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Made by: Gergő Wolf

• Australia is in the Shouthern Hemisphere

Australia is situated south of Asia, between the

Pacific and the Indian Oceans.
It’s the 6th biggest country in the world

It’s an island, sorrounded by water

It’s the smallest continent in the world

The climate varies across the continent.
Australia is south of the equator, so it’s
climate is opposite that of North America.
Summer: December through March
Winter: June through September

Central Australia is mostly desert. – This is

the largest part of Australia

Very little rain falls here. – Most of this

area gets less than 10 inches of rain per
Political System
According to the Australian
Constitution, the country is a federal
state with a aconstitutional-
monarhical form of goverment.
Monarch of Great Britain is the
monarch of Australia, and its power in
the country respresented by the
Governor General. However, the
monarchy in Australia is mainly
ceremonial and political system is a
parliamentary democracy. Many want
that Australia to be transformed into a
The capital of Australia - Canberra
It is an amazing creation of the XX century. Canberra is a
planned city, lively and interesting. Capital was founded in
1913. Title Canberra with Aboriginal language translated as
„meeting place”.
Australia’s coat of

Coat of Arms Australia is

the official sympbol of
the state since 1912.
Australian coat of arms
consists of a shield
supported by kangaroo
and emu. Coat of arms
symboizes commitment
and unity.
Interesting facts
• While Australians technically speak English, sometimes it's
as if they are speaking their own language. Everything is
shortened, and there are so many random words they throw
in. If you were wondering if they really say “ mate ” all the
time, they do.
• There are a lot of deadly animal which will killl you
Australian man-made Landmarks

• The Sydney Opera house attracts opera lovers and tourists.

Originally a Landmark
was ‚an object set up
to mark the
boundaries of a
kingdom, estate, A notable location: e.g. Sydney Opera House

One of the strongest lights in
Australia, Cape Byron Lighthouse
(New South Wales) stand on a rocky
headland that juts into the Pacific
Ocean. Cape Byron and the
lighthouse are part of the 22,000
hectare Cape yron Marine Park
which combined with the town of
Byron Bay.

The MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) is

host to the AFL from April to September
and after the AFL Grand Final the MCG
prepares for Cricket Season which usually
starts at the end of September. The MCG
hosts both international and anational
Cricket Matches and is also home to
Australia’s National Sports Museum.
Historical figures Sir Donald Bradman Hugh Jackman

Captin James Cook –

1 st survey Australia’s coast in 1770

Barry Humphries
Ned Kelly
Russel Crow

Nicole Kidman Steve Irwin

Typical habits and national celebrations
This describes the easy-going Australian way of This habit surprises almost every international student!
life perfectly. Yes, every establishment in Australia provides free water. They are
Walking barefoot is very common in Australia from the tap but they are potable and ready to consume.
and this applies to everyone, even kids. For example, you can request tap water in a bar or restaurant and
No matter if you are going to the supermarket or they will come in a jar.
shopping mall, it is very likely that you will see Besides, many places practice the BYO (Bring Your Own) politics. It
people walking barefoot. means that you can take your own drink to a restaurant if you want.
This does not apply to every establishment, so we recommend you
to check before bringing your drinks.

3- Australia Day
Australia Day, celebrated on January 26, is the anniversary
of the arrival of Captain Arthur Phillip and 11 ships of British
convicts to New South Wales- marking the “founding” of
Australia. On this day every year, Australians come together
to celebrate their country’s greatness! People get together
with family and friends, have barbeques, and set off
4- Tropfest
Tropfest is the largest short film festival in the
world. Its origins date back to 1993, as a
screening for 200 people at the Tropicana Caffe in
Sydney. Now, this event still takes place in Sydney
in December, but on a much larger scale. Though
it takes place in Sydney, people in other
Australian cities such as Melbourne come
together for a live screening of the films. It’s also
broadcasted on national television for everybody
to enjoy!

5- Anzac Day
Anzac Day, which takes place on April 25, is a day of
remembrance for all Australians. This day marks the
anniversary of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
(ANZAC) first major military action in World War I. On this
day each year, Australians honor all those who have served
for the country. Commemorations include prayers at dawn,
church services, and parades.
If I ever get to Australia I want to go here…
Uluru: The Uluru-
Kata Tjuta national
park is one of the
most recognizable
landmarks found in
Australia. Uluru is a The Great Barrier Reef: is the largest
big, red rock, taking coral reef on the planet. It’s simply
the spotlight as the massive, formed over millions of years,
park’s main the reef is made up of thousands of
attraction. smaller coral reefs. Today, it’s among
the earth’s biggest, most complex, and
most diverse ecosystems.

Kings Canyon: Kings Canyon is situated in

the Northern Territory of Australia. Beautiful
scenery, including the canyon, cliffs, and rock
formation that formed hundreds of millions
of years ago, are some of what you'll see

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