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Purchasing product or services over the internet,

online shopping has attained immense popularity in
recent mainly because people find it convenient and easy
to shop from the comfort of their home and office and
also is from the trouble of moving from shop to shop in
search of the good of choice.
Online shopping is a sort of e-commerce
that permits customers to directly purchase
product and services over the web through a
virtual store.
Whereas retail is a method of providing
products and services to customers through
multiple channels of distribution. Retail
stores can be small or massive, however
they principally operate with the same line
as "purchasing to sale."
Today, most of the retail stores in Baggao
are affected because of the booming of
online shopping. Some factors include their
sales or income, customer’s loyalty, price,
discounts and convenience.
Today, retailing means going into
shopping, centers, going online and going
mobile. In all this, small retailers miss
out somewhere. But the nearby store is
always the most important concern for all
reason and season.
This study looks into the various
aspects about how retail businesses are
being affected upon the profitability
of the various concerns due to
increasing trend for online shopping.
Although the periodicity of the study
is less yet an effective attempt has
been made to enlighten the scenario
along with concrete suggestions.
According to the article “What Makes E-
2. After entering your topic, this example is “The Alamo” you
can click on the + sign to add the topic to your Word
commerce Click?” (2017), eleven years ago RJ
document. A link is provided on your document so you can
David made his bedroom turned into a boardroom
return to the information source again at a later time. Click on
the article to learn more about it.
while he was setting up the most successful
buying and selling sites in the Philippines.
He did state that he knew that the main
hindrance of e-commerce would be the trust of
the consumer because Filipinos would not be
comfortable to the thought of paying someone
through online and waiting for their purchased
product to arrive.
Slide 3
In this research, to support the
study, we used the quantitative
approach- survey method by floating a
questionnaire to the respondents to
gather data. Our respondents consist
of 30 from Baggao, Cagayan. It
consists of different business
products from different store
With a growing number of households turning towards
the internet and the world of e-commerce to shop,
invest, make payments, and do online banking, new
technological advancement will have to come about to
make these transactions secure. However, not all
consumers are participating in online transaction as
part of the internet boom. As more and more,
businesses continued establish an online presence,
they're finding that some consumers are still
reluctant to shift in that same direction. For various
consumers, there are still concerns with security and
passing personal data over the internet. It is because
they are afraid that their personal information will
be spread by scammer and might use by other people for
In this paper an attempt has been made to
highlight the effect of the increasing
trend online shopping over the various
fixed shop retailers. Retailers comprise of
a large section of the population and a
larger population is dependent upon these
retailers. But the advent of e-stores with
their attractive incentives and wide
varieties has slapped on their face the
fear of uncertainty and helplessness.
According to Manglinong, D. (2018) “Why Online
2. After entering your topic, this example is “The Alamo” you
Shopping isto Booming
can click on the + sign add the topic to in the Philippines”, the reason
your Word
document. A link is provided on your document so you can
return tomost of the
the information people
source again prefer
at a later time. Click on shopping online
the article to learn moreduring
about it. the Christmas season and special
holidays as early as December is because convenience,
cheaper sales, and special deals are the most
significant reason why the consumers likes to shop
through the internet. It is also stated that online
shopping has been growing for the past years, as early
as the year 2015 were revealed that 9 out 10 Filipinos
would prefer online shopping than actual since people
can save a lot due to certain online shops who offer
special deals or discounts for consumers rather than
in an actual store.
According to Kulviwat, S. , Thakur, and Chiquan (2008),
2. After entering your topic, this example is “The Alamo” you
can click on the rapid
the + sign to add thegrowth
topic to yourof
Wordinternet use of across the
document.about 20 years
A link is provided ago,sothere
on your document you can were predictions on the
return to the information source again at a later time. Click on
possible impacts
the article to learn more about it.of online shopping on retail business
since the potentiality of online business were becoming
clearer. This was followed by an era characterized by
questions such as, to what extent will the online business
impact retail business. Some concerns specific to
retailing arose such as taking into consideration, the
kind of consumers, their online shopping habits and the
key factors which would ensure repeat customers.
Currently, the best research on strategies for online
shopping such as coordination channel, market
segmentation, promotional strategies and pricing are being
Relationship between the success in online
2. After entering your topic, this example is “The Alamo” you
can click on the + sign to add the topic to your Word
shopping and possible implication on the
document. A link is provided on your document so you can
shopping malls.
return to the information source again at a later time. Click on
the article to learn more about it.

Due to decreased online shopping risk

perception and their impacts on consumer’s
intents, the growth of online shopping has
been a major threat to shopping malls. This
has hypothetically led to decline in the
total sales realized by various shopping
malls as the customers outreach of online
shopping continues to rise.
The increase in online shopping has greatly
2. After entering your topic, this example is “The Alamo” you
can click on the + sign to add the topic to your Word
affected the nature of shopping malls in the
document. A link is provided on your document so you can
contemporary society in terms of their total
return to the information source again at a later time. Click on
the article to learn more about it.
sales. A study conducted in 2016 showed that
78% of the US population who are above 15
years old bought at least one item in the
last quarter of 2016. A study conducted in
the US showed that at least 69% of the US
adult is shops online at least once in a
month and about 33% shops on a weekly basis.
2. After entering yourtotopic,the US isDepartment
this example “The Alamo” you of Commerce 2016
report, e-retailers constituted about 8.3% of the
can click on the + sign to add the topic to your Word
document. A link is provided on your document so you can
retail sales source
return to the information excluding the
again at a later time. Click food
on related services and
the article to learn more about it.
automobile fuels. This figure was only 7.4 in 2015.
This depicts tremendous improvements in online
shopping which has ever since grown. The 2016 report
also indicated an increase in 1.4% in 2016. According
to a Forester Research Study, by the end of 2018,
online shopping constitutes over 11% of all the
purchases in the US. On the other hand, study
conducted in the same year depicted decline shopping
mall sales.
The identified
2. After shift
entering your topic, this example is in purchases
“The Alamo” you from the online
can click on the +malls to
sign to add the the
topic to yourweb-based
document. A link is provided on your document so you can
platform has had
serious impacts
return to the information on atshopping
source again malls as previously
a later time. Click on
the article to learn more about it.
mentioned.This has resulted into a shift in demand for
the retail space especially for various shopping
malls. The demand for the neighborhood and community
shopping malls has since had their demands lag behind
despite the robust consumer spending. The trend
commenced with decreasing books sales in the shopping
malls alongside electronic appliances. This trend
could be explained by the existence of robust online
bookstore such as Amazon and e-Bay.

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