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Lead Workplace

Definition of communication
• Communication is the process of passing
information from one person to another in an
understandable way
• Communication Process: Communication can
be broken down into the following elements:
sender (encoder), message, channel, receiver
Poor communication
• Poor communication in the workplace has a
negative impact on interpersonal relationships
and could prevent employees from
performing well; whereas effective
communication enhances employee
performance and improves the manner in
which they interact with each other
Consequences of poor communication in
the workplace
lost of time because tasks may have to be
employees are not sure what to do
waste of resources if tasks are to be repeated
 low productivity
employees may be trustless because messages are
 creates risk of harm to employees, clients, and
others based on the circumstance
How can communication improve in the workplace?

 sufficient preparation
 feedback
 direct language
 effective listening and sensitivity
 appropriate actions
 repetition
Channels of communication
Formal and informal channel
 The formal channel is the formal path through
which information flows. The formal channel
utilizes downward, upward, horizontal, and
diagonal communication to send information
through the organizational hierarchy
• Supervisors, for example, use downward channels to
send messages to subordinates
• The upward channels are utilized by both
subordinates and supervisors. Subordinates send
messages to the supervisor, and supervisors send
these messages to their superior.
• Horizontal channels are used when sending messages
across departments and among peer managers
• Diagonal channels are used to send messages
between positions that are on different lateral planes
and activities in the organization

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