Role Play Rubric: With Mr. Torres

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Role Play Rubric


Perfect Great Average Not There Yet

Fluency (25) (25) Answered/asked (20) Student took some time to (15) Student hesitated or could (5) Student did not understand or
questions without answer or ask questions which not answer questions at times. answer most of the questions.
hesitation, in full control of slowed the conversation. Repeatedly stopped talking and
conversation. could not find the right words.

Content (25) Every question (20) Student made a few errors (15) Student could answer (5) Student did not know about
asked/answered related to about the topic but was able to simple questions but did not the topic and could not continue
Clarity (25)
the conversation. continue the conversation. have a full understanding of the the conversation.

Pronunciation (20) Spoke in perfect (15) Stuttered or mispronounced a (10) Stuttered or (5) Stuttered or mispronounced
English the entire few (2-4) words. mispronounced many (5-7) most words (8-…) words.
conversation. words.

Grammar (20) Student used high (15) Student made a few mistakes (10) Student made many (5) Student could not use English
level English grammar. with English grammar. mistakes with English grammar. grammar appropriately throughout
the scene.

Time (10) (10) Scene was between (8) Scene was either 10 seconds (6) Scene was 30 seconds too (4) Scene was a minute too short.
1-2 minutes long. too long or 10 seconds too short. long or too short.

 Youshould be able to ask and answer questions in a con-

 “What did you do yesterday?”
 “I rode my bicycle for a bit and then met with some friends to
play basketball. What did you do yesterday?”

 What did you do at the park yesterday?

 “Bike. Basketball. And you?”
Perfect Great Average Not There Yet

Fluency (25) (25) Answered/asked (20) Student took some time to (15) Student hesitated or could (5) Student did not understand or
questions without answer or ask questions which not answer questions at times. answer most of the questions.
hesitation, in full control of slowed the conversation. Repeatedly stopped talking and
conversation. could not find the right words.

Content (25) Every question (20) Student made a few errors (15) Student could answer (5) Student did not know about
asked/answered related to about the topic but was able to simple questions but did not the topic and could not continue
Clarity (25)
the conversation. continue the conversation. have a full understanding of the the conversation.

Pronunciation (20) Spoke in perfect (15) Stuttered or mispronounced a (10) Stuttered or (5) Stuttered or mispronounced
English the entire few (2-4) words. mispronounced many (5-7) most words (8-…) words.
conversation. words.

Grammar (20) Student used high (15) Student made a few mistakes (10) Student made many (5) Student could not use English
level English grammar. with English grammar. mistakes with English grammar. grammar appropriately throughout
the scene.

Time (10) (10) Scene was between (8) Scene was either 10 seconds (6) Scene was 30 seconds too (4) Scene was a minute too short.
1-2 minutes long. too long or 10 seconds too short. long or too short.
Content Clarity

 You should be able to answer questions

ask questions thatin detail.
relate to the conversation we are having.

 “Do you
“How manylike to play
brothers and games?”
sisters do you have?
 “I
 have I1 like
“Yes, brother, do youmobile
to play know how photons
games areLOL
like formed whenRift”
Wild a star collapses?”

 You should be able to ask questions.

 “Do you like to play games?
 “Yes, my favorite game is Maple Story, what is your favorite game?”

Perfect Great Average Not There Yet

Fluency (25) (25) Answered/asked (20) Student took some time to (15) Student hesitated or could (5) Student did not understand or
questions without answer or ask questions which not answer questions at times. answer most of the questions.
hesitation, in full control of slowed the conversation. Repeatedly stopped talking and
conversation. could not find the right words.

Content (25) Every question (20) Student made a few errors (15) Student could answer (5) Student did not know about
asked/answered related to about the topic but was able to simple questions but did not the topic and could not continue
Clarity (25)
the conversation. continue the conversation. have a full understanding of the the conversation.

Pronunciation (20) Spoke in perfect (15) Stuttered or mispronounced a (10) Stuttered or (5) Stuttered or mispronounced
English the entire few (2-4) words. mispronounced many (5-7) most words (8-…) words.
conversation. words.

Grammar (20) Student used high (15) Student made a few mistakes (10) Student made many (5) Student could not use English
level English grammar. with English grammar. mistakes with English grammar. grammar appropriately throughout
the scene.

Time (10) (10) Scene was between (8) Scene was either 10 seconds (6) Scene was 30 seconds too (4) Scene was a minute too short.
1-2 minutes long. too long or 10 seconds too short. long or too short.
Perfect Great Average Not There Yet

Fluency (25) (25) Answered/asked (20) Student took some time to (15) Student hesitated or could (5) Student did not understand or
questions without answer or ask questions which not answer questions at times. answer most of the questions.
hesitation, in full control of slowed the conversation. Repeatedly stopped talking and
conversation. could not find the right words.

Content (25) Every question (20) Student made a few errors (15) Student could answer (5) Student did not know about
asked/answered related to about the topic but was able to simple questions but did not the topic and could not continue
Clarity (25)
the conversation. continue the conversation. have a full understanding of the the conversation.

Pronunciation (20) Spoke in perfect (15) Stuttered or mispronounced a (10) Stuttered or (5) Stuttered or mispronounced
English the entire few (2-4) words. mispronounced many (5-7) most words (8-…) words.
conversation. words.

Grammar (20) Student used high (15) Student made a few mistakes (10) Student made many (5) Student could not use English
level English grammar. with English grammar. mistakes with English grammar. grammar appropriately throughout
the scene.

Time (10) (10) Scene was between (8) Scene was either 10 seconds (6) Scene was 30 seconds too (4) Scene was a minute too short.
1-2 minutes long. too long or 10 seconds too short. long or too short.

 Make sure your Past/Present/Future tenses are perfect

 I had go to the beach tomorrow.

 Spelling isn’t required

 Only speaking
Perfect Great Average Not There Yet

Fluency (25) (25) Answered/asked (20) Student took some time to (15) Student hesitated or could (5) Student did not understand or
questions without answer or ask questions which not answer questions at times. answer most of the questions.
hesitation, in full control of slowed the conversation. Repeatedly stopped talking and
conversation. could not find the right words.

Content (25) Every question (20) Student made a few errors (15) Student could answer (5) Student did not know about
asked/answered related to about the topic but was able to simple questions but did not the topic and could not continue
Clarity (25)
the conversation. continue the conversation. have a full understanding of the the conversation.

Pronunciation (20) Spoke in perfect (15) Stuttered or mispronounced a (10) Stuttered or (5) Stuttered or mispronounced
English the entire few (2-4) words. mispronounced many (5-7) most words (8-…) words.
conversation. words.

Grammar (20) Student used high (15) Student made a few mistakes (10) Student made many (5) Student could not use English
level English grammar. with English grammar. mistakes with English grammar. grammar appropriately throughout
the scene.

Time (10) (10) Scene was between (8) Scene was either 10 seconds (6) Scene was 30 seconds too (4) Scene was a minute too short.
1-2 minutes long. too long or 10 seconds too short. long or too short.

 Ordering food at a restaurant

 Mr. Torres will be the waiter

 You will be the customer

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