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1935 CONSTI-


1 Introduction & Salient Features of the 1935 Constitution

2 Preamble & Suffrage

3 Who are the Citizens of the Philippines?

Amendments on the Constitution & Some observation to The 1935

4 Constitution
The 1935 Constitution was the constitution not only for the Philip-
pine Commonwealth but also for the future of the Republic of the Philippines. The
provision of the constitution is similar to the United States of America. It is amend
twice; first, it was on October 24, 1939, when the Filipino people ratified an
amendment to the ordinance appended to the constitution. The amendment was
made because of the changes in the economic provision of Tydings-Mcduffie
Act made by the Philippine economic readjustment act that was enacted by the
United States Congress on August 7, 1939; second, it was in 1940 when three
amendments were ratified by the people in the plebiscite held on July 18, 1940.
the amendments are the following:
1. Change in the term of office of the President and Vice-President
2. The establishment of bicameral legislature namely, senate and house of
3. The creation of Commission on election, general auditing office and civil
The 1935 constitution has a preamble that is almost totally different from
the 1899 Constitution and contains a new article about national territory. The
government was divided into three co-equal branches; legislative, judi-
ciary and executive.

 Executive power was vested in the president of the Philippines elected

through popular suffrage that will serve for a term of 4 years.
 Legislative power was vested in senate and house of representatives.
 Juridical power resides in supreme court and other lower courts. It has
clear enumeration of rights of citizen.

Suffrage can only be exercise by males, females are not allowed.

Preamble Suffrage
“The Filipino people, imploring
“Suffrage may be exercised by male citi-
the aid of divine providence, in order zen of the Philippines not otherwise dis-
to establish a government that shall qualified by law, who are 21 years of age
embody their ideals, conserve and or over and are able to read and write, and
develop the patrimony of the nation, who shall have resided in the Philippines
promote the general welfare, and for one year and in the municipality
secure themselves and their poster- wherein they propose to vote for at least
ity the blessings of independence six months of preceding the election. The
national assembly shall extend the right of
under a regime of injustice, liberty suffrage to women, if in a plebiscite which
and democracy, do ordain and pro- shall be held for that purpose within two
mulgate this constitution.” years after the adoption of this constitu-
tion, not less than three hundred thousand
women possesing the necessary qualifica-
tions shall vote affirmatively on the ques-
The 1935 constitution has the following state principles:

1. The Philippines as republican state

2. Defense of the states as prime duty of the government
3. Renunciation of war.
4. natural right and duty of rearing of the youth.
5. Promotion of social justice
According to Article IV of The 1935 Constitution:

1. Those who are citizens of the Philippine island at the time of the
adoption of this constitution.
2. Those born in Philippine island of foreign parents who, before
the adoption of this constitution, had been elected to the public
office of the Philippines.
3. those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines.
4. Those whose mother are citizens of the Philippines and upon
reaching the age of majority elect of Philippine citizenship.
5. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
Amendments to the Constitution
Article XV provides “the congress in joint session assembled, by a vote of
three-fourths of all the members of the senate and house of representatives vot-
ing separately”. Such amendments shall be valid as part of the constitution when
approved by a majority of the votes cast at an election at which the amendments
are submitted to the people for their ratification.

Some Observation to the 1935 Constitution

1. The preamble is very short
2. No state policies
3. Impartial trial
4. Congress has the power to declare war
5. President cam serve for eight consecutive year
6. No specified number of days in the declaration of martial law.

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