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Topic 1.3

Describe the principle of magnetic compass and its

Explain the meaning of lubber line
Topic 1.4

Describe the basic principle of gyro compass

and gyro repeaters
Topic 1.4

State that “Gyro compass” is an electrically

powered direction finding device and used on
board ships and points to true north
Topic 1.4

List out the advantages and disadvantages of the

gyro compass over the magnetic compass
Topic 1.4

State that ships heading information from the main gyro compass
is transmitted to many other gyro repeaters fitted at different
locations on board as well as to various other electronic
navigation equipments
Topic 1.4

State that gyro compass takes some time to settle

down / stabilize after being switched on
whenever there is a power shut down
Topic 1.4

State that it is a regulatory requirement that readings of gyro

compass , magnetic compass and all gyro repeaters are compared
and checked for correctness at least one during every watch at sea
and whenever ships course is altered
Magnetic Compass
What do the magnetic and gyro
compasses look like ??

Compass Binnacle

View compass from the steering position


Soft iron
Compass binnacle
Pelorus or
Azimuth Ring
Compass on monkey island // 2 black
spheres are soft iron spheres
Compass binnacle showing ( green and red
soft iron spheres )
Soft iron spheres

Compass binnacle
of a compass


Wet Card Compass

Distance between Magnetic and
geographic north pole is about 500
miles or 800 km
Magnetic needle points in the
direction of magnetic north ,and all
maps and charts are designed with
reference or geographical north

Since we are always navigating with

reference to a chart we are required to
convert compass bearings or heading
to true bearings or headings
The red line in the picture to the left
points to magnetic north and the
yellow points to true north , the
difference between them is called
angle of declination or variation

Also note in some places it points to

the west of true north and some
places to the east of true north

This is known as east or west

If the line pointing to the magnetic
meridian and true north is the same
then there is no declination ( or
variation )

Else there is east or west variation


East declination

West declination If the line pointing to the magnetic

meridian (red ) and true north( black)
is the same then there is no
declination ( or variation )

Else there is east or west variation

No declination Declination or variation is the

same thing

East declination

West declination


No declination
True North Magnetic
East Variation
Meridian West Variation

+ve added

No Variation

East declination

West declination

No declination

The difference between

deviation and variation

Deviation > the difference between compass

and magnetic north

Variation > the difference between magnetic

and true north
True North
Magnetic North

Variation > the difference between magnetic
north and true north
The angular difference
between True North and
Magnetic North varies
with your location and
because the Magnetic
Pole is slowly moving , it
also changes from year to
Applying Variation
Variation is found by referencing the compass rose closest to the ship’s

Lines of

Lines of

Lines of

Lines of

Lines of

Lines of

rose on a
chart shows

rose on a
chart shows

1>> the earth is a core of iron , which acts as a large magnet , with its poles aligned to
the earths axis

2>> NOT located at 090 North Latitude. Difference is VARIATION

3>>Magnetic Meridians - Skewed due to irregularities in the Earth’s core

Importance of earth magnetic field

a) Prevents Sun’s electromagnetic radiation

b) Prevents celestial bodies like meteors

c) Enables rotation and revolution of natural staellites like the moon

d) Maintains suitable environmental conditions on earth

1>>A ships compass must also deal with magnetic forces from the ship

2>> The sum total of these forces pulls the compass slightly away from
the magnetic North , producing deviation
3>>Each ship is made of iron and steel

4>> It has its own magnetic field that can effect changes in the magnetic
5>>Determined by angle in which ships keel is laid during construction

6>> Equipment like electronics can also cause deviation

7>>Expressed in degrees east or west

8>> Changes with ships heading

Magnetic North Deviation Magnetic North

Deviation West Deviation East

Is due to the effect of ship
magnetism on the compass

Deviation is always with reference to Magnetic North

Magnetic North Deviation Magnetic North

Deviation West Deviation East

Is due to the effect of ship
magnetism on the compass

Deviation is always with reference to Magnetic North





Ships Magnetic Lines
Topic 1.4

State that GYRO COMPASS is an electrically

powered direction finding device , used on board
ships and points to true north
Topic 1.4

State that the gyro compass takes some time to

settle down / stabilize , after being switched on
whenever there is a power shut down
Topic 1.4

State that it is a regulatory requirement that readings of gyro compass ,

magnetic compass and all gyro repeaters are compared and checked for
correctness at least during every watch at sea and whenever ships course is
Topic 1.6

State that “ Azimuth reading device “ commonly called

azimuth mirror , is used for taking the bearings of
terrestrial and celestial objects
Gyro Compass
Gyro Compass
The Gyroscope
Gyro – Principle

The gyrocompass applies the mutual effects of gravity, the earth's

rotation, and the characteristics of the "gyroscope". The gyroscope is a
device that rotates at a fixed point on the periphery of a substance that
has mass and occupies space. The image of a flywheel rotating at high
speed is often used to explain this principle.
1.Directional maintenance: The gyro continuously rotates maintaining a
fixed direction.
2.Precessional nature: Unlike normal objects, when force is applied to
the rotational axis of a gyroscope, a revolving axis is created at right
angles to the force. This revolving motion is called precession.
What is a GyroScope

Usually gyroscopes take the form of a disc shaped object but can be
any object that produces an effective gyroscopic behavior. Most of
the gyroscopes mass should be as far away from the center as
possible. This often results in a disc with a large heavy rim. When the
gyroscope isn't rotating it behaves like any other object, however
when the gyroscope is spun on its axis at high speed it resists
movements in certain directions.
Gyroscope Principles

Rigidity is the ability of a freely rotating mass to maintain its plane of spin
when any external force is applied to it.

First Law Of Gyroscopes: If a rotating wheel is so maintained as to be free

to move about any axis passing through its centre of mass, its spin axis will
remain fixed in space.

Second Law Of Gyroscopes: When a torque acts on a spinning mass with

an axis perpendicular to that of spin, then the latter will precess about an
axis perpendicular to both aforementioned axes, at an angular velocity, Ω,
= T/Iω.
Gyro – Principle

A gyroscope is a device for measuring and

maintaining orientation , based on the principle
of the conservation of angular momentum
Gyro - principle

A gyroscope is a device used for measuring or

maintaining orientation and angular velocity. It is a
spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation
(spin axis) is free to assume any orientation by itself.
Gyro - principle

When rotating, the orientation of this axis is unaffected

by tilting or rotation of the mounting, according to the
conservation of angular momentum.
Gyro - principle

Once you spin a gyroscope, its axle wants to keep

pointing in the same direction. If you mount the
gyroscope in a set of gimbals so that it can continue
pointing in the same direction, it will. This is the basis of
the gyro-compass.
Gyro - principle

Gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaining orientation,

based on the principle of preserving angular momentum.

A typical type of Gyroscope is made by suspending a relatively

massive rotor/disc inside three rings called gimbals.
Gyro – Principle
The primary instrument for locating directions is the gyrocompass.
The gyrocompass can be widely used in all types of vessels, from
small boats to large ships.
The main features of the gyrocompass are:

1>> It correctly indicates the direction.

2>>It can serially output directional signals to other equipment.
3>>It can be placed anywhere.
4>>It is not affected by the ship's magnetic compass or other
Gyro - principle

A gyroscope
consists of a
spinning disk
about an axis
that is free to
assume any
orientation. Rotor
Gyro - principle
Gyro Precession
Gyro – Precession

PRECESSION, The characteristic of a gyro that

causes the rotor to be displaced in a direction 90
degrees from that of the applied force is called
Gyro - precession

Torque-induced precession (gyroscopic precession) is the

phenomenon in which the axis of a spinning object (e.g., a
gyroscope) describes a cone in space when an external
torque is applied to it. ... These two opposite forces produce
a torque which causes the top to precess.
Gyro - precession

To understand the phenomenon of precession refer the diagram

below. Once a force is applied at one point on the flywheel
(gyroscope), the effect of the force will be at a point 90 degrees
away from its actual line of action along the fly wheel in the
direction of rotation.
Gyro – Precession


The most unique characteristic of a gyroscope is precession, which gives the

device its apparent ability to defy gravity. The motion that counteracts any
force that tries to realign the spin axis is directed so that the gyro remains
upright. Instead of falling over from the force of gravity, it rights itself by
moving sideways.
Gyro - Inertia
Newtons First Law of Motion
Gyro – Inertia

How Gyroscopes Work

A gyroscope in operation with freedom in all three axes. The rotor

will maintain its spin axis direction regardless of the orientation of
the outer frame.


The primary quality of a gyroscope is that it is stable. Once a gryo is spun, it

tends to remain in the same orientation and any force applied to reorient the
spin axis is met with a resistive force. This is known as conservation of
angular momentum. Just as a speeding car tends to continue on its path
unless an overwhelming force changes its momentum, a spinning top tries to
keep spinning with its axis oriented in the same direction.
Gyro – Inertia


Gyroscopes are included in devices known as gyrocompasses. Rather than

measuring changes in direction against the Earth's magnetic field as a normal
compass does, these devices measure the relative change in direction against a
fixed plane defined by a gyroscope. Gyrocompasses are used to measure
relative changes in direction in boats and planes. They have the advantages of
being unaffected by external magnetic fields and being able to find true north
rather than magnetic north.
Gyro- inertia

Gyroscopic Inertia, or rigidity in space as it is sometimes

known, is the tendency of any rotating body to preserve its
plane of rotation. For example, a hoop, when set in motion,
will keep on rolling approximately in a straight line if
undisturbed, instead of tipping over as it would if not
Gyro – Principle

The directional maintenance exhibited by the gyroscope is in relation to the space

of the universe, and to use it as a compass on earth it must have a "north indication
effect". In other words, to make the gyro perpetually indicate north from anywhere
on earth, one need only rotate the gyro in the same direction as the earth's rotation
at a rate equal to the earth's rate of rotation (angular velocity) at that point.
Gyro – Stability
Gyro – Principle
Gyro layout on bridge

Transmission to different bridge eqpt

Gyro power up

Transmission to different bridge eqpt

Gyro Startup
Start and stop Gyro


Follow maker’s instructions.

Follow ISM checklist (Check ship head, liquid level,
sphere position).
Switch on pulse generator.
Switch on main gyro power.
Unlock horizontal gimbals system.
Switch on all repeaters
Rules for magnetic and gyro

Standard Compass ( magnetic compass )

1>> Error shall be checked at least once a watch where practicable.

2>> Gimbals shall be kept clean and greased for free movement.

3>>Liquid inside to be checked for any air bubbles.

4>>Replenish liquid to remove air bubbles.

Rules for magnetic and gyro
Standard Compass ( magnetic compass )

5>>Standard compass shall be swung by the Master and a deviation curve

made once in every twelve months.

6>>Standard compass shall be adjusted by a qualified adjuster every two years

or if the deviation is established to be more than 5 degrees.

7>>Deviation curve shall be exhibited in the wheelhouse showing residual

deviation of the compass.

8>>Compass error book shall be maintained.

Rules for magnetic and gyro
Gyro Compass

1>>Gyro compass error shall be checked and recorded in

each watch as far as practicable.

2>>The headings of standard compass and gyro compass

shall be compared every watch.

3>>The equipment shall be maintained/serviced as per

manufacturer’s instructions contained in the manual.
Gyro synchronization with repeaters

1> Go to the Master gyro control panel and see the gyro compass
2> go to the repeater and switch off the power
3> using the heading adjustment knob at the side of the repeater ,
adjust by moving clockwise or anticlockwise the knob and align
the compass heading on the repeater same as the master gyro
4> once it has been aligned put on the power switch again
Gyro Compass

The gyrocompass receives its directional information from a rapidly
spinning gyroscope driven by electric motors. Its directive action is
based on the mechanical laws governing the dynamics of rotating
bodies. When any object is spinning it tends to keep its axis pointed in
the same direction, and if a force is applied to deflect its orientation it
responds by moving at right angles to the applied force.
Gyro Compass

The gyrocompass consists of a gimbal-mounted spinning gyroscope
made north-seeking by placing a weight below the axis. As the Earth
rotates gravitational pull on the weight attempts to change the
gyroscope's axis of rotation. The resulting motion of the axis of the
gyroscope at right-angles to the applied force causes it to move so as
to align itself with the Earth's axis of rotation.
Gyro Compass

A few hours of operation is usually sufficient to align the gyrocompass with the
Earth's axis. Errors that would be introduced by changing latitudes as when the
submarine is steaming towards the north or south are eliminated through
periodic adjustments to compensating systems within the gyrocompass by the
Gyro Compass

An electrical servo mechanism and dial mechanically connected to the
gyrocompass has the points of the mariner's compass marked on it and indicates
the ships true course. Repeaters connected to the servo mechanism are located
throughout the submarine to provide true course information where needed.
Gyro Compass
000 T Relative Bearings

270 T 090 T
270 R
180 T

000 R
180 R

090 R
Gyrocompass Error

· To remember how to use the gyro error,

two memory aids are commonly used:

If Gyro is best (higher), error is west;

If Gyro is least (lower), error is east.

