Voter'S Education Program: Click To Edit Master Title Style

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Election is the means by which the people
choose their officials for definite and fixed

1. Regular elections 2. Special elections

• National • Plebiscite
• Local • Referendum
• Barangay • Initiative
• ARMM • Recall
• Sangguniang Kabataan (SK)
2 2
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How often are elections style held ?

1. Every 2nd Monday of May for national and local elections

a. President and Vice-President: every 6 years
b. Senators, Congressmen, Provincial, City and municipal
officials: every 3 years
2. Every last Monday of October, every 3 years for barangay
and SK officials
3. Every 3 years from March 1993 – ARMM elections
3 3
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What is registration?
Registration refers to the act of accomplishing and filing of a
sworn application for registration by a qualified voter.
 Why Should I Register?
To have the opportunity to choose our leaders
What’s in it for me?
Just like text voting, you get heard and counted.
What are the requirements for registration ?
One must be:
1. a Filipino citizen
2. at least eighteen (18) years old
3. a resident of the Philippines for one year and of the city or
municipality wherein he proposes to vote for at least six months
immediately preceding the election 4 4
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Where MasterI title style
Comelec office

Where should I validate my registration?

Barangay office

How do I go about transferring my registration ?

-You may apply with the Election officer of new
residence for the transfer of your registration records.
-You will be asked to accomplish 6 application forms.
5 5
Click toOUR
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• Voting by popularity • Vote-buying

“The Philippines is a republican and democratic state.

Sovereignty resides the people and all government authority
emanates from them.”

1. We elect our officials directly

2. Officials serve for fixed terms
3.Officials are directly accountable to the

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7 7
Click to edit MasterLEGISLATIVE
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- Analyst
Reviews & evaluates proposals, position papers
Conducts research on proposed bills & position papers
Consults experts
Defends & analyzes proposed bills
- Legislative Positions
 Congressman
 Senator  Board member
 Vice governor
 Vice mayor
 City/ municipal councilors
 Brgy. Councilors 8 8
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 Implements programs & projects

 Monitors programs & projects
 Provides basic services
 Performs ceremonial functions

9 9
Click to edit Master titleJUDICIAL
 Enforce court decisions
 Resolves disputes about federal laws

Judicial positions

 Chief justice
 Associate justice

Click should
edit Master I look for?
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R- Right Governance
I- Integrity
G- Giftedness
H- Heart
T- Track Record
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What edit Master
qualities title
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I look for?

R – Righteous Governance

A candidate who governs righteously does not

accept or offer bribes, and leads an example of
eradicating graft and corruption within his area of

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qualities title
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I look for?

I - Integrity

A person on integrity is not a perfect individual; rather,

he or she is someone who desires to be accountable to
those he leads. His walk should match his talk, and his
public image must not be a result of a clever media
makeover, but should be based on a solid character of

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What edit Master
qualities title
should style
I look for?

G - Giftedness

A candidate for a public office must have the

qualifications and abilities necessary to carry out his/her
responsibilities successfully. A candidate needs more
than an impressive pedigree or diplomas, but must also
have the strengths, personality traits and innate
capabilities needed to serve in the particular office he/she
seeks to serve in
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What edit Master
qualities title
should style
I look for?

H - Heart

How is your candidate’s heart for God, for people

and for our nation? Does he/she see himself/herself
as answerable not only to people, but to Someone
infinitely higher than him/her?

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qualities title
should style
I look for?

T – Track Record

Look for your candidate’s track record in a previously held public

office, or if he/she is entering politics for the first time, consider how
this candidate has proven himself/herself in his chosen profession
or area of expertise before running for office. You need to also be
informed about your candidate’s track record in the other points of
the guidelines I have just explained to you. Do you see a good
pattern of righteous governance, integrity, giftedness and heart? If
you do, then your candidate is one leader you should vote for and
support. 1616
Click to VALUEtitle
edit Master OF YOU
-It is priceless! What must we do?
O equal chance for a vote, whether rich or  Pray
poor  Go out and register or revalidate
your registration
O guaranteed opportunity to participate
 Encourage your friends to register
Your vote will mean: and to revalidate their registration
 better services from the executive  Help educate your friends to Vote
 better policies and laws from the
 Vote RIGHT
legislative a brighter future for us, Filipinos
 Watch the count, be a Poll Watcher

“The best way for evil to triumph

is for good men to do nothing.”
HOW TOedit
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Step 1: Study the Campaign
Criteria to judge a candidate — Candidates can be judged in two ways: the
positions they take on issues and the leadership qualities and experience they
would bring to the office.
Step 2: Look at Campaign Information

