Empowerment Tech Module 1-Lesson 1

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Second Semester
Module 1 – Lesson 1


Guide Questions:
Directions: Answer the following questions honestly.
1. How many times have you checked your phone this morning?
2. How many updates have you posted on Facebook, Twitter, or
Instagram today?
3. Do you use the internet/ mobile for an hour after you woke
up this morning?
4. Have you followed a celebrity/ a crush on his/ her social

If you happened to be "guilty as charged" in most of these

questions, chances are, you are a digital native. And chances
are, from the moment you were born, you were surrounded
by technology. You are surrounded by ICT.
Information and Communication Technology

What is Information and Communication Technology or ICT?

It deals with the use of different technological inventions like mobile phones, telephones,
computer, Internet, and other devices, as well as software and applications to locate, save,
send, and manipulate information.

ICT has greatly contributed to how easy our lives has been today. Our gadgets have become
part of our necessity that we check on them after we wake up. It made communication
easier. We can use cellular phones that are designed for communicating with other people
even they are miles away from us. It has also assisted us in our work since there are
Internet-based jobs. It has revolutionized our education and in the modernization of our

ICT in the Philippines
• Philippines as the "ICT Hub of Asia".

• Huge growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business Process

Outsourcing, or call centers.

• According to 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society by the

International Communications Union, there are 106.8 cellphones per
100 Filipinos in the year 2012.

• In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippines Business and

Industries in 2010, the ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total employment
ICT in the Philippines
• Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses
the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and
• It was fully commercialized in 1995 it has tremendously impacted culture
and commerce, including the rise of near instant communication by email, 
instant messaging, telephony (Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP), 
two-way interactive video calls, and the World Wide Web with its 
discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and online shopping sites.
The World Wide Web
• It is an information system on the Internet that allows documents to be
connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to
search for information by moving from one document to another.

• It was invented by Tim-Berners Lee.

• When WWW was invented, most web pages were static. Static (also
known as flat page or stationary page) in the same that the page “as is”
and cannot be manipulated by the user. This referred to as Web 1.0.

Web 1.0 or The Web

It is the first stage of the World Wide Web evolution. It is a flat or
stationary page since it cannot be manipulated by the user.
Some examples of Static Websites:

• www.9boninnes.co.za
• www.quayside906.co.za
• www.fibercom.co.za
• www.bloyberg-holiday.co.za
• www.stronggroom.co.za

Web 2.0 or The Social Web

It allows users to interact with the page known as

Dynamic Page, the user may be able to comment or
create a user account. Most website that we visit
today are Web 2.0.
Web 2.0
Features of Web 2.0
Folksonomy - allows users to collectively classify and find information using freely chosen
keywords (e.g. "tagging" by facebook). Tagging uses the pound sign #, often referred to as
Features of Web 2.0
Rich User Experience - dynamic content that is responsive to user input (e.g., a user can
"click" on an image to enlarge it or find out more information).
Features of Web 2.0
User Participation- the owner of website is not the only one who is able to put content.
Others are able to place a content on their own by means of comments, reviews, and
Features of Web 2.0
Long Tail - services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is
synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you
spent in the Internet, or a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth you

Software as a Service - users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than
purchasing them.
Web 3.0 or The Semantic Web
Semantics – Ability of Web technologies to understand and interpret human-
generated content.
Provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver web
content specifically targeting the user. Search Engine will learn about you and
your habits from each search you perform and will gather details about you
from your previous activities like likes and social postings and present the
answers as per your preferences.

Apple’s Siri
Comparison of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0:
Communication Broadcast Interactive Engaged/ Invested
Information Static/ Read-only Dynamic Portable & Personal
Focus Organization Community Individual
Content Ownership Sharing Immersion

Interaction Web Forms Web Application Smart Applications

Search Directories Tags/ Keywords Context/ Relevance

Metrics Page Views Cost per Click User Engagement

Advertising Banners Interactive Behavioral

Technologies HTML/ FTP Flash/ Java/ XML RDF/ RDFS/ OWL

DIRECTIONS: Using the Internet, look for the webpages of the pages
listed below. Evaluate whether they are Web 1.0, Web 2.0, or Web 3.0.
Online Platforms and Sites
Online platform is a specially developed
platform using Internet technology.

Online platforms have revolutionized access

to any information. Online platforms
currently include, but are not limited to:

• Presentation or Visualization
• Cloud Computing
• File Management
• Mapping
• Social Media
1. Presentation or Visualization Platform allows you to present and share presentations,
infographics and videos with other people. It is used to communicate information clearly
and efficiently.
2. Cloud Computing Platform is also called as “The cloud.” It is the practice of using a
network of remote servers hosted on the internet. Instead of using your computer’s hard
drive, you store and access your data and programs over the Internet.
3. File Management Platform is used for the storing, naming, sorting, and handling of
computer files. Allows you to convert and manage files without download in the
software tool.
4. Social Media Platform is a computer-mediated tools that allow large group of people to
create, share or exchange information, interest and the information shared can be in the
form of ideas, pictures, videos or anything that you want to create and share to virtual
communities. It can be in the following platforms:
1. Social Networks. These sites allow you to connect with other people with the same
interests or background.
Examples: Facebook, Google+

2. Bookmarking Sites. These are sites that allow you to store and manage links to various
websites and resources.
Examples: StumbleUpon, Pinterest

3. Social News. These are sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to
other news sources.
Examples: reddit, dig
4. Media Sharing. These are sites that allow you to upload and share media content like
images, music, and video. Media sharing sites can be specific for video sharing, photo
sharing, slide sharing, social bookmarking, and gaming.
Examples: Flickr, YouTube, and Instagram

5. Microblogging. These are sites that focus on short updates from the user. Those
subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. Posts are brief that range
typically from 140 – 200 characters.
Examples: Twitter

6. Blogs and Forums. These are websites that allow users to post their content. Other users
can comment on the said topic.
Examples: Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr
Reflect on the
1. How dependent are we
on technology?

2. How do the different

online platforms help
you as a student in your
chosen track?

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