G.E.T. -- Gyro + East = True

Applying Gyro Error
Correcting (Gyro Compass to True)
+E / -W
#1 015 1.0E 016
#2 335 1.0E 336
#3 265 1.0E 266

Gyro Compass best = Error West

Gyro Compass least = Error East

Gyro compass repeater on the
bridge wings
Applying Gyro Error
Correcting (Gyro Compass to True)
+E / -W
#4 015 1.5W 013.5
#5 335 1.5W 333.5
#6 265 1.5W 263.5

Gyro Compass best = Error West

Gyro Compass least = Error East

Applying Gyro Error
Correcting (Gyro Compass to True)
+E / -W

#7 029 1.0W 028
#8 254 2.0 W 252
#9 175 1.0 E 176

Gyro Compass best = Error West

Gyro Compass least = Error East

Applying Gyro Error

On board - gyro error is

customarily referred to as

High and Low

617. Principles of the Gyroscope

A gyroscope consists of a spinning wheel or rotor contained

within gimbals which permit movement about three mutually
perpendicular axes, known as the horizontal axis, the vertical
axis, and the spin axis. When spun rapidly, assuming that
friction is not considered, the gyroscope develops gyroscopic
inertia, tending to remain spinning in the same plane
indefinitely. The amount of gyroscopic inertia depends on the
angular velocity, mass, and radius of the wheel or rotor.
617. Principles of the Gyroscope

When a force is applied to change alignment of the spin axis

of a gyroscope, the resultant motion is perpendicular to the
direction of the force. This tendency is known as precession. A
force applied to the center of gravity of the gyroscope will
move the entire system in the direction of the force. Only a
force that tends to change the axis of rotation produces
If a gyroscope is placed at the equator with its spin
axis pointing east-west, as the earth turns on its axis,
gyroscopic inertia will tend to keep the plane of
rotation constant. To the observer, it is the gyroscope
which is seen to rotate, not the earth. This effect is
called the horizontal earth rate, and is maximum at the
equator and zero at the poles. At points between, it is
equal to the cosine of the latitude.
If the gyro is placed at a geographic pole with its spin axis
horizontal, it will appear to rotate about its vertical axis. This
is the vertical earth rate. At all points between the equator
and the poles, the gyro appears to turn partly about its
horizontal and partly about its vertical axis, being affected by
both horizontal and vertical earth rates. In order to visualize
these effects, remember that the gyro, at whatever latitude it
is placed, is remaining aligned in space while the earth
moves beneath it.
618. Gyrocompass Operation

The gyrocompass depends upon four natural phenomena:

gyroscopic inertia, precession, earth’s rotation, and gravity.
To make a gyroscope into a gyrocompass, the wheel or rotor
is mounted in a sphere, called the gyrosphere, and the sphere
is then supported in a vertical ring. The whole is mounted on
a base called the phantom. The gyroscope in a gyrocompass
can be pendulous or non-pendulous, according to design. The
rotor may weigh as little as half a kilogram to over 25 kg.
618. Gyrocompass Operation

The gyrocompass depends upon four natural phenomena:

1 gyroscopic inertia,

2 precession,

3 earth’s rotation,

4 and gravity.
618. Gyrocompass Operation

To make it seek and maintain true north, three things are necessary. First, the
gyro must be made to stay on the plane of the meridian.
Second, it must be made to remain horizontal.
Third, it must stay in this position once it reaches it regardless of what the
vessel on which it is mounted does or where it goes on the earth. To make it
seek the meridian, a weight is added to the bottom of the vertical ring, causing
it to swing on its vertical axis, and thus seek to align itself horizontally. It will
tend to oscillate, so a second weight is added to the side of the sphere in which
the rotor is contained, which dampens the oscillations until the gyro stays on
the meridian. With these two weights, the only possible position of equilibrium
is on the meridian with its spin axis horizontal.
To make the gyro seek north, a system of reservoirs filled with
mercury, known as mercury ballistics, is used to apply a force
against the spin axis. The ballistics, usually four in number, are
placed so that their centers of gravity exactly coincide with the CG
of the gyroscope. Precession then causes the spin axis to trace an
ellipse, one ellipse taking about 84 minutes to complete. (This is the
period of oscillation of a pendulum with an arm equal to the radius
of the earth.) To dampen this oscillation, the force is applied, not in
the vertical plane, but slightly to the east of the vertical plane. This
causes the spin axis to trace a spiral instead of an ellipse and
eventually settle on the meridian pointing north.
619. Gyrocompass Errors
The total of the all the combined errors of the gyrocompass is
called gyro error and is expressed in degrees E or W, just like
variation and deviation. But gyro error, unlike magnetic compass
error, and being independent of Earth’s magnetic field, will be
constant in one direction; that is, an error of one degree east will
apply to all bearings all around the compass.
The errors to which a gyrocompass is subject are speed error,
latitude error, ballistic deflection error, ballistic damping error,
quadrantal error, and gimballing error. Additional errors may be
introduced by a malfunction or incorrect alignment with the
centerline of the vessel.
Speed error is caused by the fact that a gyrocompass only moves directly east
or west when it is stationary (on the rotating earth) or placed on a vessel moving
exactly east or west. Any movement to the north or south will cause the
compass to trace a path which is actually a function of the speed of advance and
the amount of northerly or southerly heading. This causes the compass to tend
to settle a bit off true north. This error is westerly if the vessel’s course is
northerly, and easterly if the course is southerly. Its magnitude depends on the
vessel’s speed, course, and latitude. This error can be corrected internally by
means of a cosine cam mounted on the underside of the azimuth gear, which
removes most of the error. Any remaining error is minor in amount and can be
Tangent latitude error is a property only of gyros with mercury
ballistics, and is easterly in north latitudes and westerly in south
latitudes. This error is also corrected internally, by offsetting the
lubber’s line or with a small movable weight attached to the casing.
Ballistic deflection error occurs when there is a marked change in
the north-south component of the speed. East-west accelerations have
no effect. A change of course or speed also results in speed error in
the opposite direction, and the two tend to cancel each other if the
compass is properly designed. This aspect of design involves slightly
offsetting the ballistics according to the operating latitude, upon
which the correction is dependent. As latitude changes, the error
becomes apparent, but can be minimized by adjusting the offset.
Ballistic damping error is a temporary oscillation introduced by
changes in course or speed. During a change in course or speed, the
mercury in the ballistic is subjected to centrifugal and
acceleration/deceleration forces. This causes a torquing of the spin
axis and subsequent error in the compass reading. Slow changes do
not introduce enough error to be a problem, but rapid changes will.
This error is counteracted by changing the position of the ballistics so
that the true vertical axis is centered, thus not subject to error, but
only when certain rates of turn or acceleration are exceeded.
Quadrantal error has two causes. The first occurs if the center of gravity of the gyro is not
exactly centered in the phantom. This causes the gyro to tend to swing along its heavy axis as
the vessel rolls in the sea. It is minimized by adding weight so that the mass is the same in all
directions from the center. Without a long axis of weight, there is no tendency to swing in one
particular direction. The second source of quadrantal error is more difficult to eliminate. As a
vessel rolls in the sea, the apparent vertical axis is displaced, first to one side and then the
other. The vertical axis of the gyro tends to align itself with the apparent vertical. On
northerly or southerly courses, and on easterly or westerly courses, the compass precesses
equally to both sides and the resulting error is zero. On intercardinal courses, the N-S and E-
W precessions are additive, and a persistent error is introduced, which changes direction in
different quadrants. This error is corrected by use of a second gyroscope called a floating
ballistic, which stabilizes the mercury ballistic as the vessel rolls, eliminating the error.
Another method is to use two gyros for the directive element, which tend to precess in
opposite directions, neutralizing the error.
Gimballing error is caused by taking readings from the
compass card when it is tilted from the horizontal plane. It
applies to the compass itself and to all repeaters. To minimize
this error, the outer ring of the gimbal of each repeater should
be installed in alignment with the fore-and-aft line of the
vessel. Of course, the lubber’s line must be exactly centered as
620. Using the Gyrocompass
Since a gyrocompass is not influenced by magnetism, it is not subject to variation or deviation.
Any error is constant and equal around the horizon, and can often be reduced to less than one
degree, thus effectively eliminating it altogether. Unlike a magnetic compass, it can output a
signal to repeaters spaced around the vessel at critical positions.
But it also requires a constant source of stable electrical power, and if power is lost, it requires
several hours to settle on the meridian again before it can be used. This period can be reduced
by aligning the compass with the meridian before turning on the power.
The directive force of a gyrocompass depends on the amount of precession to which it is
subject, which in turn is dependent on latitude. Thus the directive force is maximum at the
equator and decreases to zero at the poles. Vessels operating in high latitudes must construct
error curves based on latitudes because the errors at high latitudes eventually overcome the
ability of the compass to correct them.
The gyrocompass is typically located below decks as close as possible to the
center of roll, pitch and yaw of the ship, thus minimizing errors caused by the
ship’s motion. Repeaters are located at convenient places throughout the ship,
such as at the helm for steering, on the bridge wings for taking bearings, in after
steering for emergency steering, and other places. The output can also be used to
drive course recorders, autopilot systems, plotters, fire control systems, and
stabilized radars. The repeaters should be checked regularly against the master to
ensure they are all in alignment. The repeaters on the bridge wing used for taking
bearings will likely be equipped with removable bearing circles, azimuth circles,
and telescopic alidades, which allow one to sight a distant object and see its exact
gyrocompass bearing.
Gyro Advantage:
• It always shows true north.
• The gyro will have a number of repeaters.
• Gyro input can be fed to RADAR/ARPA/AUTO
PILOT/ Echo Sounder.
• Does not use earth’s magnetic field for
• It will not deflected by any external force
such as magnet, iron etc.
Gyro disadvantage:
• It is run with electrically, so when electricity fails gyro
also fails.
• If the axle was out by more than 20 degree, then It
might take 5 to 6 hrs to settle down but if its only 1
degree out, then it takes about 1/2 hr to settle down.
• When gyro compass stops for any reason , it will take
some time to settle. depends on where the axle was
when gyro was started.
Gyrocompass has the following advantages over the magnetic compass.
 It seeks the true north instead of the magnetic north.
 It can be used near the earth’s magnetic poles, where the magnetic
compass is useless.
 It is not being influenced by surrounding magnetic or electric materials
which might influence the readings of the magnetic compass.
Its information can be fed electronically into automatic steering unit or
 It also indicates the ship’s rolling and pitching data needed for instruments
used for celestial navigation.
 Corrections like variation and deviation need not be applied in the readings
of gyrocompass and the readings are very accurate.

 It requires a constant source of electrical power. In case of any interruption

in its operation for any length of time, nearly four hours may be required for
it to settle back into reliable operation.
 It requires intelligent care, attention and maintenance
 The accuracy decrease when latitudes above 75o .
The following characteristics of the magnetic compass limit its direction-finding ability:

a) Sensitive to any magnetic disturbance.

b) Useless at the magnetic poles and is sluggish and unreliable in areas near the poles.

c) Deviation (explained later) changes as a ship’s magnetic properties change. The

magnetic properties also change with changes in the ship’s structure or magnetic

d) Deviation changes with heading. The ship as well as the earth may be considered as
a magnet. The effect of the ship’s magnetism upon the compass changes with the

e) Does not point to true north.

Care and maintenance:

a) The doors giving access to the connector magnets should always be kept locked and the
key kept in safe custody.

b) The wooden part of the binnacle should be varnished not pointed, as paint may cause
the doors to jam.

c) The safe iron spheres and their brackets should be painted. This prevents rust.

d) The brass part of the binnacle should be polished regularly.

e) All magnetic materials such as aerials, stays electrical machinery, electric wires etc
should be kept well away from the compass.

f) The binnacle light should be switched off during day time.


There are three celestial methods used for finding gyrocompass error.
They are:
Azimuth of the Sun
Azimuth of Polaris
Amplitude of the Sun

In each case, you are required to gather data for use in computation.
This data may be in the form of sights from the sextant, time in
GMT,DR Lat. and Long., and so forth.
For each celestial method, we will begin with gathering the necessary
data and then working the solutions.

There are three terrestrial methods used for finding gyrocompass

They are:

1) At berth
2) Transit bearings
3) Leading lights
Navigation Transit Bearing

When two objects are in line, they are known to be in

transit. If seeing two objects in transit, the boat is
someplace on the extension of the imaginary line or transit
bearing that joins them. When the objects are identified on
the chart, there is very useful single line of position.
The fig shows that gyro drift will be maximum at
the equator and zero at the poles
While gyro tilt is reciprocal of this.

At any intermediate latitude the gyro will suffer

from both drift and tilt With the magnitude of the
error being sine and cosine of the latitude
When the gyro is placed exactly with its spin axis parallel, to the spin axis of the earth , at
any latitude ,the mechanism will maintain its , direction relative to the earth ,there will be no
tilt or azimuth movement and the gyro will be considered to be meridian stabilized .

