The Roman Liturgy From The Tenth To The

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The Roman Liturgy

from the Tenth to the

Fifteenth Century
What happened during the 10th century?
- Franco-Germanic Empire
Collapsed (France separated
from Germany)

- Otto 1 became the Holy Roman

Emperor proponents of the
investiture controversy

- Marked with Church spiritual

decadence from its heads and
political conflicts

- Gallicanized form of Liturgy is

Otto I reused in the Church

- Outside developments by monks

and religious people.
Decadence and Abuses in the
- Pope John XII accused of
ordaining a boy 10 yrs. of age
(simoniacal ordination)
- Giving of sacred vessels to a
woman of ill-refutation
- Simony, selling of sacred objects
- Ordinary people no longer
grasped the meaning of liturgy
Pope John XII and had to be aided with visual
Decadence and Abuses in the
- Lack of responses and in songs,
disregards cleric’s greetings,
- The ancient practice of daily
communion during Lent is not
observed both the faithful and
the clerics.
- Rome did not have scriptoria for
Scriptorium transcribing liturgical books
- Holy Roman Emperors hold
election of the Papacy.
Outside developments in the Liturgy
Devotions to the cross,
Monastic reform by Eucharist, Mary and the Saints

• Multiplication of Masses,
• Private celebrations in lateral chapels
• Recitation of Psalms for benefactors

Instituted the commemoration

Abbot Odilo (+1049) of the dead on November 2
Outside developments in the Liturgy


Made use of liturgical Dramatis Personae are the

texts, the sequences liturgical ministers

Easter Visitatio Officium hortolanus

Sepulchri perignorum
The Gregorian Reform
- Combatted simony and
- Defended against investiture
by building the image and
authority of the pope.
- Feasts of holy popes were to be
kept in every local church
- Bishops had to make an oath
of allegiance to the pope before
Gregory VII - Naming of the pope in the
canon of the Mass to be
observed everywhere
The Gregorian Reform
Reestablished the
traditional liturgical usages
- Regula Sanctorum Patrum
- Ordo Romanus
- Mos antiquus
- Order of Psalmody
- Fasting on Saturday
- Omission of Alleluia in
Gregory VII
- Ancient Ordo for the Easter
The reform of the Roman Liturgy
on the 12th Century
Roman Liturgists reworked
the Romano Germanic
Pontifical of 12th century
version to restore Romana
Things eliminated are:
- Didactic elements
- Masses for energumens
- Blessing of instruments of
- Everything that goes
The reform of the Roman Liturgy
on the 12th Century
During Pope Innocent III
instituted portable liturgical
books for itinerant clerics
Which was composed of:
Missale Curiae
- Missale Curiae
- Pontifical
- Breviary
It was not intended for unification of
liturgical practice, but due to its effectivity,
it was adopted all over the church.
Pontifical of Boniface
The insidiuos reality within ecclesial worship
of 12th to 15th century

– the misuse and
overextension of clergy’s
Misplaced devotion to
Plenary Missals the Mass
– the premise of the (Transubstantiation,
missal is that clerics Miracles)
did everything by
Mass is allegorical a
himself and privately
remembrance of Christ’s
regardless of an life (Exaggerated
assembly Allegorism)
The insidiuos reality within ecclesial worship
of 12th to 15th century
Faithful’s devotion to the mass is to
gain its ‘fruits’
• Multiplication of Masses to comply with the stipend
• Repetitions of the parts of the Mass

Spirituality of a
Mystical Type
Purely personal and unecclessial.
Marked by individualism

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