universities that offered PA
• Followed this principle could be applied successfully anywhere.
• Luther H. Gulick and Lyndall Urwick’s Papers on the Science of
• POSCDORB (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, CO-
ordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting
The challenge, 1938-1950

• Perspective 1: say that politics and administration could never be

• Perspective 2: principles of administration something less than the final
expression of managerial rationality.
• The demise of dichotomy: PA like politicians, could mold public policy
too and Politics has been expanded in scholarly to include public
policymaking and public administrators
• In 1950 dichotomy died with leading scholar wrote in leading journal that
“A theory of PA means in our time a theory of politic also”.
PARADIGM 3: Public Administration as Political
Science, 1950-1970
• Paradigm 3 began as an exercise in reestablishing the linkages between
PA and Political science.
• Issue: There is absence fully comprehensive intellectual work, and
political scientist were willing to absorb PA in politic “ PA become area of
• Political science laying some normative foundations, such as pluralism
and equality under law, and democratic values.
• But political science not much can contribute to improvement of
practitioner skill.
PARADIGM 4: Public Administration as
Management, 1950-1970
• Because became second class citizenship in political departments, a
few PA began searching alternative.
• They found in management/ administrative science, which hold that
sector, culture, institution, mission little consequence to efficient and
effective administration.
• Public and private institutional distinctions of management were false.
Management was groundswell development that tends to pervade all
ithers. It is inline with Wilson essay (1887) that field of administration
is a business, and removed from politics.
• Impact of this paradigm, is pushing question What public in administration really
• Publicness, and privateness composed off three dimensions: agency, interest and
• Agency, the distinction between an institution that acst on behalf everyone (publicly), and an
institution that acts only in its own behalf (privately)
• Interest, concerned with who benefits: government to everyone it govern and for-profit firm
to benefit only its owner.
• Access, degree of openness to the public found in an organization activities, space,
information and resources
• They are mutually reinforcing, not only public but “publicness”
PARADIGM 5: Public Administration as Public
Administration, 1970- Present
• Refers to successful break with both political science and management, and
emergence as an autonomous field of study and practice, free from political
scientist and absent from business faculties.
• The bird National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
(NASPAA), PA declared its epistemological independence.
• In paradigm 5, politics and public administration do co-exist on the same social
continuum, but as separate and distinct formation of logic, whose activities
sometimes overlap.
• PA Values differ from politics: fairness, hierarchy, elitism, impersonaly,
professionalism, analysis, and neutrality.
PARADIGM 6: Governance, 1990-Present

• We moving away from government (control over citizen and delivery of

public benefit by institutions of the state) moving toward governance
(configurations of laws, policies, and organizations that control citizens
and deliver public benefit)
• Government is institutional; governance is institutional and networked
• Requires interagency collaboration, ranging sharing information to
effectively implementing policy across several agency.
• Governing by partnering correlates, significantly and positively with
agencies that perform better than agencies that work alone.

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