As the earth rotates , the gyro will experience a movement , under the influence of both tilt
and azimuth motion.

The rate of tilt motion is given as

Tilt – 15 deg cos latitude

The rate of drift motion is given as

Drift = 15 deg sin latitude

15 deg is the hourly rate of the earths rotation

Gyro Compass


Gyro and Magnetic Compass

Compasses – Magnetic and Gyro
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in

charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Navigation at the Operational Level
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

1. Plan and conduct a passage and determine position
2. Determine and allow for compass errors
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1
Learning Outcome:

The cadets must

1. Have a thorough knowledge of the principles of magnetic and
2. Be able to determine errors of the magnetic and gyro-compasses,
using celestial and terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors
3. Have an understanding of systems under the control of the master
gyro and have a knowledge of the operation and care of the main
types of gyro-compass
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Magnetic and Gyro Compass – Topics

1. The Magnetism of the Earth and the Ship's Deviation
2. The Magnetic Compass
3. The Gyro-Compass
4. Compass Course and Bearing Corrections
5. Errors of the Compass and Azimuths
6. Fluxgate Compass
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Magnetic and Gyro Compass – Topics

7. The parts of the magnetic compass and their function
8. The errors of the magnetic compass and their correction
9. The Principles of Gyro-Compass
10.Gyro-Compass Errors and Corrections
11.Systems under the control of the master gyro and the operation and
care of the main types of gyro-compasses in use at Sea
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 1
The Magnetism of the Earth and the Ship's
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Earth

•Consider the Earth as a huge
magnet surrounded by lines of
magnetic flux connecting its two
magnetic poles.
•These magnetic poles are near, but
not coincidental with the Earth’s
geographical poles.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Earth

•Since the north seeking end of a
compass needle is conventionally
called the North Pole or positive
pole, it must therefore be attracted
to a South pole or negative pole.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Earth

• Angle of dip – the flux lines enter
the surface of the Earth at different
angles to the horizontal at different
magnetic latitudes, this angle is
called angle of magnetic dip.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Earth

•Since the magnetic poles and
geographical piles are not in line, a
compass needle in line with the
Earth’s magnetic field will not
indicate True North but Magnetic
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Earth

•The angular difference between
the True North and the Magnetic
meridian is called variation.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Ship

•The ship under construction or
repair will acquire permanent
magnetism due to hammering and
vibration while sitting stationary in
the Earth’s magnetic field.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Ship

•After launching, the ship will lose
some of this original magnetism as
a result of vibration and pounding
in varying magnetic fields.
•The magnetism which remains is
the permanent magnetism.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Ship

•A ship also acquires induced
magnetism when placed in the
Earth’s magnetic field.
•This induced magnetism may add
or subtract to the permanent
magnetism of the ship.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Ship

• The magnetism of the various
structures of a ship, which tends to
change as a result of cruising,
vibration, or aging, but does not
alter immediately is called
subpermanent magnetism.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Ship

• The magnetic compass must be
corrected for the vessel’s
permanent and induced magnetism
so that its operation approximates
that of a completely nonmagnetic
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetism of the Ship

• Ship’s magnetic conditions create
magnetic compass deviation and
sectors of sluggishness and
• Deviation is defined as deflection
right or left of the magnetic meridian
caused by magnetic properties of the
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

1. Ferromagnetic materials - is one that has magnetic properties
similar to those of iron. In other words, you can make a
magnet out of it.
2. Magnetic domain - is a region within a magnetic material in
which the magnetization is in a uniform direction. This means
that the individual magnetic moments of the atoms are
aligned with one another and they point in the same
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

3. Hard Iron - in hard iron, the domains will not shift back to
their starting points when the field is taken away. Is used in
permanent magnets. 
4. Soft Iron  - in soft iron, the domains return to being randomly
aligned when the field is removed.
5. Intensity of magnetization - represents the extent to which
the material is magnetized, defined as the magnetic moment
per unit volume of the magnetized material.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

6. Permeability - is the measure of the ability of a material to
support the formation of a magnetic field within itself
7. Magnetic susceptibility - is a dimensionless proportionality
constant that indicates the degree of magnetization of a
material in response to an applied magnetic field.
8. Magnetic North - the direction in which the north end of a
compass needle or other freely suspended magnet will point
in response to the earth's magnetic field
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

9. Magnetic poles - a point where the magnetic field is
vertical. This can be determined by measuring the
inclination. The inclination of the Earth's field is 90°
(upwards) at the North Magnetic Pole and -
90°(downwards) at the South Magnetic Pole.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

10. Secular Variation - Changes in Earth's magnetic field on a
time scale of a year or more
11. Diurnal Change in variation- daily changes which are
caused by the movement of the magnetic poles in an orbit
having a diameter of about 50 miles.
12. Annual Change in variation - the yearly permanent
changes in the earth's magnetic field.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

More on the Earth’s Magnetism

•At any location, the Earth's magnetic
field can be represented by a three-
dimensional vector
• A typical procedure for measuring its
direction is to use a compass to
determine the direction of magnetic
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

More on the Earth’s Magnetism

D - Its angle relative to true North
is the declination or variation.
I - Facing magnetic North, the
angle the field makes with the
horizontal is the inclination
or magnetic dip.
F - The intensity of the field is
proportional to the force it
exerts on a magnet.
Another common representation is
in X (North), Y (East) and Z(Down) coordinates.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 2
The Magnetic Compass
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The Magnetic Compass

•It is the oldest instrument for
navigation and has been a vital tool
for navigators at sea for centuries.
•The compass allows ships to steer a
selected course.
•By taking bearings of visible objects
with a compass, the navigator is also
able to fix a ship's position on a chart.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

How does a magnetic compass work?

•The magnetic compass consists of a
magnetized needle allowed to rotate in
a horizontal plane.
•The magnetic field of the Earth causes
a magnetized needle of iron or steel to
swing into a north-south position.
•It gets its source of power from the
earth's magnetic field
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

How does a magnetic compass work?

The magnetic compass will remain
operative even when a ship is
subjected to the following:
•Electrical power failure
•Other hazards
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Types of Magnetic Compass

There are two (2) basic types:

(a) The dry card Compass

(b) The wet card Compass

COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

The dry card Compass

•The dry card compass is too sensitive for steering purposes
especially in bad weather
•Even small disturbances causes the dry card to oscillate.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Wet Card Compass (Marine Compass)

•Marine compasses are usually
liquid-filled. The liquid has a
damping (reducing) effect on
disturbances caused by the motion
of the vessel in rough seas.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Wet Card Compass (Marine Compass)

•The compass card is mounted
above the magnetic needle
•It is finely balanced on a needle
point, floating and able to swing
around to align with magnetic
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Wet Card Compass (Marine Compass)

•The reading is taken from the
fixed lubber line on the body of the
•The lubber line is pointed in the
direction of the head of the vessel
for steering on a given bearing. An
example of a marine compass is
shown in cross-section below.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Wet Card Compass (Marine Compass)

•Gimbals are usually used to mount
marine compasses. These keep the
compass bowl horizontal, even in
heavy rolling and pitching, at sea.

Don't forget that any magnetic compass will

point to magnetic north and readings taken
will require adjustment for declination
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Magnets (A) - These are four (two in older compasses) cylindrical bundles of
magnetic steel wire or bar magnets which are attached to the compass card
to supply directive force. Some newer compasses have a circular magnet
made of a metallic alloy.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Compass Card (B) - This is an aluminum disc or sometimes rice paper,
graduated in degrees from 0° to 360° . It also shows cardinal and intercardinal
points. North is usually indicated by the fleur de lis figure in addition to the
cardinal point. Being attached to the magnets, the compass card provides a
means of reading direction.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Compass Bowl (C) - This is a bowl-shaped container of nonmagnetic material
(brass) which serves to contain the magnetic elements, a reference mark, and
the fluid. Part of the bottom may be transparent (glass) to permit light to
shine upward against the compass card.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Fluid (D) - This is liquid surrounding the magnetic element. According to
Archimedes principle of buoyancy, a reduction of weight results in a reduction
of friction, making possible closer alignment of the compass needle with the
magnetic meridian. Any friction present will tend to prevent complete
alignment with the magnetic meridian.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Fluid (D) – Commonly, the bowl is filled with a mixture of distilled water
(55%) and pure ethyl alcohol (45%) thereby making the mixture to have the
following properties
•Low freezing point about -30˚C
•Small coefficient of expansion
•Does not discolor the card
•Low relative density about 0.93
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Float (E) - This is an aluminum, air-filled chamber in the center of the
compass card. This further reduces weight and friction at the pivot point.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Expansion Bellows (F) - This is an arrangement in the bottom of the compass
bowl. This operates to keep the compass bowl completely filled with liquid,
allowing for temperature changes. A filling screw facilitates addition of liquid,
which may become necessary notwithstanding the expansion bellows.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Lubber Line - This is a reference mark on the inside of the compass bowl. It is
aligned with the ship's fore and aft axis or keel line of the ship. The lubber line
is a reference for the reading of direction from the compass card. The reading
of the compass card on the lubber line at any time is the "ship's heading."
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Gimbals - This is a metal ring on two pivots in which the compass bowl is
placed. The compass is also on two pivots which permits it to tilt freely in any
direction and remain almost horizontal in spite of the ship's motion. The
compass rests on the binnacle.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Gimbals - An important concept is that regardless of the movement of the
ship, the compass card remains fixed (unless some magnetic material is
introduced to cause additional deviation from the magnetic meridian). The
ship, the compass bowl, and the lubber line move around the compass card.
To the observer witnessing this relative motion, it appears that the compass
card moves.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


•Sensitive to any magnetic disturbance.
•Useless at the magnetic poles and is sluggish and unreliable in areas near the
•Deviation changes as a ship's magnetic properties change. The magnetic
properties also change with changes in the ship's structure or magnetic cargo.
•Deviation changes with heading. The ship as well as the earth may be considered
as a magnet. The effect of the ship's magnetism upon the compass changes with
the heading.
•Does not point to true north.
Magnetic Compass
Draw a Magnetic compass
and name the parts and state
each functions
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


1. The doors giving access to the corrector magnets should always be kept
2. The wooden parts of the binnacle should be varnished and not painted, as
paint may cause the doors to jam.
3. The soft iron spheres and their brackets should be painted. This prevents
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


4. All magnetic materials like aerials, electrical wires and equipment etc.
should be well away from the compass.
5. The binnacle light should be switched off during daytime.
6. The helmet should always protect the azimuth mirror and the compass
card from sprays, direct sunlight, rain etc. except when bearings are being
actually taken.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Where to get the value of variation on the area?
1. Compass Rose on the navigational charts
2. Isogonic Lines on the navigational charts
3. Most GPS gives value of the variation on certain areas
5. Nautical Publications
6. Notice to Mariners
7. Etc…
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

• As previously explained, a ship’s magnetic influence will
generally cause the compass needle to deflect from the
magnetic meridian.
• This angle of deflection is called deviation.
• If the north end of the needle points east of the magnetic
meridian, the deviation is easterly; if it points west of the
magnetic meridian, the deviation is westerly.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Dev = 2 deg west
Var = 3 deg east

Compute the magnetic course and true course

C = 180
DEV = 2 w (-)
M = 178
VAR = 3 e (+)
TRUE = 181 true course
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

(+) EAST
(-) WEST
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

(+) EAST
(-) WEST
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Methods of determining Deviation:
• Compare with a magnetic compass of known deviation.
• Determine deviation of the magnetic compass by a range.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Recording Deviation:
• Deviation is not the same on every heading. Therefore, the
deviation that exists on the various headings must be recorded so
the correction for compass error will be known.
• A process called "swinging ship" is used to determine and record
the deviation your ship is headed through every 15° of the
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Recording Deviation:
• When the process of swing ship
is completed and the deviation
for the 24 headings recorded,
the deviations are transferred to
a deviation card. 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Recording Deviation:
• Before a final recording is
posted on the deviation card, a
simple graph or deviation curve
is made to plot the recorded
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Compass Error
• Defined as the angular difference between
the compass direction and the
corresponding true direction, may be easily
computed since it is the algebraic sum of
variation and deviation.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Compass Error
• Compass error must be
applied to the compass
direction to get true direction
and must be applied to true
direction, with a reversal of
the sign, to arrive at
compass direction.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
How to get bearings of terrestrial and celestial objects
• Azimuth Circle - a device for
measuring azimuths, consisting of a
graduated ring equipped with a
sighting vane on each side, which fits
concentrically over a compass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
How to get bearings of terrestrial and celestial objects

