K9. Serangga Penganggu I Diptera Bag.1

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Phylum Arthropoda

 Class : Insecta
Ordo Diptera
Ordo Diptera
Sub Ordo: Nematocera

 Order : Diptera
 Sub Order : Nematocera
 Family : Culicidae
 SubFamily: Culicinae
 Tribus : Anophelini, Culicini,
Body : Head, Thorax & Abdomen
Head : 1 pair Antennae, filiformis > head
Thorax :
 3 pairs of legs  on each segment
 1 pair of wings  mesothorax
 1 pair of halter (vestigial wing) 
 Metamorphosis: Holometabolous
Family : Culicidae
 Tribus :
1. Anophelini : Genus Anopheles
2. Culicini : Genus Culex, Aedes,
3. Megharinini : Genus Toxorhynchites,
Cannibal, live span 6 months
Live cycle:
Holometabolus metamorphose.
egg The females are
Gonado the bloodsuckers;
cycle female can not
produce fertile eggs
without ingesting

Morphology of Culicidae
Terms (feeding habits) :
 Anthropophilic
 Zoophilic
 Zooanthropophilic
 Day biter
 Night biter
 Nigth and day biter
 Indoor/outdoor biter
 Endo/Exophilic
Anophepeles Larva
 Head, thorak, &
 No siphon 
spiracle (see the
next picture)
 Palmate hair (2)
 Resting posision 
horizontaly at the
surface of the
Egg, larva and pupa of Anopheles sp

Boat shape Spiracle (red arrow)

Float (+)

Cephalothorax (1)
Padle (2)
Resting (feeding) posision of
Anopheles sp
The body posision at an
oblique angle from
resting surface
Anopheline Head
 Dichoptic eyes
 The Palps nearly as
long as the proboscis
(1,3) +
 Pylose antennae (2)

 Holoptic eyes
 Plumose antenae (1)
 The Palps nearly as
long as the proboscis 
 Clubbed shape palps
Biological characteristic of
Anopheles sp
 Biting activity : night biter
 Host preference : cattle and human
 Habitat : fresh or brackish
water, river or beach
 depend on the
 Resting place : Exophilic
 Flying distance : 1,5 miles or 1,25 km
 Seasonal abundance: rainy season
 Medical importance: malaria & filariasis
Breeding places
 Anopheles minimus : water savage, slow moving
 Anopheles balabacencis : rainy water, pit/water savage
 Anopheles aconitus : swimming pool, lake, rice
field, fast moving stream
 Anopheles sundaicus : brackish water
 Anopheles maculatus : water that exposured to sun, moving
stream water, rice
Culicine head

 Pylose antenne (1)
 The Palpus shorter than +
the proboscis (3,2)

 Holoptic eyes
 Plumose (1)
 The Palpus equaly length 
with the proboscis (2)
Aedes sp Larva
 Head (1)
 Siphon  short
and fat (2)
 Anall gill’s (3)
 Thorax (4)
 Abdomen (5)

Aedes sp Egg
• Rugby shape
• Float (-)
• Laid singly on
dump surface
Morphology of
Pecten teeth & Comb spines
 Comb spine is laid on
the 8th segment
 Pecten teeth is laid on
the siphon.
Aedes sp
 Biting activity : morning and evening
 Host preference : human
 Habitat : Clear water
Cocoa pods
Rubber tyres
Septic tanks
Roof gutters
Refrigerator trays
Cementeries/ flower vases
 Resting place: Aedes aegypti  indoor,
Aedes albopictus  outdoor
 Flying distance : 100 – 300 meters
 Seasonal abundance: rainy season
 Medical importance :
Yellow fever
Eastern Equine Encephalitis
California Encephalomyelitis
Venezuela Equine Encephalomyelitis
 Lateral hair on Culex sp. Larva
each abdominal
segment (1)
 Siphon long and
slender (2), with
ventral hair tuft
 Anal gills (3)

• Banana shape
Culex sp. Eggs
• Float (-)
• 100-200 eggs are
aggregated on floating
Culex sp
 Gonotrophic cycle: 5-8 days
 Biting activity : evening-night
 Host preference : human and animal
 Habitat : Poluted water
 Resting place : Outdoor, grass, bush etc.
 Fly distance : 1,25-5,1 kms
 Seasonal abundance: rainy season
 Medical importance:
Japanese B Encephalitis
St Louis Encephalitis
Western Equine Encephalomyelitis
California Encephalomyelitis
Mansonia sp. Eggs

 Deposited in clumps
on aquatic plants 
sun ray appearance
 Piercing valve (+)
 They use the
piercing valve for
attaching to leaf.
 Float (-)
Mansonia sp. Larva
 Siphon has piercing
valve  attach to
water plant root.
Mansonia sp
 Biting activity : night - morning
 Host preference : human and animal
 Habitat : water plant - swamp water
 Resting place : outdoor
 Male and female head  Culicini
 Flying distance : 1,5-3,2 kms
 Seasonal abundance: rainy season
 Medical importance: filariasis, virus
Aedes sp, Culex sp, Mansonia sp

 Resting posision
of Culicini:
The body posision,
parallel with the
resting surface
Proboscis not in
line with abdomen
Mosquito Control Indices for
Aedes aegypti
1.No. of houses inspected for Aedes sp
2.No. of houses positive for Aedes sp
a. Aedes aegypti
b. Aedes albopictus
c. Combination
3. - House index : ?
- Container index: ?
- Breteau index: ?
 House Index : Number of houses or
buildings which the larva are found /
number of house that are inspected.

 Container Index: Number of containers with

the larva / number of container that are

 Breteau index : Number of containers at

100 houses which the larva are found.

 All result in %
 Tham Ah Seng et al., Problem and
Solutions in vectro control. Presented at
Dengue Symposium University of Malaya,
7 November, 1992. pp:1-13
 Daniel Hosea Boeditjahjono et al.,
Parasitologi Kedokteran. Versi1.0
 Parasitology Arthropoda

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