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Covid Impact on IT and BPM Sector

Presented By Group K
Executive Summary

India is the world leader in IT and BPM services accounting for ~55% of the global services sourcing business.

The IT-BPM industry in India constitutes 8% of India's GDP.

Indian IT & BPM industry is expected to grow to USD 310 Bn by 2020.

Domestic value addition is expected to rise from the current 5-10 per cent to 20-25 per cent in 5 years.

India is the 2nd largest start-up ecosystem in the world with 18,000+ start-ups recognized by the government till
May 2019.
Growth in Export Revenue
How COVID-19 Outbreak impacted IT?

Launching Of New Products are delayed

Decrease in productivity and performance

Employee Management & Work Management becomes difficult

Discussions on new projects are stalled by the clients

Lay-offs due to decreasing business capital

Cyber security risk increased

Financial Performances

Financial Performance of Q1 FY2020 compared with Q1 FY2019

How IT Sector Benefited from COVID-19?

 Demand for Cloud Infrastructure has increased rapidly.

Cloud  Cloud Based application got a huge demand especially (Video Conferencing,
Online Education, Data Transfer or storage, Message application)

 Ecommerce giants gained massive customer turn out as customers

E-commerce preferred shopping online.
 Food aggregator apps saw tremendous popularity.

 Developed Remote Work Space

Infrastructure  Monetary savings for business since office employees are working
from home
How did IT help fight COVID-19?

First and foremost we have to discuss about WORK FROM HOME (WFH). Companies & Employees
learned how manage work flow in an organized way working from home

It helped to create Awareness through Social Media.

Tacking Spread Count, Protecting country from Cyber Attacks

Digital Payments made easy for money transactions from anywhere to anyone Communication
made easy through Social apps & Video Conference Apps

Many Applications like Health Care, Entertainment, Essential Supplies, Online Food Delivery, Online
Classes and News broadcasting apps were fully functioning because of IT Sector support only.
Measures taken by Government

Allocation of Digital India doubled to USD 472 Mn in 2018-19.

A dedicated Software Product Development Fund (SPDF) with a corpus of USD 145.65 Mn.

In 2020, the government released “Simplified Other Service Provider” (OSP) guidelines to
improve the ease of doing.

Interim Budget 2019-20 announced that 1,00,000 villages to be made Digital Villages by

As part of Union Budget 2018-19, NITI Aayog was to set up a national level programmed to
enable efforts in AI and leverage AI^ technology.

"IT has become the most integral function of the society in the aftermath of COVID-19, As businesses and governments
embraced IT services and support like never before. If not adopted quickly, businesses will not be able to survive in the
market without IT post Pandemic“

 https://www.
 Research Papers and Industry reports
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