Pelorus – a device for measuring in

degrees the relative bearings
of observed objects.
Also called dumb compass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
How to get bearings of terrestrial and celestial objects
Telescopic Alidade – This is similar
to a bearing circle, only it has a
telescope attached to the metal
ring instead of the forward and
after sight vanes.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
How to get bearings of terrestrial and celestial objects
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Topic No. 3
The Gyro Compass
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
The Gyro-Compass
• A gyrocompass is a type of
non-magnetic compass which
is based on a fast-spinning
disc and rotation of
the Earth (or another
planetary body if used
elsewhere in the universe) to
automatically find
geographical direction.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
The Gyro-Compass
• Gyrocompasses are widely used
for navigation on ships, because they
have two significant advantages
over magnetic compasses
• they find true north 
• they are unaffected by
ferromagnetic material
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
How a Gyro-Compass works
• A spinning gyroscope, if
supported in a gimbaled
frame and spun up, will
maintain the direction it is
pointing toward even if the
frame moves or rotates.
• In a gyrocompass, this
tendency is used to emulate a
magnetic compass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
How a Gyro-Compass works
• At the start of the trip, the axis of the gyrocompass is
pointed toward north using a magnetic compass as a
• A motor inside the gyrocompass keeps the gyroscope
spinning, so the gyrocompass will continue pointing
toward north and will adjust itself swiftly and accurately
even if the boat is in rough seas or the plane hits
Periodically, the gyrocompass is checked against the
magnetic compass to correct any error it might pick up.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Principles of the Gyroscope
• Consists of a spinning wheel or rotor
within gimbals which permit movement
about three mutually perpendicular axis,
known as the…
• Horizontal Axis
• Vertical Axis
• Spin Axis
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Principles of the Gyroscope
• When spun rapidly, the gyroscope
develops gyroscopic inertia tending
to remain spinning in the same plane
• When a force is applied to change the
alignment of the spin axis of a
gyroscope, the resultant motion is
perpendicular to the direction of the
force. This known as precession.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Principles of the Gyroscope

Drifting - The motion

of the spin axis in the
horizontal plane is
known as drift or the
movement of spin axis
in the direction
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Principles of the Gyroscope
Tilting - The motion of
spin axis in the vertical
plane is known as tilt the
angle of elevation or
depression of the spin
axis above or below the
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Principles of the Gyroscope
• If a gyroscope is placed at the equator with its spin axis
pointing E-W, as the earth turns on its axis, gyroscopic
inertia will tend to keep the plane of rotation constant.
• To the observer, it is the gyroscope which is seen to
rotate, not the earth.
• This effect is called the horizontal earth rate, and is
maximum at the equator and zero at the poles.
• At points between, it is equal to the cosine of the
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Principles of the Gyroscope
• If a gyroscope is placed at the a geographic pole with its spin
axis horizontal, it will appear to rotate about its vertical axis.
This is the vertical earth rate.
• At all points between the equator and the poles, the gyro
appears to turn partly about its horizontal and partly about its
vertical axis, being affected by both horizontal and vertical
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
Principles of the Gyroscope
• In order to visualize
these effects,
remember that the
gyro, at whatever
latitude it is placed, is
remaining aligned in
space while the earth
moves beneath it.
Construction of the Gyrocompass
Master Compass
Repeater Compass
Course Recorder Control Panel
Voltage Regulator
Alarm unit
Amplifier Panel
Motor Generator
Gyrocompass Operation
• The gyrocompass depends upon four natural
• Gyroscopic inertia
• Precession
• Earth’s rotation
• Gravity
Gyrocompass Operation
• To make a gyroscope into a gyrocompass,
the wheel or rotor is mounted in sphere,
called the gyrosphere and the sphere is
then supported in a vertical ring.
• The whole is mounted on a base called
• The gyrocompass can be pendulous or
non-pendulous, according to design.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyrocompass Operation
To make it seek and maintain true north, three things are necessary:
• Gyro must be made to stay on the plane of the meridian
• It must be made to remain horizontal
• It must stay in this position regardless of what the vessel does
or where it goes on the earth
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyrocompass Operation
To make it seek the meridian:
• A weight is added to the bottom of the vertical ring, causing it to
swing on its vertical axis, this seek to align itself horizontally.
• It will tend to oscillate, so a second weight is added to the side of
the sphere in which the rotor is contained, which dampens the
oscillations until the gyro stays on the meridian.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyrocompass Operation
To make the gyro seek north:
• A system of reservoirs filled with mercury, known as mercury ballistics, is used to
apply force against the spin axis.
• Precession then causes the spine axis to trace an ellipse, one ellipse taking about
84 minutes to complete.
• To dampen this oscillation, the force is applied slightly to the east of the vertical
• This causes the spin axis to trace a spiral instead of an ellipse and eventually
settle on the meridian pointing north.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyrocompass Repeaters
•Gyro repeaters mounted on the bridge
wings are located in stands somewhat similar
to the binnacle.
•These instruments display directional
information on the basis of electrical signals
received from the ship's master gyrocompass
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyrocompass Errors
• Total of the all the combined errors of the gyrocompass
• It is expressed in degrees E or W
• Independent of Earth’s magnetic field, will be constant in one
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyrocompass Errors
Identify the causes of the following:
• Speed Error
• Latitude Error
• Ballistic Deflection Error
• Ballistic Damping Error
• Quadrantal Error
• Gimballing Error
• Additional errors may be introduced by a malfunctioning or incorrect alignment
with the centerline of the vessel
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyrocompass Errors
Modern ships use a GPS system or other navigational aids feed
data to the Gyrocompass for correcting the error
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Using the Gyrocompass

• Used in most ships in order to detect true north, steer, and find
positions and record courses
• Not influenced by magnetism
• Any error is constant and equal around the horizon
• Can output a signal to repeaters spaced around the vessel
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Using the Gyrocompass

• Requires constant source of stable electrical power
• Typically located below decks as close as possible to the center
or roll, pitch and yaw of the ship
• Can be used with azimuth circles and telescopic alidades
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Use of Radar with Gyrocompass

SOLAS Regulation 19 - Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational
systems and equipment

2.5 All ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards shall, in addition to
meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.3 with the exception of
paragraphs 2.3.3 and 2.3.5, and the requirements of paragraph 2.4, have:
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Use of Radar with Gyrocompass

SOLAS Regulation 19 - Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational
systems and equipment

2.5.1 A gyro compass, or other means, to determine and display their

heading by shipborne non-magnetic means, being clearly readable by the
helmsman at the main steering position. These means shall also transmit
heading information for input to the equipment referred in
paragraphs 2.3.2, 2.4 and 2.5.5;
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Use of Radar with Gyrocompass

SOLAS Regulation 19 - Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational
systems and equipment

2.3.2 A 9 GHz radar, or other means to determine and display the range
and bearing of radar transponders and of other surface craft, obstructions,
buoys, shorelines and navigational marks to assist in navigation and in
collision avoidance;
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Research Project
Print out a sample of a Gyrocompass Operators Manual and:
1.Explain the necessary time for the compass to settle after switching on prior to sailing

2. List the settings to be made or adjusted while the compass is in use

3. Explain how the repeater system is switched on and aligned with the master gyro-compass

4. Describe the alarms fitted to a gyro-compass

COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 4
Compass Course and Bearing Corrections
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

Define the following:

1. True North
2. Magnetic North
3. Compass North
4. Course - True Course, Magnetic Course,
Compass Course
5. Heading – True Heading, Magnetic Heading
6. Bearing - True Bearing, Compass Bearing,
Relative Bearing,
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

• All information on a chart, including your own plotting, is related
to TRUE North.
• Thus all bearings on a chart are related to TRUE NORTH.
• Magnetic Compasses point to MAGNETIC NORTH, which varies
from True North by an error called VARIATION.
• Gyro Compasses sometimes also are subject to their own errors;
this is called DEVIATION.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

• Variation and deviation combined constitute "magnetic
compass error."
• The course on which you want the ship to make good is
the true course, selected from the compass between
two points on a chart.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

• Knowing the true course, it is necessary for you to find
the compass course that you must steer to make good
that true course.
• Compass course is found by applying the compass
error, in terms of variation and deviation, to the true
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

Correcting and Uncorrecting the compass

Rules to use:
1. Compass Least, Error East; Compass Best, Error West
2. Can Dead Man Vote Twice At Election
3. True Virgins Make Dull Company At Weddings
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

Some typical correction operation follows:

+ E or - W
120° 1°W 119° 6°E 122°
180° 6°E 186° 3°W 178°
240° 5°W 235° 7°W 228°
+ W or - E
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

Some typical correction operation follows:

True bearing               = 273° (T) Magnetic bearing         = 273° (M)

Var                             =    5° W__ Var                              =    7° W__
Magnetic bearing      = 278° (M) True bearing                 = 266° (T)

True bearing               = 008° (T) Compass bearing        = 177° (C)

Var                              =  13° E__ Deviation                     =    5° E___
Magnetic bearing       = 355° (M) Magnetic bearing        = 182°   (M)
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

How to find Compass error using
transit bearings?
• The bearing of Leading lights are
observed through the gyro repeater
and the true bearing of the line
joining them from charts is
compared and error is determined.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Course and Bearing Corrections

Plotting True bearings to get a Fix

What to use:
• Gyro Repeater
• Azimuth Circle
• Pencil and Eraser
• Parallel Ruler or Triangle
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 5
Errors of the Compass and Azimuths
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


The navigator must constantly be concerned about the
accuracy of the ship’s primary and backup compasses, and
should check them regularly.
A regularly annotated compass log book will allow the
navigator to notice developing error before it becomes a
serious problem.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Ways of checking compass error by:
1. Azimuth of the Sun
2. Azimuth of the Moon
3. Azimuth of the Stars
4. Azimuth of the Planets
5. Azimuth of the Polaris
6. Amplitudes (Rising and Setting of the Sun)
7. Transit Bearings or Range Bearings
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Exercise No.1 Obtaining the azimuth of the body from
tables, or by formula and calculation using GMT of
observation, information from the Nautical Almanac, LHA of
the body and the observer’s DR position
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


1. Identify the celestial body and a time GMT plus position Lat.
and Long. 
2. From the nautical almanac you can take the Greenwich Hour
Angle (GHA). If your celestial body is a star you will also need
to note down the Sidereal Hour Angle, (SHA). yes and almost
forgot the bodies declination. 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


3. With the GHA and SHA and your Long it is a simple matter to
work out your Local Hour Angle (LHA) 
GHA + SHA +/- Long = LHA If the LHA comes out at over 360
degrees, simply subtract 360. 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


4. Having your LHA , declination and Latitude go to your Nautical
tables and look in the ABC tables. 
Using the LHA, Dec and Lat in Tables A and B you will have two
numbers this you take into the C table and it gives you a third
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


This is basically your azimuth Lets say it is 059. If your dec is North
the the azimuth is N 059 degrees, east if the body is rising and
west if setting

.. So that would make it either 059 or 301 degrees. This is the true
bearing of the object.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


On March 17, 2001, at Lat' 33°15.0' N and Long' 045°00.0'W, at 02-00-00
GMT, Polaris bears 358.6° pgc. Find the Tabulated Azimuth of Polaris

Date: 17 March 2001 

Time (GMT): 02-00-00 
GHA Aries: 204° 43.0' 
Longitude: 045° 00.0'W 
LHA Aries: 159° 43.0' 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


1. Enter the azimuth section of the Polaris table with the calculated LHA
of Aries. (204° 43.0' minus 045° 00.0'W = 159° 43.0'). 
2. As it is above 159°, go to the column for LHA Aries between 160° and
169°. Follow that column down and extract the value for the given
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


3. Since the increment between tabulated values is so small, visual
interpolation is sufficient. In this case, the azimuth for Polaris for the
given LHA of Aries and the given latitude is 359.3°. 
4. Tabulated Azimuth: 359.2°T 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


BY SOLAR OBSERVATION - Hour angle method:

Where: LHA = local hour angle of sun

Dec = declination of sun
LAT = latitude of observe
AZ = Azimuth of sun
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


BY SOLAR OBSERVATION – Altitude method:

Where: AZ = Z (when sun is east of the local meridian)

AZ = 360 - Z (when sun is west of the local meridian)
DEC = declination of sun
LAT = latitude of observer
h = vertical angle to the sun corrected for parallax
and refraction
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


The equation given for hour angle method for the sun can be used, or the

Where: h = (true altitude of Polaris)

p = 90° - declination Z is west of north when 0o ≤ LHA ≤ 180°
Z is east of north when 180o ≤ LHA ≤ 360°
AZ = Z (when Z is east of north)
AZ = 360 - Z (when Z is west of north)
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Exercise No.2 Obtaining the error of the magnetic compass
or gyro compass by comparing the compass bearing of the
body with the true azimuth of the body obtained at the
time of observation
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


•Gyro Error and Compass Error are basically the same thing, but on different
types of compasses.

