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Assalamu’ alaikum
Nama: Desma Enawati
Kelas: XI MIPA 1
G. Pembimbing: Mrs. Rita Rusli S.Pd.
Cause and effect
(Sebab dan akibat)
Cause and Effect
(Sebab dan akibat)

seseorang atau sesuatu yang membuat sesuatu terjadi.

The cause of the flood was the massive of amount
garbage thrown in the river .
Noun (Penyebab dari banjir itu adalah banyaknya sampah yang
dibuang ke sungai).

sebuah kegiatan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi.

The massive amount of garbage thrown in the river
caused the flood.
Verb (Banyaknya sampah yang dibuang ke sungai
menyebabkan banjir ini).

sebuah perubahan yang merupakan hasil dari sebuah

kegiatan atau sebab

The rain had an effect on her mood.

Noun (Hujan mempunyai pengaruh pada moodnya)

untuk menghasilkan sebuah efek; menyebabkan

/mempengaruhi terjadinya sesuatu.
The rain affected his mood.
Verb (Hujan mempengaruhi moodnya).
Kalimat sebab – akibat.

Kita biasanya dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi kalimat

mengandung hubungan sebab-akibat bila dalam kalimat tersebut
terdapat kata atau frasa( signal word/signal phrase) seperti :
• Due to
• Because of
• Owing to
• Thanks to
• As a consequence of
• As a result of
• Because
• Since
• As
• For

Signal word/Phrase + Cause + Effect

Effect + Signal word/Phrase + Cause


Due to Bella’s nervousness, she did not
01 pass the driving test.
 Signal phrase : Due to
 Cause : Bella’s nervousness
 Effect : she did not pass the driving test

He is always late because of his gaming

02 habits.
 Signal phrase : because of
 Cause : his gaming habits
 Effect : He is always late

As a result of the rain, we canceled the

 Signal phrase : As a result of
 Cause : the rain
 Effect : we can canceled the outing

Dennis could not sing owing to his sore

04 throat.
 Signal phrase : owing to
 Cause : his sore throat
 Effect : Dennis could not sing

She was dismissed as a consequence of her

05 ignorance.
 Signal phrase : as a consequence of
 Cause : her ignorance
 Effect : She was dismissed.
Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti
dengan subjek + verb atau verb
phrase biasanya menggunakan
kata atau frasa (signal word/signal
phrase) seperti:
 Because
 Since
 As
 For

Kalimat sebab-akibat
Yang diikuti oleh verb


Signal word/Phrase + Cause + Effect

Signal word/Phrase + Cause + Effect
Because Bella was nervouse, she did not pass the driving
test. phrase : because
Cause : Bella was nervous
Effect : she did not pass the driving test

He is always late as he always stay up at night.

Signal phrase : as
Cause : he always stay up at night
Effect : He is always late

The outing was canceled since it’s raining

Signal phrase : since
Cause : it’s raining
Effect : The outing was canceled

Dennis could not sing for his throat is sore.

 Signal phrase : for
 Cause : his throat is sore
 Effect : Dennis could not sing
Wassalamu’ alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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