Digital Literacy: Prepared By: Grace Wendiejoy M. Grino

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Digital literacy

Prepared by:
Grace Wendiejoy M. Grino
Digital literacy is the
awareness, attitude and
What is digital ability of individuals to
appropriately use digital
literacy ? tools and facilities to
identify, access,
manage, integrate,
The ability to understand
evaluate, analyze and
and use information in
multiple formats from a synthesize digital
wide range of sources when resources, construct
it is presented via new knowledge and
computers. create media.
The eight essentials of digital literacy
Why its important?

Technology is changing faster than society is.

Enhance leisure and make our work easier

Present urgent challenges to the social norms,

market models and legal frameworks that structure
our society.
On the rise

Digital literacy classes are on the rise in

classrooms all around the country.

The world is becoming immersed in

technology and many more students are
learning to keep up with it.
Information literacy
 Determines the nature and extend of information needed

 Accesses the needed information effectively and efficiently

 Evaluated information and its sources critically and incorporates selected

information into his or her knowledge base and value system

 Uses information effectively to accomplished a specific purpose

 Understands many of the economic, legal and social issues surrounding

the use of information, and accesses and uses information ethically and
The National Higher Education Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) has developed a
definition of literacy for the 21st century which
combines cognitive and technical skills with an
ethical/legal understanding of information.
Digital citizenship

Uses these skills to actively participate in civic

society and contribute to a vibrant, informed, and
engaged community.

Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate,

responsible technology use.
The 9 elements of digital citizenship
1. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society

2. Digital Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods

3. Digital communication: electronic exchange of


4. Digital Literacy: process of teaching and learning about

technology and the use of technology

5. Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and

The 9 elements of digital citizenship
6. . Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and

7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: those freedoms

extended to everyone in a digital world.

8. Digital Health and wellness: physical and psychological

well-being in a digital technology world.

9. Digital Security( self-protection): electronic precautions

to guarantee safety.
Social Networking

 uses these skills and the appropriate technology to

communicate and collaborate with peers, colleagues,
family and on occasion, the general public.
Life long learning

A person who digitally literate understands the

relationship between technology, life learning, personal
privacy, and stewardship of information.


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