•Whenever going away from True, you add West Errors and subtract East
Errors.  Going toward True - add East & subtract West

•Memory Aid:
Can Dead Men Vote Twice at elections
True Virgins Make Dull Companions at weddings
GET Gyro + East = True
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Example 1
In DR latitude 33° 24.0'N, the azimuth of the sun is 096.5° pgc. After
tabulating the tabulated azimuth of the sun is 97.7°. What is the GE?

Zn 097.7°
Zn (pgc) 096.5°
Gyro Error 1.2°E
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Example 2
If the sun is observed rising at 068° T, while the calculated sunriseis 065° T,
the gyro error is 068° - 065° = 3°

To determine the direction of error, use the mnemonic “Gyro Best, Error

West, Gyro Least, Error East.”

In this case, the gyro is higher (“best ”) than the observation, so the error is
3° W.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Exercise No.3 Obtaining from tables or by calculation, using
the observer’s DR position and information from the
Nautical Almanac, the true bearing of a heavenly body on
rising or setting, i.e. solves an amplitude problem
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Determine Gyro Error by Amplitude of the Sun
Imagine watching the sunset from your favorite beachside
location. If the date happed to be approximately March or
September 22nd, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, then the
sun would be setting exactly west–270°T. At any other time of
year, it sets at a different bearing, and that difference from true
west (or east for sunrise) is called “amplitude.”
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


It is 20 May, you have taken an observation of the rising sun when its
lower limb is approximately 2/3 of a sun’s diameter above the visible
horizon (therefore the sun’s center is on the celestial horizon). The time
of observation is 1000 UTC. Your latitude is 36° N.

a)What is the amplitude of the sun for this date?

b)What true bearing should the sunrise be observed?
c)If you actually observe the sun rising at 068° T, what is the GE?
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


1. Determine the declination of the sun for the
time of observation using the Nautical Almanac.
The declination at 1000 UTC is N 20° 00’.

2. Determine the ship’s latitude at the

time ofobservation.
Latitude–36° N (given)
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


3. Enter Table 22 in Bowditch with declination and latitude to determine
the amplitude. Declination: 20° and Latitude: 36°
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


4. Answer required questions.

a) Amplitude = E 25° N, or 25° north of east.

b) Standard sunrise is 090° T. In the northern hemisphere in spring and
summer, the sun rises north of east. Therefore the calculated sunrise is
090° - 25° = 065° T
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


4. Answer required questions.

c) If the sun is observed rising at 068° T, while the calculated sunrise is 065°
T, the gyro error is 068° - 065° = 3°W
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Exercise No.4 Obtaining the magnetic variation for the
observer’s position, using isogonal lines or other
information on the chart
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Isogonic Lines - are lines on the
Earth's surface along which the
declination has the same
constant value, and lines along
which the declination is zero are
called agonic lines. 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Compass Rose - A circle graduated in
degrees, clockwise from 0° at the reference
direction to 360° and sometimes also in
compass points.
Compass roses are placed at convenient
locations on the Mercator chart to facilitate
measurement of direction.
The compass rose can be used by the
mariner to help lay out a course with a
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Exercise No.5 Applying variations to the error of the
magnetic compass to find the deviations for the direction of
the ship’s head
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Chart Aus 823 gives the following information on the compass
rose to the south of St Bees Island:
Mag Var 8°40’E (1979) Increasing about 2’ annually.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


In 2015 the variation will have increased by 2’ each year for 36
years, a total of 72’.  Adding this to 8°40’ we find that the
variation for 2015 is 9°52’E
Now we will consider Deviation.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Sample 1 Sample 3
CE = 3°W CE = 1°30’W
Var = 9°52’E__ Var = 5°06’W__
Dev = 12°52’W Dev = 3°36’E

Sample 2 Sample 4
CE = 4°E CE = 2°12’E
Var = 9°52’E__ Var = 5°06’W__
Dev = 5°52’W  Dev = 7°18’E
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Exercise No.6 Calculating compass error and gyro error,
from transit or charted range bearings and bearings to
distant fixed objects
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


When two well charted objects are in transit, a compass bearing is taken.
The true bearing is taken from the chart using parallel rulers.
Comparison of the compass bearing and the true bearing gives the
compass error.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


A transit bearing when two or more objects lie on the same line. 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


True Bearing                   115°   
Compass Bearing           120°
Compass Error                5°W
Variation                       7°W
Deviation                2°E
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


True Bearing                   050°   
Compass Bearing           033°
Compass Error                17°W
Variation                       11°W
Deviation                6°E
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

ERROR form
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 6
Fluxgate Compasses
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
• The basic fluxgate compass is a
simple electromagnetic device that
employs two or more small coils of
wire around a core of highly
permeable magnetic material, to
directly sense the direction of the
horizontal component of the
earth's magnetic field.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
• Fluxgate compasses and gyrocompasses complement one another
• The fluxgate provides a directional reference that's stable over the long
term, apart from changing magnetic disturbances, and the gyrocompass
is accurate over the short-term, even against acceleration and heeling
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
• The fluxgate compass is used in ships mainly for the purpose of steering.
• Since the compass is an electronic one, the scope of errors is greatly
• In addition to manual steering, such a compass can also be utilized when
the ship is on autopilot.
• Even chartplotters and radars use this system to provide them with
accurate geographic indications.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
1. Solid state electronics, no moving parts
2. Operation ate very low power
3. Easy back-up power from independent sources
4. Standardized digital output
5. Zero friction, drift or wear
6. Compact, lightweight and inexpensive
7. Rapid start-up and self-alignment
8. Low sensitivity to vibration, shock and temperature changes
9. Self-correcting
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
However, the disadvantage of having an electronic compass is that

• If there is a complete lack of electricity on the ship then the device will not
function making the navigators rely again on the magnetic compass.
• The parts used in the compass have to be constantly checked. If there is any
problem even with a small part of the device, the directions provided by the
compass will be faulty leading to a lot of problems for the navigators.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
1. Set Course Mode – a course can be set and be
remembered by the system which then provides the
helmsman a graphic steering aid.
2. Display Response Damping – a switch is used to change
the rate of damping and update of the display in
response to changes in sea condition and ship’s speed.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
3. Auto-Compensation – used to determine the deviation
curve for the vessel as its steams in a complete circle.
Automatically computes correction factors.
4. Continuous Auto-Compensation – runs the
compensation algorithm each time the ship completes a
360 degree turn in two minutes.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
5. Pre-set Variation – Allows the application of magnetic
variation to the heading, resulting in a true output
(assuming the unit has been properly compensated and
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
Transmitting Magnetic Compasses
A transmitting magnetic compass (TMC) is used to take the
magnetic heading and convert it into a digital signal. This
can be used for a variety of reasons including:
•A back up heading to the auto pilot
•An independent off course alarm
•Showing the magnetic heading in more than one place
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Fluxgate Compasses
Advantages of the TMC repeater system:
1. Extra repeaters can be installed simply to provide
information at other stations (Chart table, Masters cabin
2. Steering and Digital display in one repeater
3. Reduced Shipyard Installation time saving on costs.
4. Not affected by vibration and image distortion.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 7
The parts of the magnetic compass and
their function
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

SOLAS Regulation
1. The requirements of SOLAS chapter V - Regulation 19, in
regard to the requirements for the carriage of magnetic
2. The ships must also be fitted with a pelorus, or other
means, to take bearings over an arc of 360° of the horizon.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

SOLAS Regulation
"All ships irrespective of size shall have:
1. a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass, or other means,
independent of any power supply, to determine the ship's heading and
display the reading at the main steering position.
2. a pelorus or compass bearing device, or other means, independent of
any power supply, to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360°".
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Review on the Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Magnets (A) - These are four (two in older compasses) cylindrical bundles of
magnetic steel wire or bar magnets which are attached to the compass card
to supply directive force. Some newer compasses have a circular magnet
made of a metallic alloy.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Compass Card (B) - This is an aluminum disc or sometimes rice paper,
graduated in degrees from 0° to 360° . It also shows cardinal and intercardinal
points. North is usually indicated by the fleur de lis figure in addition to the
cardinal point. Being attached to the magnets, the compass card provides a
means of reading direction.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Compass Bowl (C) - This is a bowl-shaped container of nonmagnetic material
(brass) which serves to contain the magnetic elements, a reference mark, and
the fluid. Part of the bottom may be transparent (glass) to permit light to
shine upward against the compass card.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Fluid (D) - This is liquid surrounding the magnetic element. According to
Archimedes principle of buoyancy, a reduction of weight results in a reduction
of friction, making possible closer alignment of the compass needle with the
magnetic meridian. Any friction present will tend to prevent complete
alignment with the magnetic meridian.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

Fluid (D) – Commonly, the bowl is filled with a mixture of distilled water
(55%) and pure ethyl alcohol (45%) thereby making the mixture to have the
following properties
•Low freezing point about -30˚C
•Small coefficient of expansion
•Does not discolour the card
•Low relative density about 0.93
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Float (E) - This is an aluminum, air-filled chamber in the center of the
compass card. This further reduces weight and friction at the pivot point.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Expansion Bellows (F) - This is an arrangement in the bottom of the compass
bowl. This operates to keep the compass bowl completely filled with liquid,
allowing for temperature changes. A filling screw facilitates addition of liquid,
which may become necessary notwithstanding the expansion bellows.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Lubber Line - This is a reference mark on the inside of the compass bowl. It is
aligned with the ship's fore and aft axis or keel line of the ship. The lubber line
is a reference for the reading of direction from the compass card. The reading
of the compass card on the lubber line at any time is the "ship's heading."
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Gimbals - This is a metal ring on two pivots in which the compass bowl is
placed. The compass is also on two pivots which permits it to tilt freely in any
direction and remain almost horizontal in spite of the ship's motion. The
compass rests on the binnacle.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Compass Nomenclature

•Gimbals - An important concept is that regardless of the movement of the
ship, the compass card remains fixed (unless some magnetic material is
introduced to cause additional deviation from the magnetic meridian). The
ship, the compass bowl, and the lubber line move around the compass card.
To the observer witnessing this relative motion, it appears that the compass
card moves.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Correctors
Correctors are present in the form of:
1. Vertical permanent heeling magnet in the central vertical tube,
2. Fore-and-aft B permanent magnets in their trays,
3. Athwartship C permanent magnets in their trays,
4. Vertical soft iron Flinders bar in its external tube,
5. Soft iron spheres.
The heeling magnet is the only corrector that corrects for both permanent
and induced effects, and consequently must be readjusted occasionally with
radical changes in latitude of the ship.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Magnetic Correctors
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Performance Standards
Library Research Activity:
List down the Performance Standards for Magnetic Compass as per IMO
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Performance Standards
The Equipment must comply with the IMO Performance Standards as follows:

•Magnetic compasses - Resolution A.382(X)

•Transmitting magnetic heading devices – Resolution MSC.86(70), annex 2
•SOLAS Ch. V Reg 19 requires all ships of 150 GT and over, and all passenger
ships to carry a spare magnetic compass (or equivalent.)
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 8
The errors of the magnetic compass and
their correction
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Deviation is the difference between magnetic north and the
direction in which the compass is pointing. Both variation and
deviation are measured in degrees east (+) or west (-).
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

All vessels have numerous magnetic fields. Some of these fields are
permanently built into the structure of the vessel and some are
caused by the type of cargo carried, electronic instruments, electrical
appliances, position of machinery and equipment, etc.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

• These magnetic fields can combine to cause the compass needle to point away,
or deviate, from magnetic north. The amount of deviation can vary considerably from
heading to heading as the vessel's magnetism is influenced by the earth's own.
• The vessel's soft iron magnetism changes with the orientation and location of the
vessel and is also known as induced magnetism. 
• Hard iron magnetism remains constant, is built into the vessel and is also known
as permanent magnetism. Equipment, machinery, cargo, etc can produce both
permanent and induced magnetic fields.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

• The aim of the compass adjuster is to nullify the effect of the unwanted magnetic
fields by placing correctors (magnets and soft iron) adjacent to the compass.
• These create equal but opposing magnetic fields, thus eliminating the deviating
fields around the compass, enabling it to align correctly. 
• Each axis, vertical, longitudinal and athwartships is treated separately.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

• As the operation is sometimes more accurately called as the ship swings around the
compass card which, ideally, remains pointing north,
• Involves taking the vessel to a suitable location in open water with plenty of room for
• With the vessel steady on each of the eight primary compass points, existing compass
headings or bearings are compared with what we know the actual magnetic headings or
bearings should be, the difference being the deviation.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

During the process, any magnetic fields, created by the ship's structure, equipment, etc,
which cause the compass to deviate are reduced or, if possible, eliminated, by creating equal
but opposite magnetic fields using compensating correctors.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

These are placed inside the compass binnacle or adjacent to the compass:

• Magnets are aligned fore and aft and athwartships to create horizontal magnetic fields to
compensate for the permanent horizontal components of the ship's magnetism.
• Soft iron correcting spheres or plates and the Flinders bar compensate for
the induced magnetism caused by the effect the earth's magnetic field has on the ship's
• Heeling error magnets compensate for the vertical component of the ship's magnetism.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

The timing and logistics of this operation are often governed by
•the tide,
•the weather and
•other vessels in the vicinity.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

The time it takes to swing and adjust the compass is also influenced by the condition and
accessibility of the compass and correctors, the maneuverability of the vessel, the skill of the
helmsman and the complexity of, and reasons for, the deviating magnetic fields involved.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

On successful completion of compass swing, a table recording any remaining residual
deviation and a statement as to the good working order of the compass will be issued.

