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Embryo Transfer

Paula Curtin
What is embryo transfer

 Involves superovulation, insemination & synchronisation

 Not done frequently in these species
 Superovulation= induce multiple ovulations
 Synchronisation- synchronise donor animal & recipient
animal(s) the time of ovulation must be synchronised.
Superovulation, Insemination, and
Synchronisation Regimens in Horses
 Superovulation
 inducing multiple ovulations in the mare have resulted in only marginal
 hypothesised that the relatively restricted area available in the ovulation fossa,
combined with the large size of the preovulatory follicle in the mare, might be
a limiting factor form superovulation
 Most effective protocol so far- twice daily FSH 5-8d after last ovulation when
CL is present and largest follicle is 20-25mm. On d2 prostaglandin given-
luteolysis. Continue FSH 3-5d until biggest follicle = 32-35mm. After 36hrs
give hCG to induce ovulation. = 4 ovulations & 1.5 embryos on average
 Expensive and impractical procedure.
Superovulation, Insemination, and
Synchronisation Regimens in Horses
 Synchronisation
 2 inj 10 days apart PG during dioestrus- induce luteolysis + hCG/GnRH induce
ovulation when pro ovulatory follicle is 35mm.
 course of follicular development varies considerably between individual
mares, and the onset of oestrus depends greatly on the size of the follicles
present at the time of prostaglandin injection= 2 injections improve
 Or use 3 recipient mares & pick whichever is closest in timing
 Thankfully in mares doesn’t have to be exact ok conception of recip
ovulated 1d before to 5d after donor but best if 2-3days after
Superovulation, Insemination, and
Synchronisation Regimens in Horses
 Insemination
 The breeding technique (natural service or AI) is generally secondary, provided
semen quality and the timing of breeding in relation to ovulation is
Embryo Collection and Transfer in
 Embryo Collection
 Balloon catheter inserted into cervix & inflated cranial
to the cervix
 Uterus filled with flushing medium- generally 1-2L
 Collected through a 70μm filter
 Repeat 3 times
 Oxytocin before final flush
 Donor can then be give PG to induce oestrus
 embryos are generally recovered 6 to 8 days after ovulation at
the morula or blastocyst stage
 macroscopic identification of the embryo in the flushing medium
from approximately Day 8
What do you want in a donor mare
/recipient mare
 optimal fertility, 3 to 10 years of age;
 first or second parity to assure optimal uterine capacity and function;
 adequate body size and nutritional status;
 Good temperament
Embryo transfer mare

 synchrony between stages of the oestrous cycle of donor and recipient should
be within + 1 and −5 days
 Alternatively, ovariectomised mares treated with progesterone during the
first trimester of gestation have proved to be useful recipients
 Transfer: immediately; after cooling to 5C for 24hrs; after cryopreservation
 Inserted via cervix with straw while cervix is retracted caudally
 After nonsurgical transfer of Day 7 and 8 embryos, pregnancy
rates of 50% to 75% can be achieved
Superovulation, Insemination, and
Synchronisation Regimens in Pigs
 Gilts vs sows- very different
 Sows
 hCG 3 days after weaning to induce ovulation,
 15 days laterPG 2 ij 12hours apart to induce luteolysis
 To stimulate follicular growth, eCG (1000 or 1500 IU) is
administered approximately 1 day after the last
prostaglandin injection.
 Ovulation is induced 72 hours later with hCG (750 IU),
 sows are inseminated 36 and 42 hours after hCG injection.
 Recipients receive the same treatment apart from
Superovulation, Insemination, and
Synchronisation Regimens in Pigs
 Gilts
 Altrenogest (oral P4) for 18days
 24 hours before stopping altrenogest give eCG the hCG is given 72hrs after eCG
 Mating 2 or 3 times starting 24hrs after hCG
Embryo collection & Transfer in Pigs

Embryo Collection
 Embryos are collected 3 to 7 days
after oestrus under general
anaesthesia through ventral midline
 Experimentally- laparoscopic
Embryo collection & Transfer in Pigs

Embryo Transfer
 Ventral midline laparotomy
 The pregnancy rate is generally
around 70% and embryo survival
around 60% to 65%, yielding a
litter size of five to seven piglets.
 Gilts- laparoscopy an option- The
pregnancy rate after endoscopic
transfer can be expected to be
from 60% to 80%, with around
five to six implantation sites.

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