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Lecture 9: General Design

TR 320 Highway Geometric Design

(A Two Unit Course)

Objective of the Lecture

• To present an overview of general
design controls
The learner should be able to:
• Apply the general controls in the
design exercise and on any project
03/05/22 TR 320 Lecture 9: General controls 2
1. General design controls -
Alignment coordination in design
2. General controls for vertical
3. General controls for horizontal
4. Other elements affecting
geometric design
03/05/22 TR 320 Lecture 9: General controls 3
1) General design controls:
coordination of Plan and profile
• Horizontal alignment and profile are among the most
important permanent design elements of a highway.
• Excellence in the design of each and of their
combination provides for smooth traffic operation
and safety, improves appearance and avoids costly
future alterations usually at no additional cost.
• Compromises to save initial investment may be
more than offset by future economic loss to the
public (users and non users) in form of crashes and
03/05/22 TR 320 Lecture 9: General controls 4
Key points to note:
1) Design speed controls the general
location and the limiting values of
many elements and thus keeps
them in balance
2) Harmonizing of the vertical and
horizontal alignments is essential to
keep the roadway economical,
pleasant, and safe.
03/05/22 TR 320 Lecture 9: General controls 5
3) Alignment coordination must be gin with
preliminary design
4) Plan and profile should be plotted
together (small scale) on long rolling
paper to allow visualization in three
dimensions – or use software that
provides 3D viewing
5) Make adjustments in either horizontal
alignment or profile or both to obtain
desired coordination
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6) Focus at this stage is on major controls not on
detailed calculations. Graphical checks and
limited checks on required SD, minimum
radius, superelevation runoff length and
maximum grade are adequate
7) All aspects of terrain, traffic operation, and
appearance should be considered.
8) Satisfactory vertical and horizontal lines and
their coordination must be achieved before
detailed computation

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Coordination Guidelines
1) Avoid the two extremes of either tangent
alignment /flat curve at the expense of
steep/long grades or excessive curvature
with flat grades. Aim at smooth flowing
alignment meeting capacity, safety and
appearance criteria within the limits of
2) Vertical curvature contained in horizontal
curvature generally results in a more pleasing
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Coordination Guidelines ….

3. Avoid sharp horizontal curvature introduced

near the top of pronounced crest curve
4) Avoid sharp horizontal curvature at the bottom
of s steep downgrade approaching a low point
of a pronounced sag curve.
5) The need to provide sufficient passing sections
may override the general guidelines for
combination of vertical and horizontal
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Coordination Guidelines ….
6) Both horizontal and vertical curvature at
intersections should be as flat as possible (SD
requirement !)
7) On divided roadways it may be desirable to use
independent horizontal alignment and profile
for each direction and variable median width.
8) In residential areas design to minimize
nuisance to the neighbourhood: depressed
facility, increase buffer zone

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Coordination Guidelines ….
9) Design alignment to enhance motorists view
of scenic futures.

• Study Exhibit 3-77 of the text book (AASHTO
• Apply the principles in your design exercise!

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2. General controls for vertical
1) Fit the grades into the terrain in such a way
to achieve smooth grade-lines with gradual
changes. Avoid numerous breaks with short
2) Avoid roller-coaster (hidden-dip) alignment
3) Evaluate profiles with substantial lengths of
momentum grades
4) Avoid broken back alignment

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5) On long grades, it is desirable to
flatten the grade near the top. This is
very relevant to roads with low
design speeds
6) Reduce a steep grade through an at
grade intersection
7) Avoid sag curves in cut unless
adequate drainage can be provided

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3) General controls - horizontal
Guidelines :
(Aim) to avoid excessive curvature or
poor combinations of curvature
which limit capacity and cause
economic loss – increased delay,
increase in operating costs –
detracts from pleasing appearance!
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Guidelines …
1) Alignment should be as directional as
possible but consistent with terrain and

2) Use minimum radius for a give design speed

only at critical locations – prefer flat curves

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3) Use small deflection angle and longest
practical curve except where the need to
provide passing over-rides
4) Always seek consistent alignment
5)For small deflection angles go for long
curves to avoid appearance of a kink. E.g.
150 m Lc for 5 degrees deflection angle.
Increase Lc by 30 for each one degree
decrease in deflection angle.

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6) Minimum length of curve on major
roadways should be about 3V (V is
design speed in km/hr (aesthetic
7)On long high fills (embankments)
avoid sharp curves

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8) Use compound curves only when absolutely
necessary. The difference in radius between
the curves should not exceed 50%
9) Avoid reverse curves – unsafe, limited length
for development of superelevation. If space is
less than 100m it is better to extend SR until
they adjoin so that there is one instantaneous
level section it avoids drainage problem (do
tutorial exercise on this)

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10) Avoid broken-back (or flat-back) alignment.
– Unpleasant
– Not expected

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4) Other elements affecting
geometric design
1) Drainage: Bridges, culverts, channels, kerbs,
gutters, drains. Design storm for hydraulic
design should be economical. Consult
appropriate design manual. Culvert, bridge
height and highest water level on flood plains
affect the location and profile.
2) Erosion control – considered in cross section
and drain design

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3) Rest areas, information centres, lorry bays
Desirable elements of complete facility design
and provided for the safety and convenience
of users. Parking facilities away from the
travelled way + services
4) Lighting: justified for built-up areas. Design of
rural roads should adopt an open cross
section and alignment that allows maximum
use of headlamps and hence no justification
for fixed lighting.

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5) Utilities: utilities should be located to avoid
interference with future roadway expansion –
Longitudinal utilities should be located close
to the edge of the road reserve while those
crossing should be encased or through a
culvert to avoid disruption of traffic during
6) Traffic Control Devices:
– Signs and marking is part of traffic operation plan
and is done concurrently with the design of
geometrics . Signing and marking supplement the
design and inform, warn or regulate the users

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– Traffic signals – assign right of way to traffic
usually in built up areas. Planned operation of the
device should be integrated with the design to
achieve optimal operational efficiency.
7) Noise barriers: For convenience of public
living close to the roadway. The installation of
noise barriers should not compromise the
location of TCD and the safe operation of the
8) Fencing – used to prevent encroachment of
the road reserve and control access.

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9) Maintenance of traffic during construction
– Carefully develop a plan for movement of traffic
through work zone : safety of public and
productivity of the contractor.
– This need may affect the design of an up-grading

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