A current deviation card / certificate of adjustment is a legal requirement on all sea going
commercial vessels.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

Deviation can be determined by a number of methods:
•The sun's azimuth or known bearings of distant objects, such as a mountain peak or
lighthouse are considered most accurate.
•In certain circumstances, such as poor visibility, calibration is carried out by making
comparisons with other navigation instruments, such as a gyro or GPS compass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Swinging the compass, swinging the ship 

GPS compasses are normally accurate to within a degree or so with the vessel on a steady
heading but are often useless on a swinging vessel. All navigation instruments, whether
portable or fixed, including GPS compasses, should themselves be checked for error each
time they are used for calibrating a magnetic compass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Why is it necessary to swing the compass regularly?

Over a period of time and after certain events, the addition or removal of equipment
or the carriage of magnetic cargo such as iron ore, the vessel's magnetic fields may
change, altering the residual deviation of the compass. In some circumstances the
changes can be quite dramatic.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Why is it necessary to swing the compass regularly?

New steel vessels will have their compass adjusted when first commissioned. It has
been known for a one or two year old vessel to record deviation as high as 30 to 40
degrees, as the residual magnetic fields created during the building process gradually
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Why is it necessary to swing the compass regularly?

Navigators of sea going vessels are required to observe and record compass error daily
whilst on passage. These observations are important, not only for safe navigation, but
also to assist the compass adjuster in making an accurate analysis of the causes of
deviation, should the compass require adjustment.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Why is it necessary to swing the compass regularly?

National marine agencies specify that commercial vessels have their compass
adjusted only by a person qualified and authorized to do so. International standards
for magnetic compasses and compass adjusting are governed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) SOLAS 74 Convention as amended.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

How long is a deviation card valid?

ISO 25862 : 2009 (E):  States that all SOLAS vessels should have their compass
swung/adjusted and a new deviation card issued at maximum two yearly intervals.
When a new vessel is commissioned, compass deviation on any heading should be no
more than 3°. Thereafter, deviation on any heading should be 5° or less.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

How long is a deviation card valid?

Vessels transiting the Panama Canal are required by the canal authorities to have
had a valid compass deviation card issued within the previous 12 months.

Many maritime authorities and organizations stipulate that the magnetic compass is

to be swung and adjusted annually. Prudent mariners and vessel operators will
always ensure that the compass is regularly checked and properly adjusted.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Adjustment
In addition to regular routine checking of the compass for deviation, and adjustment for
survey compliance, all sea going vessels should have their compass inspected, swung and
adjusted, and a new deviation card issued, when any of the following apply:

♦ On a new vessel 
♦ After periods of lay up 
♦ When a new compass is installed 
♦ When deviation exceeds 5 degrees on any heading 
♦ After trauma, such as lightning strike, grounding, fire, etc 
♦ When compass performance is unsatisfactory or unreliable 
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Adjustment
♦ When a record of compass deviation has not been maintained 
♦ After alterations & additions to vessel's structure & equipment 
♦ After repairs involving welding, cutting, grinding, etc which may affect the compass 
♦ When electrical or magnetic equipment close to the compass is added, removed or altered 
♦ When compass deviation does not appear to correspond with that shown on deviation
♦ When the validity period of the deviation card set by the national or state marine authority
is due to expire
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Permanent magnetism and its effects on the compass

The total permanent magnetic field effect at the compass may be broken
into three components mutually 90° apart:
1. The effect of the vertical permanent component is the tendency to
tilt the compass card and, in the event of rolling or pitching of the
ship to create oscillating deflections of the card.
2. Oscillation effects that accompany roll are maximum on north and
south compass headings, and those that accompany pitch are
maximum on east and west compass headings
3. The horizontal B and C components of permanent magnetism cause
varying deviations of the compass as the ship swings in heading on
an even keel.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Permanent magnetism and its effects on the compass

Plotting these deviations against compass
heading will produce sine and cosine curves, as
shown in figure. These deviation curves are called
semicircular curves because they reverse
direction in 180°.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Permanent magnetism and its effects on the compass

The permanent magnetic semicircular deviations can be

illustrated by a series of simple sketches, representing a
ship on successive compass headings.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Permanent magnetism and its effects on the compass

The permanent magnetic semicircular deviations can be

illustrated by a series of simple sketches, representing a
ship on successive compass headings.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Induced magnetism and its effects on the compass

Induced magnetism varies with the strength of the surrounding field, the mass of metal, and the
alignment of the metal in the field. Since the intensity of the earth's magnetic field varies over the
earth's surface, the induced magnetism in a ship will vary with latitude, heading, and heel of the

With the ship on an even keel, the resultant vertical induced magnetism, if not directed through the
compass itself, will create deviations that plot as a semicircular deviation curve.

As long as the ship is in the same magnetic latitude, its vertical induced pole swinging about the
compass will produce the same effect on the compass as a permanent pole swinging about the
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Induced magnetism and its effects on the compass

Generally, this semicircular deviation will be a B sine curve, as

shown in figure
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Induced magnetism and its effects on the compass

The deviation resulting from the earth's field induction of these
symmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron are illustrated in
figure below, showing the ship on various compass headings. The
other heading effects may be similarly studied.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Induced magnetism and its effects on the compass

Asymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron may exist about the compass in a pattern similar to one
of those in the figure below
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Summary of Compass Errors and Adjustments

COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass operation
The figure illustrates a point about compass
operation. Not only is an uncorrected compass
subject to large deviations, but there will be
sectors in which the compass may sluggishly turn
with the ship and other sectors in which the
compass is too unsteady to use.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass operation
Correction of compass errors is generally achieved by applying correctors so as to reduce the
deviations of the compass for all headings of the ship.

Correction could be achieved, however, by applying correctors so as to equalize the directive

forces across the compass position for all headings of the ship.

The deviation method is more generally used because it utilizes the compass itself to indicate
results, rather than some additional instrument for measuring the intensity of magnetic fields.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass operation
Listed below are several reasons for correcting the errors of the magnetic compass:

(1) It is easier to use a magnetic compass if the deviations are small.

(2) Although a common belief is that it does not matter what the deviations are, as long as they
are known, this is in error inasmuch as conditions of sluggishness and unsteadiness
accompany large deviations and consequently make the compass operationally
unsatisfactory. This is the result of unequal directive forces on the compass as the ship swings
in heading.
(3) Furthermore, even though the deviations are known, if they are large they will be subject to
appreciable change with heel and latitude changes of the ship.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

1. Should the compass have a small bubble, compass fluid may be added by means of the filling
plug on the side of the compass bowl. If an appreciable amount of compass liquid has leaked
out, a careful check should be made on the condition of the sealing gasket and filling plug. U.S.
Navy compass liquid may be a mixture of 45% grain alcohol and 55% distilled water, or a
kerosene-type fluid.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

2. The compass should be removed from the ship and taken to some place free from all magnetic
influences except the earth's magnetic field for tests of moment and sensibility. These tests
involve measurements of the time of vibration and the ability of the compass card to return to a
consistent reading after deflection.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

3. A careful check should be made on the spheres and Flinders bar for residual magnetism. Move
the spheres as close to the compass as possible and slowly rotate each sphere separately. Any
appreciable deflection (2° or more) of the compass needles resulting from this rotation indicates
residual magnetism in the spheres.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

3. This test may be made with the ship on any steady heading. The Flinders bar magnetization
check is preferably made with the ship on steady east or west compass heading. To make this
(a) note the compass reading with the Flinders bar in the holder;
(b) invert the Flinders bar in the holder and again note the compass reading.

Any appreciable difference (2° or more) between these observed readings indicates residual
magnetism in the Flinders bar.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

4. Correct alignment of the lubber's line of the compass, gyro repeater, and pelorus with the
fore-and-aft line of the ship is of major importance. Such a misalignment will produce a constant
A error in the curve of deviations. All of these instruments may be aligned correctly with the
fore-and-aft line of the ship by using the azimuth circle and a metal tape measure.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

5. Expeditious compass adjustment is dependent upon the application of the various correctors
in an optimum sequence so as to achieve the final adjustment with a minimum number of steps.
Certain adjustments may be made conveniently at dockside so as to simplify the adjustment
procedures at sea.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

6. Having adjusted the length of Flinders bar, place the spheres on the bracket arms at the best
approximate position. If the compass has been adjusted previously, place the spheres at the best
position as indicated by the previous deviation table. In the event the compass has never been
adjusted, place the spheres at midposition on the bracket arms.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Dockside tests and adjustments

7. The next adjustment is the positioning of the heeling magnet by means of a properly balanced
dip needle.

8. These three adjustments at dockside - Flinders bar, spheres, and heeling magnet - will
properly establish the conditions of mutual induction and shielding on the compass, such that a
minimum of procedures at sea will complete the adjustment.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Expected Errors:

• The A error is more generally caused by the miscalculation of azimuths or by physical

misalignments, rather than magnetic effects of asymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft
• The B error results from two different causes, namely: the fore-and-aft permanent magnetic
field across the compass, and a resultant asymmetrical vertical induced effect forward or aft of
the compass.
• The C error has two causes, namely: the athwartship permanent magnetic field across the
compass, and a resultant asymmetrical vertical induced effect athwartship of the compass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Expected Errors:

• The D error is due only to induction in the symmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron,
and requires correction by spheres, generally athwartship of the compass.
• The existence of E error of appreciable magnitude is rare, since it is caused by induction in the
asymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Adjustment procedures at sea

Before proceeding with the adjustment at sea, the following precautions should be observed:
(1) Secure all effective magnetic gear in the normal seagoing position.
(2) Make sure the degaussing coils are secured, using the reversal sequence, if necessary. The
adjustments are made with the ship on an even keel, swinging from heading to heading
slowly, and after steadying on each heading for at least 2 minutes to avoid Gaussin error
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Adjustment procedures at sea

Most adjustments can be made by trial and error, or by routine procedure. However, it is more
desirable to follow some analytical procedure whereby the adjuster is always aware of the
magnitude of the errors on all headings as a result of his movement of the different correctors.
Two such methods are presented:
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Adjustment procedures at sea
Method 1 Tabulating anticipated deviations - Analysis method
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Adjustment procedures at sea
Method 2 Tabulating anticipated deviations - One-swing method
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Adjustment procedures at sea
Deviation curves

The last step, after completion of either of the above methods of adjustment, is to secure all
correctors in position and to swing for residual deviations. These residual deviations are for
undegaussed conditions of the ship, which should be recorded together with details of corrector
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


Adjustment procedures at sea
Deviation curves

On these swings extreme care should be exercised in taking bearings or azimuths and in
steadying down on each heading since this swing is the basis of standard data for that particular
compass. If there are any peculiar changeable errors, such as movable guns, listing of the ship, or
anticipated decay from deperming, which would effect the reliability of the compass, they should
also be noted on the deviation card at this time.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro


COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro



Reasons for analysis

This method of estimating approximate coefficients is convenient for:
(1) Analyzing an original deviation curve in order to anticipate necessary corrections.
(2) Analyzing a final deviation curve for the determination of additional refinements.
(3) Simplifying the actual adjustment procedure by anticipating effects of certain corrector
changes on the deviations at all other headings.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Permanent Magnetism
a) Parameter P - fore and aft component
- ( + ) if it is the equivalent of a blue pole forward of the compass and
( – ) if red

b) Parameter Q - athwartship component

- ( + ) if it is the equivalent of a blue pole to starboard of the compass and
( – ) if red

c) Parameter R - vertical component

- ( + ) if it is the equivalent of a blue pole below the compass and
( – ) if red
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

a) Semi-circular Deviation
- E throughout 180˚ of heading and W throughout the remainder
- sign remains unchanged throughout a semi-circle
000˚ 000˚
270˚ 090˚ 270˚ 090˚ E W W E
180˚ 180˚
b) Quadrantal Deviation
- changes sign in each quadrant, being E in two opposite quadrants
and W in the other two. 000˚

270˚ 090˚ 270˚ 090˚
180˚ 180˚
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

A - constant on all headings

- true constant if its cause is magnetic ( from an assymetrical combination of
- apparent constant if its cause is mechanical ( from an incorrectly placed
lubbers line) or mathematical (from an error in computation of magnetic
B - semi-circular deviation that is proportional to the sine of the C/H
- maximum on compass heading E or W and zero on C/H N or S Coefficients of Deviation
C - semi-circular deviation that is proportional to the cosine of the C/H
- maximum on compass heading N or S and zero on C/H E or W
B and C are caused by permanent magnetism
D - quadrantal deviation that is proportional to the sine of twice the C/H
- maximum on intercardinal headings and zero on cardinal headings
E - quadrantal deviation that is proportional to the cosine of twice the C/H
- maximum on cardinal headings and - zero on intercardinal headings
D and E are caused by induced magnetism
J - heeling error (change of deviation for a heel of 1˚ while the vessel heads 000˚)
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

1. Fore-and-aft magnets
– compensates for deviation caused by permanent
2. Athwartship magnets magnetism

3. Flinders bar – compensates for deviation caused by induced magnetism

in vertical soft iron
Magnetic Compass
4. Quadrantal spheres – compensates for deviation caused by induced Correctors
or magnetism in horizontal soft iron
soft iron spheres

5. Heeling magnet – compensates for deviation caused by both induced and

permanent magnetism
– compensates for deviation caused by the vessel’s inclination
from the vertical
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

What compass corrector can be set while the vessel is on a heading of magnetic
north or magnetic south?

