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Ibn Rushd also known as


By Eddie Delaney
DiNesha Rucker
Birthdate and Birthplace

 April 14, 1126
 Cordoba, Al Andalus
Childhood/Early Youth

 Because of the status of the family that Ibn Rushd was born into
education was very important.
 His family was well known in their area for their legal and public
 His medical education was directed under Abu Jafar ibn Harun of
Trujillo in Seville.
 He later began furthering his career with the help of Ibn Tufail.

 Ibn Tufail inspired Rushd to write his famous commentaries on Aristotle.
Ibn Rushd writing on Aristotle resurrected his name and his teaching in
the Muslim culture.
Areas of Study

 Islamic Theology, Philosophy, Astronomy, Mathematics, and Medicine.
His Rise and Fall

 Ibn Rashd’s rise and fall were generally the same. The more famous he
got for his radical ideas, the more people of higher status resented him
and what he stood for.
 Most Notable Idea: Reconciliation of Aristotelianism with Islam.
Famous Works

 He had a nickname, “Commentator of Aristotle.” These Commentaries were his most famous works.
 Jami, Talkhis, and Tafsir
 Many disclaiming Islamic theologian, Ghazali.
 The philosophers say: It is impossible that the temporal should proceed from the absolutely Eternal.
For it is clear if we assume the Eternal existing without, for instance, the world proceeding from
Him, then, at a certain moment, the world beginning to proceed from Him-that it did not proceed
before, because there was no determining principle for its existence, but its existence was pure
possibility. When the world begins in time, a new determinant either does or does not arise. If it does
not, the world will stay in the same state of pure possibility as before; if a new determinant does
arise, the same question can be asked about this new determinant, why it determines now, and not
before, and either we shall have an infinite regress or we shall arrive at a principle determining
eternally. The Incoherence of the Incoherence.
 Decisive Treatise
Influence on the Later Generations

 He gave Aristotle back his name with his commentaries. Aristotle
became important again in the Islamic culture. Ibn Rushd brought more
religious tolerance to the Islamic faith.
Influence during the European Renaissance Era

 Ibn Rushd was a philosopher but was also a religious person. His whole
focus was to show people that there was no problem combining the two,
if you did it properly. The Renaissance Era was an era of Art, Literature
and power being stripped from the church all ushered in by the teaching
and writings of Ibn Rushd. Ibn Rushd’s writing were the avenue of the
movement that we call the European Renaissance.
Death and Manner of Death

 December 10th, 1198
 Ibn Rushd death is unspecified but because of his old age many think
that the cause was simply old age.
 Place of Death was Marrakech, Morocco

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