A. Gather information about the candidate B. Recognize distortion tactics

There are a variety of sources where you can find  Name-calling
information, including  Rumor-mongering
• Campaign websites and social media  Loaded statements
• Campaign literature  Guilt by association
• Direct-mail letters sent to targeted voters asking for  Catchwords
support and funds  Baiting
• Press releases C. Spot Phony Issues
• Radio and television ads  Passing the blame
• Candidates’ speeches  Promising the sky 1818
• Candidate debates
Evaluate the Candidates
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 Evaluate the Candidates’ Stands on Issues
 Learn How Other People View the
As you read materials you collect, keep a journal and record the
candidates’ stands on your priority issues. Do the materials give you
The opinions of others can help clarify
an overall impression of the candidates? What specific conclusions
your own views, but remember you may
can you draw about their stands on issues?
be the most careful observer of all.
 Examine the Candidates’ Leadership Abilities
Deciding if a candidate will be a good leader is difficult. How can you  Seek the opinions of others in
know if someone will be honest, open and able to act under pressure your community who keep track of
if elected to office? Here are some ways to read between the lines: political campaigns.
Interview three people (not family
• Look at the candidates’ background and experience. How well members) to find out whom they support
prepared are they for the job? and why. Learn what has shaped their
• Watch the candidates in action. Do they accept speaking opinions. Was it an idea or program
engagements of participate in debates before diverse groups, even proposed by the candidate?
groups that may not be sympathetic? A particular issue or party about which
they feel strongly?
• Read the campaign material carefully to find any insights into the
candidate personalities. Do they emphasize issues or just image? Are
the accurate? 1919
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 Learn edit Master title style
This is a way for interest groups and organizations to give a “stamp of approval” and
provide voters with clues to the issues a candidate supports.
 Find out where the candidates get the funds to finance their
Do they use their own money or funds from a few wealthy contributors, from many small
donors or from political action committees?
 Be a Smart Poll Watcher
Throughout the campaign, opinion polls will be taken by a variety of groups to evaluate
public support for the different candidates. Polls reveal who is leading at a certain point in
the race. As you read the polls, ask yourself these questions:
• Who sponsored the poll?
• Were all the figures released? (When parties and candidates pay for polls, they may
only release favorable data.)
• What kinds of questions were asked? 2020
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Step 5: Rate the Debate
You should enjoy watching a televised debate because you are
so well prepared to understand the questions and answers and
to evaluate the candidates’ performance. Before the event, get
some background on the debate sponsor and follow any
conflicts over the debate itself.

 Rate the Debate Format

A good format should be interesting and fair, should provide information about the candidates
and issues and should help you judge the candidates’ leadership abilities.
• Does it hold your interest?
• Does it allow the differences between the candidates to surface?
• Does it make it easy for the candidates to discuss the issues and respond to opponents?
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 Rate Master title style
the Moderator/Panelists
• Is the moderator in control of the debate? Does the moderator or any of the
panelists talk too much?
• Are the questions fair and equally tough on all the candidates?
• Are the questions clear? Is there enough information so that viewers understand
the meaning of the answers? Are follow-up questions used to pin down the
• Do the questions cover all the important issues?
 Rate the Candidates
As you watch, be aware of your reactions both to the
substance of the candidates’ remarks and the visual
images that are conveyed. They can be powerful.
Clearly, the power of images can cause voters to
overlook what is being said.
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All Out title style

Review the information you have collected and ask yourself these final questions:
• Which candidate’s views on the issues do I agree with most?
• Who ran the fairest campaign?
• Which candidate demonstrated the most knowledge of the issues?
• Which candidate has the leadership qualities I am looking for? Is the choice
clear? Then pick a candidate.

Step 7: Register to Vote!

Step 8: Vote, It’s In Your Best!

Do’s and Don’ts for Voters
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1. Do NOT vote for candidates just because they were endorsed by President.
2. Do NOT vote for candidates because of their surname.
3. Do NOT sell your vote.
4. Do NOT vote for candidates just because they shook your hand or posed for a
picture with you, or they are natives of your town or province, or they are
godparents of a relative.
5. Do NOT let the poll surveys influence your vote.
6. VOTE for candidates you think are honest, sincere and will serve us well even
if they rank low in the opinion polls.
7. VOTE for candidates who have good qualifications and have good track
8. Respect the privacy of other voters.
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“Somehwere inside of all of us
is the power to change the world”
- Ralph Dahl

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Thank You

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(Reference: League of Women Voters (2022)

How to Pick a Candidate. Retrieved from:


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