What compass corrector cannot be set while the vessel is on a heading of magnetic
north or magnetic south?

N or S E or W NE, SE, SW or NW

Athwartship magnets Fore-and-aft magnets Quadrantal spheres

Heeling magnet Flinders bar
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Cardinal headings – N (000˚), E (090˚), S (180˚), W (270˚)


Athwartship Magnets
Fore-and-Aft Magnets

180˚ 270˚
Compass Compensation

1. Raise or lower the magnets

Same colors repel
2. Remove or add magnets
Different colors attract
3. Reverse magnets

Note :
a. The fewer the magnets used, the better it is for the compass
b. The farther the magnets from the compass, the better it is for the compass
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compass Compensation
Inter-cardinal headings – NE (045˚), SE (135˚), SW (225˚), NW (315˚)

Westerly Deviation
1. Move the quadrantal spheres inward M = 315˚
C = 317˚
2. If all the way in, change to bigger spheres D = 2˚ W

Easterly Deviation
1. Move the quadrantal spheres outward
M = 315˚
2. If all the way out C = 313˚
a) change to smaller spheres or D = 2˚ E
b) remove one sphere
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 9
The Principles of Gyro-Compass
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Operating principles of the

 The operating principle of a mechanical/ ballistic gyrocompass is based on the moment of
inertia of a rapidly spinning wheel (GYROSCOPE)

Explain how a gyroscope becomes a Gyrocompass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Operating principles of the

Explain how a gyroscope becomes a Gyrocompass.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Operating principles of the

A fiber optic gyrocompass is a compass and instrument of navigation. It is often part of a ships
set of compasses, which also include a conventional gyrocompass and a magnetic compass.
The fiber optic gyrocompass is a complete unit, which unlike a conventional compass, has no
rotating or other moving parts. It uses a series of fiber optic gyroscope sensors and computers to
locate north.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Operating principles of the

It has very high reliability and requires little maintenance during its service life.
 The entire system usually includes a
sensor unit,
a control and display unit,
interface and power supply unit.
It is often linked with the ship's other navigational devices including GPS.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Operating principles of the

A ring laser gyroscope (RLG) consists of a ring
laser having two counter-propagating modes over the
same path in order to detect rotation.
It operates on the principle of the Sagnac effect which
shifts the nulls of the internal standing wave pattern in
response to angular rotation. 
Interference between the counter-propagating beams,
observed externally, reflects shifts in that standing wave
pattern, and thus rotation.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Compare the different types of Gyrocompass by listing down their advantages
and disadvantages.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 10
Gyro-Compass Errors and Corrections
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyro Error
Total of all combines errors of the gyrocompass. Expressed in E
or W, just like variation and deviation.
Unlike magnetic compass error, GE will be constant in one
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gyro Error
1. Speed Error
2. Latitude Error
3. Ballisic Deflection Error
4. Ballistic Damping Error
5. Quadrantal Errors
6. Gimballing Error
7. Additional Errors maybe introduced by
malfunction or incorrect alignment
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Speed Error
Dependent upon:
• Vessel’s speed,
• Course and
• Latitude of the ship in which the compass is installed

Caused by the fact that a gyrocompass only moves E or W.

Any movement to the N or S will compass to trace a path which is actually a
function of the speed of advance and the amount of northerly or southerly
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Speed Error
This causes the compass to settle a bit off True North.
This error is Westerly if the vessel’s course is to northerly.
Easterly if the vessel’s course is southerly.

This error is corrected internally by means of a cosine cam mounted on the

underside of the azimuth gear.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Tangent Latitude Error

Only found on gyros with mercury ballistics.

Easterly in North latitudes and Westerly in South latitudes.

Corrected internally by offsetting the lubber’s line or with a small movable weight
attached to the casing.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Ballistic Deflection Error

Occurs when there is a marked change in the N-S component of the speed. E-W
accelerations have no effect.

A change of course or speed also result in speed error in the opposite direction this
cancelling each other if the compass is well designed.

This involves slightly offsetting the ballistics according to the operating latitude .
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Ballistic Damping Error

Is a temporary oscillation introduced by changes in course or speed.

The mercury in the ballistics is subjected to centrifugal and

acceleration/deceleration forces.

Slow changes do not introduce enough error but rapid changes will.

This is counteracted by changing the position of the ballistics so that the true
vertical axis is centered, thus not subject to error.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Quadrantal Error
• Occurs if the center of gravity of the gyro is not exactly centered in the phantom,
minimized by adding weight so that the mass is the same in all directions from
the center
• The 2nd source is when a vessel rolls in the sea, the apparent vertical axis is
displaced, first to one side then the other. This error is corrected by used of a 2nd
gyroscope called a floating ballistics which stabilizes the mercury ballistics as the
vessel rolls.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Gimballing Error
Caused by taking readings from the compass card when it is tilted from the
horizontal plane.

It applies to compass and to all repeaters.

To minimize this error, the outer ring of the gimbal should be installed in alignment
with the fore-and-aft line of the vessel.
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Topic No. 11
Systems under the control of the master gyro
and the operation and care of the main types
of gyro-compasses in use at Sea
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Main Systems under the control of the Master Gyro

The   gyrocompass system transmits information to:

GMDSS equipment,
Steering Console
Other equipment or systems as required
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Main types of Gyro-compasses in use at Sea

1. Mechanical / Ballistic Gyro Compass
2. Fiber Optic Gyro Compass
3. Ring Laser Gyro Compass
4. HRG gyrocompass (Hemispherical Resonant gyroscope)
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

Main types of Gyro-compasses in use at Sea

Print out a sample of a Gyrocompass User Manual and list down the maintenance
COMPASS – Magnetic and Gyro

End of Presentation
Gyro and Magnetic Compass

Interactive – Magnetism and Gyro

What is Gyroscopic inertia or rigidity in space ?

Gyroscopic Inertia, or rigidity in space as it is

sometimes known, is the tendency of any rotating
body to preserve its plane of rotation.
Interactive – Magnetism and Gyro
Describe the picture to the left
Compass Rose seen on a BA
The inner circle represents the
variation , and the annual rate
of increase and decrease at the

The outer circle is the true

courses or bearings
Interactive – Magnetism and Gyro




Interactive – Magnetism and Gyro
True north
Magnetic north

Magnetic bearing

63 T

Lighthouse bearing 63 T
Variation 07 E
Magnetic bearing 56 M
Lines of equal
variation value are

1> isogonoc lines

2> Agonic lines

Lines of variation
value zero are

1> isogonoc lines

2> Agonic lines

Magnetic Compass Error:
· Deviation: the angle between
the actual magnetic meridian
and the north line on the
compass card.
· Causes:
– Deviation is caused by the
interaction of the ship’s
metallic structure and electrical
systems with the earth’s
magnetic field.
Magnetic Compass Error: Deviation

· Deviation can be compensated for but never eliminated.

· A compass table is used, which provides the value of
deviation for every 15 degrees of ship’s head.
· Entering argument for the table is oM and degaussing on
or off (DG ON/DG OFF)
Digital Flux Gate
Digital Compass System
Junction Box/
Control Unit

Digital Flux Gate Compass:
– Antennae is located at the top of the
mast to remove metallic effects of
the hull.
– Allows Deviation to be “Zeroed” by
– Guides to Magnetic North
– Variation may be manually or
automatically entered.
Gyroscope Theory

Pro’s and Con’s
Advantages: Disadvantages
· Seeks geographic (true) · Intricate electronic
north instead of magnetic. instrument.
· Can be used near the earth’s · Requires a constant source
magnetic poles, where of electrical power and is
magnetic compass is sensitive to power
useless. fluctuations.
· Unaffected by surrounding · Requires periodic
metals. maintenance by qualified
· Signal can be fed to other
systems (weapons, nav).
Compass error
· Compass course:
The heading indicated by the magnetic
compass toward where the ship is

· Compass Error (CE):

The Sum of Variation and Deviation

· Compass Heading:
The Course That the Ship Is Steering,
Using the Ship’s Magnetic Compass
- This Heading Includes the Compass Error
Terms Associated With the
Gyro Compass
· True North:
– Direction referenced to True North, measured clockwise from 000° to
· Gyro Error (East or West):
– The Difference between True North and the Gyro Compass Reading
· Gyro Repeater Error:
– The Difference between the Gyro Compass and Gyro Repeater
Gyrocompass Error

· Although the gyrocompass is a very accurate

instrument, it normally has a small error associated
with its readings. (normally less than 1o)
· Like the magnetic compass, this error is expressed as
east or west.
Determining Gyro Error
· Methods of determining gyro error:
– Celestial Methods (to be discussed later)
– Observing a visual range
– Observing bearing to an object while at a known
– Heading while pierside
– Trial and error adjustment of
three or more simultaneous
– Compare to gyrocompass of
known error
Gyro - principle
Gyro – various forces
Gyro – various forces
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v


Member Governments are recommended to ensure that:

All ships are fitted with:

a standard magnetic compass, as defined in Annex II,

steering magnetic compass, as defined in Annex II, unless the heading information provided by the standard
compass, required under sub-paragraph (a), is made available and clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering

adequate means of communication between the standard compass position and the normal navigation control
position to the satisfaction of the Administration.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard compass, is

carried, unless the steering compass mentioned in sub-paragraph 1(b) or
gyro-compass is fitted.

Each magnetic compass is properly compensated and its table or curve of

residual deviations is available on board in the vicinity of the compass at all
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

Note: The Administration, if it considers it unreasonable or unnecessary to

require a standard magnetic compass, may exempt any ship from these
requirements if the nature of the voyage, the ship's proximity to land or the
type of ship does not warrant a standard compass, provided that a suitable
steering compass will in all cases be required.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

Annex II Recommendation on performance standards for magnetic compasses

1 Definitions

1.1 A magnetic compass is an instrument designed to seek a certain direction in azimuth and
to hold that direction permanently, and which depends, for its directional properties, upon
the magnetism of the earth.

1.2 The standard compass is a magnetic compass used for navigation, mounted in a suitable
binnacle containing the required correcting devices and equipped with a suitable azimuth
reading device.
Gyro – Principle
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

1.3 The steering compass is a magnetic compass used for steering purposes
mounted in a suitable binnacle containing the required correcting devices.

Note: If the transmitted image of a sector of the standard compass card of at

least 15° to each side of the lubber mark is clearly readable for steering
purposes at the main steering position, both in daylight and artificial light
according to 7.1, the standard compass can also be regarded as the steering
Gyro – Stability
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

2 Compass Card

2.1 The compass card should be graduated in 360 single degrees. A numerical indication
should be provided every ten degrees, starting from North (000°) clockwise to 360°. The
cardinal points should be indicated by the capital letters N, E, S and W. The North point may
instead be indicated by a suitable emblem.

2.2 The directional error of the card, composed of inaccuracies in graduation, eccentricity of
the card on its pivot and inaccuracy of orientation of the card on the magnetic system should
not exceed 0.5° on any heading.
Gyro – Stability
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

2.3 The card of the steering compass should

clearly be readable both in daylight and
artificial light at a distance of 1.4 m. The use of
a magnifying glass is permitted.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

3 Materials

3.1 The magnets used in the directional system and the corrector magnets for correcting the
permanent magnetic fields of the ship should have a high coercivity of at least 11.2 kA/m.

3.2 Material used for correcting induced fields should have a low remanence and coercivity.

3.3 All other materials used in the magnetic compass and in the binnacle should be non-
magnetic, so far as reasonable and pracicable and such that the deviation of the card caused
by these materials should not exceed (9/H)°, where H is the horizontal component of the
magnetic flux density in μT (micro Tesia) at the place of the compass.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

4 Performance

The magnetic compass equipment should operate satisfactorily and remain usable under
the operational and environmental conditions likely to be experienced on board ships in
which it is installed.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

5 Constructional Error

5.1 With the compass rotating at a uniform speed of 1.5° per second and temperature of the compass of 20°C
± 3°C the deflection of the card should not exceed (36/H)°, if the diameter of the card is less than 200 mm. If
the diametter of the compass card is 200 mm or more, the deflection of the card should not exceed (54/H)° ;
H being defined as in sub-paragraph 3.3.

