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Bibiana Del Carmen Camacho Pérez
Logistica de entrada
To determined the entrees logistic we
have to know the existence of every

delivery & volume of selling

To determined the logistic of the exits you
have todefined the production system of t
& the distribution
of the customer
(per event/ per
work turn
The 2 primary activities that a restaurant
add to the food service are

quantity and quality of food
It’s difficult to buy and it’s more difficult
to buy the ingredients of an restaurant. To
make easier that decision you just have to
follow your standard recipe.
Your personal have to know

the value of the customer

nutrition and

sanity and hygiene on the

The restaurant have to be divided based
on your space, the time of your
production (food), and the distribution of
your work team.
The classification of restoration is direct:
you produce and consume in the same
place and indirect you cook in central
kitchen and distribute to other kitchens
But the most important thing you have to
coach to your co workers are

the work

politics of the
Estudio de las politicas de
produccion de platillos
It is recommendable do not create extra
menus or improvised menus without a
standard recipe, because you can get your
cost higher, waste time & make bad
The characteristic of yours plates are the
personal touch that you (or your chef)
create for the dish
You have some points to control:

Cleaning of the pots your personal going

to use
The adequate dish for the adequate recipe
The portions
The temperatures
The distribution and the presentation
Of every dish
For all your dishes you just have only 2
ways to conserve:
As an food and beverage manager you
have to and teach your chef and cooks co
workers how to supervise the next point
of a dish preparation:
Adequate preparation
Adequate serving
You have to teach how to work in
all the areas together
Types of customers
Remember , to get the quality standards
in a dish you have to make elaboration
This cards help you in the function of the
storage and the making of the purchasing
specification form, because they reflect
how much you use per recipe, how hen
you can compare with how much you sell
and how much you have
In kitchen this cards help you to have a
great kitchen order, a better
concentration in the duties, and a
diminutions of mistakes .
To make a cards you have to make a list
of the ingredients that composed the dish,
specification the products : classification,
kind, where from... And a process
Servicios Innovadores
In the restoration of small and medium
enterprises and for night schedule could use
the to go or drive thru.
The advantages of this innovating service are
your customer can go every time, you use the
minimum personal and the space designated
for this area is minimum.
Consider that your common customer could be
kids try to include in your market presentation
and in your menu ballasted meals
Logisitca de salida de
insumos del almacen
It includes the duties associated with the
distribution (physic) of the product.
Its recommendable not leave the dish in
wait line for some hours, the dish start to
loss nutrients and to be propensity to stay
Remember that the microorganisms start
to multiply in 10ºc & 65º. The last one is
the optimist temperature.
The delayed restoration is associated with
the production and consummation, it means
that is produced in one place and ends in
another for the service
The terminal kitchen is the unit only used to
products, ready for use, semi-processed and
Its to re-make the menu for the distribution
and consummation immediately.
Consecución de diferenciación
y ahorro en costes a través de
las operación
The greatest idea of the elaboration cards
is to obtain uniform products and achieve
and exactly dietary calibration of the dish.
It makes that the product get his value
high over all of your social enterprises.
It makes you easier the economic and
control work
This card help us to avoid the financial
lost, the adequate utilization of the
ingredients, the excellent application of
cook techniques and help us to control our
Restauracion Directa
Isone in which the consumption of
cooked plants occurs immediately.
Logistica de salida

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