Questions: INTEGRANTES: Millaray Silva Tamara Inay Milenka Sánchez Curso: 8°A

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INTEGRANTES: Millaray Silva

Tamara Inay
Milenka Sánchez
Do you like travelling? Why?
• Millaray: Yes, because I can know new places
• Tamara: Yes, because I like to know new places
• Milenka: Yes, because like to go to other parts
What do you like doing in your Winter
• Millaray: I like going to Ensenada and play with the snow
• Tamara: I like to go a trip and be at home
• Milenka: I like to go a trip and be at home
Where did you go on your last summer
• Millaray: Last summer I went to Centinela
• Tamara: In the previous summer I went to Maicolpue and to the
beach of Frutillar
• Milenka: To the beach
Do you prefer travelling by bus, car or
airplane? Why?
• Millaray: I prefer travelling by car because it´s more comfortable
• Tamara: I prefer travelling in car because never travelling airplane
• Milenka: In a car, because it´s faster and because in a fraid of airplane
Which chilean tourist attraction would
you like to visit?
• Millaray: I would like to visit Torres del Paine
• Tamara: I would like to know Torres del Pine and Iquique
• Milenka: I would like to visit Coyhaique
Which international tourist attraction
would you like to visit?
• Millaray: I woul like to visit the Eiffel Tower
• Tamara: I would like to go to Europe
• Milenka: I would like to visit Paris
What do you package in your suitcase
when travelling?
• Millaray: I pack clothes
• Tamara: I pack my clothes depends where I go
• Milenka: I pack clothes
Do you prefer indoor on outdoor
• Millaray: I prefer outdoor activities
• Tamara: I like to do activities outside and inside my house
• Milenka: I prefer outdoor activities
Which is the mon interesting place you
have ever visited?
• Millaray: The most interesting place I have ever visited in Laguna Verde
• Tamara: The most interesting place I have visited is bariloche
• Milenka: The most interesting place I have visited is chiloe
Would you like going camping
• Millaray: Yes, Mantilgue
• Tamara: Yes, in te south of Chiloe
• Milenka: Yes, to the beach

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