5.2 The error due to friction should not exceed (3/H)° at a temperature of 20°C ± 3°C; H being defined as in
sub-paragraph 3.3.

5.3 With a horizontal component of the magnetic field of 18 μT the half period of the card should be at least
12 seconds, after an initial deflection of 40°. The time taken to return finally to within ±1° of the magnetic
meridian should not exceed 60 seconds after an initial deflection of 90°. Aperiodic compasses shall comply
with the latter requirements only.
Gyroscopic precession
Gyroscopic precession
Gyroscopic precession

With this arrangement, the axle can be pointed in any direction without altering the
geometrical center of the assembly.. "Gyroscopic inertia" may be illustrated by spinning the
rotor and placing it in the position shown in Figure 2a. If the base of the gyroscope is tilted,
as shown in Figure 3a, the rotor, instead of tipping over as it would if not revolving,
maintains its original plane of rotation. It will continue to do so, no matter how much the
base of the gyro is moved about, as long as it continues to spin with sufficient velocity to
overcome the friction between itself and its supporting bearings.
Gyroscopic precession
"Precession" may be illustrated by applying a force or pressure to the gyro
about the horizontal axis as shown in Figure 4a. It will be found that the
applied pressure meets with resistance and that the gyro, instead of turning
about its horizontal axis, turns or "precesses" about its vertical axis in the
direction indicated by the arrow P. Similarly, if we apply a pressure about
the vertical axis, the gyro will precess about its horizontal axis as shown at
P in Figure 5a. If there were a complete absence of inertia and friction
about the precessional axis, the rate of precession would be such that the
resistance of the gyro would be exactly equal to the applied pressure at any
instant, and no movement from this pressure could ensue until the gyro had
precessed so that its plane of rotation coincided with the plane of the
applied pressure. Then the precession would cease and, with it, all
resistance to the applied pressure.
Gyroscopic precession
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

6 Correcting Devices

6.1 The binnacle should be provided with devices for correcting semicircular and quadrantal deviation due to:

the horizontal components of the ship's permanent magnetism;

heeling error;

the horizontal component of the induced horizontal magnetism;

the horizontal component of the induced vertical magnetism.

Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass

Regn 12 of solas ch v

6.2 The correcting devices provided in sub-paragraph 6.1 should ensure

that no serious changes of deviation occur under the influence of the
conditions described in paragraph 4 and particularly considerable alteration
of magnetic latitude. Sextantal and deviations of higher order should be
Gyro – Stability
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

7 Construction

7.1 Primary and emergency illumination should be installed so that the card may be read at all times. Facilities for
dimming should be provided.

7.2 With the exception of the illumination, no electrical power supply should be necessary for operating the magnetic

7.3 In the case where an electrical reproduction of the indication of the standard compass is regarded as a steering
compass, the transmitting system should be provided with both primary and emergency electrical power supply.

7.4 Equipment should be constructed and installed in such a way that it is easily accessible for correcting and
maintenance purposes.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

7.5 The compass, binnacle and azimuth reading device should be marked to the satisfaction of the

7.6 The standard compass should be suspended in gimbals so that its verge ring remains horizontal when the
binnacle is tilted up to 40° in any direction, and so that the compass cannot be dislodged under any condition
of sea or weather. Steering compasses suspended in gimbals should meet the same requirements. If they are
not suspended In gimbals they should have a freedom of the card of at least 30° in all directions

7.7 Material used for the manufacture of magnetic compasses should be of sufficient strength and be to the
satisfaction of the Administration.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

8 Positioning

8.1 The magnetic compass equipment should be installed If practicable and reasonable on
the ship's centreline. The main lubber mark should indicate the ship's heading with an
accuracy of ± 0.5°.

8.2 The standard compass should be installed so that from ifs position the view is as
uninterrupted as possible, for the purpose of taking horizontal and celestial bearings. The
steering compass should be clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

8.3 The magnetic compasses should be installed as far as possible from

magnetic material. The minimum distances of the standard compass from any
magnetic material which is part of the ship's structure should be to the
satisfaction of the Administration. The following diagram gives general
guidelines to indicate the minimum desirable distances from the standard
compass. The minimum desirable distances for the steering compass may be
reduced to 65 per cent of the values given by the diagram provided that no
distance is less than 1m. If there is only a steering compass the minimum
distances for the standard compass should be applied as far as practicable.
Imo Performance standard for MAG Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

8.4 The distance of the magnetic compass from electrical or

magnetic equipment should be at least equal to the safe
distance specified for the equipment and be to the satisfaction
of the Administration.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

1 Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 The gyro-compass required by Regulation 12 of Chapter V of the

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974, should determine the
direction of the ship's head in relation to geographic (true) north.

1.2 The equipment should comply with the following minimum performance
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v


2. Definitions

For the purpose of this recommendation, the following definitions apply:

The term "gyro-compass" comprises the complete equipment and includes all essential elements of the
complete design.

The ''true heading" is the horizontal angle between the vertical plane passing through the true meridian and the
vertical plane passing through the ship's fore and aft datum line. It is measured from true north (000°) clockwise
through 360°.

The compass is said to be "settled" if any three reading taken at intervals of thirty minutes, when the compass
is on a level and stationary base, are within a band of 0.7°.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

The "settle point heading" is the mean value of ten readings taken at twenty
minute intervals after the compass has settled as defined in paragraph 2.3.

The "settle point error" is the difference between settle point heading and true

The other errors to which the gyro-compass is subject are taken to be the
difference between the observed value and the settle point heading.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

3 Method of presentation

3. Method of presentation

The compass card should be graduated in equal intervals of one degree or a

fraction thereof. A numerical indication should be provided at least at every ten
degrees, starting from 000° clockwise through 360°.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

4 Illumination

4. Illumination

Fully adequate illumination should be provided to enable reading of scales at

all times. Facilities for dimming should be provided.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

5. Accuracy
5.1 Settling of equipment

5.1.1 When switched on in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions the compass
should settle within six hours in latitudes of up to 60°C

5.1.2 The settle point error as defined in paragraph 2.5 at any heading and at any latitude up
to 60° should not exceed it 0.75 x secant latitude where heading indications of the compass
should be taken as the mean of 10 readings at 20 minute intervals, and the root mean square
value of the differences between individual heading indications and the mean should be less
than 0.25° x secant latitude. The repeatability of settle point error from one run-up to another
shall be within 0.25° x secant latitude.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

5.2 Performance under operational conditions

5.2.1 When switched on in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the

compass should settle within six hours in latitudes of up to 60° when rolling and
pitching with simple harmonic motion of any period between sin and fifteen seconds,
a maximum angle of 5°, and a maximum horizontal acceleration of 0.22 m/s2

5.2.2 The repeatability of the settle points error of the master compass shall be within
± 1° x secant latitude under the general conditions mentioned in paragraphs 6.1 and 8
and including variations in magnetic field likely to be experienced in the ship in
which it is installed.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

5.2.3 In latitudes of up to 60° :

the residual steady state error, after correction for speed and course influences at a speed
of twenty knoll, shall not exceed ± 0.25 x secant latitude;

the error due to a rapid alteration of speed of twenty knots should not exceed ± 2°;

the error due to a rapid alteration of course of 180° at a speed of twenty knots should not
exceed ± 3° ;

the transient and steady state errors due to the ship rolling, pitching and yawing, with
simple harmonic motion of any period between six and fifteen seconds, maximum angle of
20°, 10° and 5° respectively, and maximum horizontal acceleration tool exceeding 1m/s2,
should not exceed ° x secant latitude.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

5.2.4 The maximum divergence in reading between the master compass and
repeaters under all operational conditions should not exceed ± 0.5°.

Note: When the compass is used for purposes other than steering and bearing,
a higher accuracy might be necessary.

To ensure that the maximum error referred to in sub-paragraph is not

exceeded in practice, it will be necessary to pay particular attention to the
siting of the master compass.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

6. Power supply

6.1 The equipment should be capable of operating continuously in accordance with the
requirements of this recommendation in the presence of such variations of the power supply
as are normally expected in a ship.

6.2 Means should be incorporated for the protection of the equipment from excessive
currents and voltages, transients and accidental reversal of power supply polarity.

6.3 If provision is made for operating the equipment from more than one source of electrical
energy, arrangements for rapidly changing from one source of supply to the other should be
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

7. Interference

7.1 All steps should be taken to eliminate as far as practicable the causes of, and to suppress,
electromagnetic interference between the gyro-compass and other equipment on board.

7.2 Mechanical noise from all units should be so limited as not to prejudice the hearing of
sounds on which the safety of the ship might depend.

7.3 Each unit of the equipment should be marked with the minimum strafe distances at
which it may be mounted from a standard or a steering magnetic compass.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

8 Durability and resistance to effects of climate

8. Durability and resistance to effects of climat

The equipment should be capable of continuous operation under trip

conditions of vibration, humidity and change of temperature likely to be
experienced in the ship in which it is installed.
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

9. Construction and installation

9.1 The master compass and any repeaters used for taking visual hearing should be
installed in a ship with their fore and aft datum lines parallel to the ship's fore and aft
datum line to within ± 0.5°. The lubber line should be in the same vertical plane as the
centre of the card of the compass and should be aligned accurately in the fore and aft

9.2 Means should be provided for correcting the errors induced by speed and latitude.

9.3 An automatic alarm should be provided to indicate a major fault in the compass
Imo Performance standard for Gyro Compass
Regn 12 of solas ch v

9.5 Information should be provided to enable competent members of a ship's staff to

operate and maintain the equipment efficiently.

9.6 The equipment should be provided with an indication of manufacture, type and/or

9.7 The equipment should be so constructed and installed that it is readily accessible for
maintenance purposes.
Elementary topics
True North

Compass North
Compass North
Error East
Error West
Gyro pros and cons
Gyro pros and cons
Making the gyroscope North seeking

The gyrospin axis can be made meridian-seeking (maintaining the spin axis
parallel to the earth’s spin axis) by the use of a pendulum acting under the
influence of earth gravity.
The pendulum causes a force to act upon the gyro assembly causing it to
Precession, the second fundamental property of a gyroscope, enables the
instrument to become north-seeking. As the pendulum swings towards the
centre of gravity, a downward force is applied to the wheel axle, which causes
horizontal precession to occur. This gravitational force acting downward on the
spinner axle causes the compass to precess horizontally and maintain the axle
pointing towards true north.
Making the gyroscope North seeking

The two main ways of achieving precessional action due to

gravity are to make the gyro spin axis either bottom or top heavy.

Bottom-heavy control and a clockwise rotating gyro spinner are

used by some manufacturers, whereas others favour a Top-heavy
control system with an anticlockwise rotating spinner.
Making the gyroscope North seeking
A marine gyro compass assembly is a modern gyroscope designed to automatically find
geographical directions. Although gyroscope is one important component of a gyro
compass, these are not the same devices; a gyro compass is built to use the effect of
gyroscopic precession, which is a distinctive aspect of the general gyroscopic effect.
Gyroscope consists of a perfectly balanced wheel arranged to spin symmetrically at high
speed about an axis or axle. The wheel, or rotor, spins about its own axis and, by
suspending the mass in a precisely designed gimbals assembly, the unit is free to move in
two planes each at right angles to the plane of spin. There are therefore three axes in which
the gyroscope is free to move.

The spin axis.

The horizontal axis.
The vertical axis.
Making the gyroscope North seeking
Making the gyroscope North seeking

Basic Operation of free Gyroscope

A free gyroscope possesses certain inherent properties, one of which is

inertia, a phenomenon that can be directly related to one of the basic
laws of motion documented by Newton. Newton’s first law of motion
states that ‘a body will remain in its state of rest or uniform motion in a
straight line unless a force is applied to change that state’. Therefore a
spinning mass will remain in its plane of rotation unless acted upon by an
external force. Consequently the spinning mass offers opposition to an
external force. This is called ‘gyroscopic inertia’
Making the gyroscope North seeking

A gyroscope rotor maintains the direction of its plane of rotation

unless an external force of sufficient amplitude to overcome inertia
is applied to alter that direction.
Making the gyroscope North seeking

What are factors on which gyroscopic inertia depend?

Gyroscopic inertia depends upon the momentum of the spinning rotor. The momentum of
such a rotor depends upon three main factors:

The total mass, M of the rotor (for all particles).

The radius r summed as the constant K (for all the particles) where K is the radius of
The angular velocity.
Making the gyroscope North seeking


Precession is the term used to describe the movement of the axle of a gyroscope under
the influence of an external force. If a force is applied to the rotor by moving one end of
its axle, the gyroscope will be displaced at an angle of 90° from the applied force

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