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Jason Hwang
 When using chopsticks, never put them on a
public plate, place them on your own plate.
 To show hospitality, host takes food from the
public plate and places it on guest’s plate
 When side dishes are given, do not ask for
refills since side dishes are complimentary
 Don't stick the chopsticks or spoon straight up
in the rice bowl. (This signifies death or a wish
for death to someone)
Taboos Cont.
 Don't pick up chopsticks or spoon before the
eldest/most senior person.
 Don't stab foods with chopsticks.
 Don't eat with fingers.(Finger foods are an
 Use both hands when offering a dish or drink
to another diner.
 Don't stir common or shared dishes with your
 Do wait for the Elder/Senior person to finish
or dismiss you before leaving the table.
Right: Putting one’s chopsticks
on top of your bowl and not on
someone else’s shows good
etiquette. Also, notice how the
chopsticks are not stuck inside
the rice.

Left: Host has given food to the

guests and placed some food on
their plate which shows
hospitality and friendship.
 Rice is Asia’s most important crop because it
provides food for large populations. e.g. Asia
 Originated in Thailand and diffused to India
and China.
 Chinese created rice paddies to save water and
kill weeds
 Rice is Asia’s staple food and is the primary
grain in most Asian countries
 Indigenous food from land and sea, field and
 China, Spain, Mexico, and the United States,
greatly influenced Filipino food.
 Filipino-Chinese = Noodles, Dumplings
 Filipino-Hispanic = Chicken, Tamales, etc.
 America provided the Philippines with skills
for cooking including pressure-cooking,
freezing, and pre-cooking.
Extraordinary Filipino Food !!

Balut : Fertilized duck egg with a

nearly developed embryo inside
that is boiled then eaten.

Seaside Crabs : Big red crabs

flavored with classic oyster
and chili garlic sauce, sautéed
to bring out a unique Asian
flavor, and complimented
with a slurry serving of sweet
 Indians differ from one another: religion,
region, state, language & caste.
 Each have own unique cuisine making India
the most cuisine diverse country in the world.
 N. India = Not spicy, meat based, dairy
 W. India = Seafood, spicy, vegetarian
 E. India = Fish, potato, coconut, rice, vegetables
 S. India = Spiciest, rice, mustard seeds
 Most foods made into curry or mixed with rice
Extraordinary Indian Food !!

Dum Aloo : Boiled and Fried

potatoes in spiced yogurt

Pork Vindaloo : Sweet,

Sour, and Fiery hot pork
 Korean meals are generally more heavily
seasoned than those of Japan or China
 Korean meals, drinks, sauces, and seasonings
are all intended to harmonize with each other
as a whole experience
 Korean meals are usually based on rice,
noodles, vegetables, meats and tofu.
 The main dish is normally a shared plate or
large bowl accompanied by rice and a number
of side dishes, primarily kimchi.
Extraordinary Korean Food !!

Live Octopus, it is usually

accompanied wit h a spicy

Gopchang (pig
intestines) : pig intestines
are usually grilled and
accompanied with a spicy
sauce. However, they are
also used to create stews
to bring out flavor.

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