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Prayer and Commitment

Lesson 3:
If you’re asking the question, ‘How do I discern?’
We encounter God: we bring
Him the questions which the
Holy Spirit has stirred in our
daily lives, and God speaks to
us. Although God already
knows us intimately, He
desires us to open our hearts
to Him and be honest with
Him, bringing before Him all
our hopes, dreams, struggles
and worries.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Identify prayer and commitment and its connectedness.
2. Create a piece of an art that represents your level of
commitment to your calling.
3. Challenge oneself to be firm towards relationship to God
in answering one’s calling.
a: an agreement or pledge to do something in the
b: something pledged
c: the state or an instance of being obligated or
emotionally impelled
- Meriam Webster dictionary
Are you as committed as you think you
are? Here are six signs that can prove that
you are a committed individual:
You adapt easily

You are adaptable to any situation, because the goal

is more important to you than anything that stands in
the way of it. Because you are focused and dedicated
you are not a person who will easily give up no
matter what situation you are in.
You are very tolerant

Commitment requires tolerance. Rome was not built

in a day, and neither will you reach your goal in a
single day. You understand that patience and
tolerance are two qualities that are required in order
for you to ultimately reach your goal.
You are dependable

You are very dependable as a friend or a

support system. People in your life know that
they can rely on you and that you have and will
never let them down.
You are focused

When you put your mind to it, you can make a

success of anything. You see the end result in your
mind's eye, and you work towards it every day of
your life without giving up.
You are passionate

If you are passionate about what you want to

do, the battle is already half won. Your love for
the project will ensure the correct amount of
commitment and dedication, and it will most
probably come naturally.
You are straightforward

You speak without filters and you are

straightforward and honest - you like to keep
things transparent, leaving no place for

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