Readings in Philippine History 1

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History- It is a written records of the past.
-It is the study of change over time and it
covers all aspects of human society.
-Toynbee cited that it reflects the progress of
civilizations and societies.
-Marx emphasized History of society as a
history of struggle in between the ruling
class and the oppressed masses.
Braudel explained that history is examining the
political, economic and social/cultural events of
Sources of history
1. primary source-Those that have witnessed
the event that took place or have been part of
the incident being studied.
Ex. Letters, diaries fossils, artifacts, testimony
of a living witness.
2. secondary source- Have not been part of the
event being considered.
Ex. Magazine, newspaper, pamphlets, typescripts,
and articles written about the primary source
Philippine Unhistorical Data
1. Story of Maragtas
2. The Code of Calantiao
3. The legend of Princess
Theories of the Earth
1. Biblical
2. Scientific
a. Uniformitarian theory
b. Theory of natural catastrophism
c. Bigbang theory
3. Myths and legends
a. The story of Malakas and Maganda
b. The quarrel between the Sky and
the sea
The names given to the Philippines
1. Ma’yi- A name given by Chau-ju-kua
2. Islas de san Lazarus by Ferdinand Magellan
3. Felipinas by Villalobos
4. Pearl of the Orient by Juan delgado
5. Rizaline Island by Artemio Ricarte
6. Maharlika by President Marcos
Geography of the Philippines
- The Philippines is located within 4 degrees, 23
minutes to 21 degrees 25 minutes North and
116 degrees to 127 degrees East.
- It has 7107 island and islets with an area of about
300,000 square meters
- it has 3 major islands Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
with luzon as the biggest
-it has the longest irregular coastline in the world,
36,290 kilometers in length.
-it has 61 natural harbors with 20 landlocked strait.
-it has 16 regions with the following new regions of
-it has 3 major mountain ranges in Luzon such as
Caraballo, Cordillera and Sierra Madre Ranges.
-In mindanao, Mt. Ranges includes the following;
Diwata Range, Tago-Apo range, Kalatungan Kitanglad
Range and the Daguma range.
-It has over 50 volcanoes with Mt. Pinatubo, Taal,
Mayon, and Kanlaon as the most active ones.
_Tubbataha reef is declared by the UNESCO as one
of the worlds heritage
5 major geological monuments
1. chocolate hills
2. Taal Volcano
3. Montalban cave in Rizal
4. Sand Dunes of Ilocos Norte
5. Hundred Islands of Pangasinan
Yami-Northern most Island
Saluag-Southern most Island
Cagayan River-Longest river
Central plain-Largest plain also known as the
“Rice Granary of the Philippines.
waling-waling-The queen of the Philippine
Narra-Proclaimed as national tree by Gov.
Gen, Frank Murphy
Tamaraw- dwarf carabao
tarsier- smallest monkey
giant moth- largest insect in the country
Philippine Eagle- King of the
Philippine Birds also known
as the monkey eating eagle.
-The national bird of the Phils.
Kalaw- the clock of the mountain.
katala- it mumbles and croons like a man.
Glory of the sea-Rarest shell.
Tridacna gigas-the worlds largest shell.
Pisidium- smallest shell.
Tabios-smallest fish
pating bulik/whale shark- worlds largest fish.
Mt. Diwalwal-site of gold rush since 1983
copper- mountainous part of northern luzon
Mankayan-Largest copper mine in the country.
Surigao- countries greatest iron bearing.
Nonoc isle- largest deposit of nickel.
27 degrees- Average temperature in the Phils.
The Filipino People
-Harmonious mixture of diversity and
homogeneity, a blend of different races
since the Philippines is the crossroads of
the Pacific.
-They are the descendants of the
Indonesians, Malays, Negritoes, Chinese
Arabs etc.
The indigenous group includes;
1. isnegs of Apayao
2. Kalingas of Kalinga
3. Ifugaos, Igorots, Ibaloys, Kankanays and
bontoks of Benguet and Mt. Province. (most
sophisticated mountain region people)
4. Gaddangs of Isabela
5. Negritoes or aetas of Zambales and the
6. Mangyans of mindoro
7. Tagbanuas, tao’t bato, molbogs, Jama mapuns,
of Palawan
8. Mamanwa (negrito group) of Surigao Del
9. Kalibugans, Subanons, and Samals of
Zamboanga del Sur
10. Manobos, Tirurays, Iranuns and t’bolis of
Maguindanao, Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat.
11. Mandayas of Davao Orientall
12.Bagobos and Bilaans of Davao del Sur
13. yakans of Basilan
14. Tausug of Sulu Archipelago
15. Badjaos of Sulu Sea
16. Muslim group of Mindanao
Character Traits of the Filipinos
1. Taglish speaking people
2. Close family ties
3. High respect to elders
4. Fatalism
5. Hospitality
6. crab mentality
7. intense love for education
8. Palakasan system/padrino system
The origins of the Filipinos
1. Migration theory of Otley Beyer
a. Cave man/Dawn man- First to arrive in
the Philippines via land bridges
2. Pygmy or negritos- Second migrants who
came from Malay Peninsula, Borneo and
3. Indonesians- They came into two waves of
4. Malays- Introduced the iron age culture.

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