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Língua Inglesa- 3⁰ Bimestre

Teacher: Renata Webster

Ensino Médio (2⁰ Ano): Aula 06 (Review on Verb Tenses/ Modal Verbs)
Review on Verb Tenses

 Simple Present
Ação habitual, repetida ou fatos verdadeiros.
We have presidential election every four years.
The Earth moves round the Sun.
 Present Continuous
Ação que ocorre no momento que se fala ou ação futura planejada.
The doctor is examining her now.
Where are you meeting your friends tonight?
Review on Verb Tenses

 Simple Past
Ação passada- iniciada e concluída no passado ou repetida no passado.
Sheakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
She used to spend her vacations at her aunt`s.

 Past Continuous
Ação passada que estava ocorrendo quando outra aconteceu.
I was sleeping when the explosion happened.
Review on Verb Tenses

 Present Perfect
Ação iniciada no passado que se estende até o presente, ação passada sem tempo definido,
ação passada recente.
We have known them for 5 years.
He has seen that movie three times.
The girl has just left the office.
 Present Perfect Continuous
Ação iniciada no passado que se estende até o presente.
He has been waiting here for hours.
Review on Verb Tenses

 Past Perfect
Ação passada anterior a outra ação passada.
You told me you had never been there alone.
 Past Perfect Continuous
Ação passada que durou certo tempo antes de outra ação passada.
We had been driving for hours when we decided to stop.
 Simple Future
Ação futura provável e não planejada.
I will be ready in a minute.
If you take this medicine, you will fell much better.
Review on Verb Tenses

 Immediate Future
Ação futura intencional ou que se tem certeza.
I`m going to buy a bottle of water. I`m thirsty.
Look at those dark clouds! We`re sure it`s going to rain soon.

 Future Continuous
Ação prolongada que ocorrerá no futuro.
By the time you get home, your grandma will be waiting for you.
Review on Verb Tenses

 Simple Conditional
Ação futura hipotética.
If I had enough money, I would buy a beach house.

 Conditional Perfect
Ação passada hipotética.
If I had known she was so ill, I wouldn`t have made that stupid joke.
Modal Verbs

 Can (Habilidade/ Permissão/ Possibilidade)

Forma Presente: Can/ Can`t + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: I can speak four languages.

Negative: They can`t go to the park at this moment.
Interrogative: Can I use my cell phone, please?
Short answers: Yes, you can./ No, you can`t.
Modal Verbs

 Can (Habilidade/ Permissão/ Possibilidade)

Forma Passado: Could/ Couldn`t + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: I could speak four languages five years ago.

Negative: They couldn`t go to the park alone last year.
Interrogative: Could you swim when you were four years old?
Short answers: Yes, I could./ No, I couldn`t.
Modal Verbs

 Can (Habilidade/ Permissão/ Possibilidade)

Forma Futuro: Will/ Won`t + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: I will buy a car in five years.

Negative: I won`t buy a car in five years.
Interrogative: Will you buy a car in five years?
Short answers: Yes, I will./ No, I won`t.
Modal Verbs

 May (Permissão / Possibilidade/ Possibilidade passada)

Forma Presente: May/ May not + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: I may take some pictures here.

Negative: You may not take some pictures here.
Interrogative: May I take some pictures here?
Short answers: Yes, you may./ No, you may not.
Modal Verbs

 May (Permissão / Possibilidade/ Possibilidade passada)

Forma Passado: Might/ Mightn`t + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: I might take some pictures there.

Negative: You mightn`t take some pictures there.
Interrogative: May I take some pictures there?
Short answers: Yes, you might./ No, you mightn`t.
Modal Verbs

 May (Permissão / Possibilidade/ Possibilidade passada)

Forma Futuro: Will/ Won`t be allowed to + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: She will be allowed to visit her grandma in the hospital.

Negative: She won`t be allowed to visit her grandma in the hospital.
Interrogative: Will she be allowed to visit her grandma in the hospital?
Short answers: Yes, she will./ No, she won`t.
Modal Verbs

 Must (Obrigação/ Proibição/ Dedução/ Dedução passada/ Ausência de obrigação)

Forma Presente: Must/ Mustn`t + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: They must clean up that mess.

Negative: You mustn`t smoke in here.
Interrogative: Must I do all my homework today?
Short answers: Yes, you must./ No, you mustn`t.
Modal Verbs

 Must (Obrigação/ Proibição/ Dedução/ Dedução passada/ Ausência de obrigação)

Forma Passado: Had to/ didn`t have to + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: They had to clean up that mess.

Negative: You didn`t have to clean up that mess.
Interrogative: Did you have to clean up that mess?
Short answers: Yes, I did./ No, I didn`t.
Modal Verbs

 Must (Obrigação/ Proibição/ Dedução/ Dedução passada/ Ausência de obrigação)

Forma Futuro: Will/ won`t have to + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: They will have to clean up that mess.

Negative: You won`t have to clean up that mess.
Interrogative: Will you have to clean up that mess?
Short answers: Yes, I will./ No, I won`t.
Modal Verbs

 Should/ Ought to (Conselho, desaprovação de uma ação passada)

Forma Presente: Should/ Ought to + verbo no infinitivo

Affirmative: You should save some money this year.

Negative: You shouldn`t save some money this year.
Interrogative: Should I save some money this year?
Short answers: Yes, you should./ No, you shouldn`t.
Modal Verbs

 Should/ Ought to (Conselho, desaprovação de uma ação passada)

Forma Passado e Futuro: Should/ Ought to have + verbo no passado

Affirmative: You should have told me the truth.

Negative: You shouldn`t have told me the truth.
Interrogative: Should I have told you the truth?
Short answers: Yes, you should./ No, you shouldn`t.

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