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Past Simple Sentences

Grammar Rule:

1. I played football.

2. We baked some cookies.

3. We ate lots of cake!

4. She didn’t watch a film.

5. She was at home yesterday.

Regular Verbs
For regular verbs (in general), we add -ed.
regular verbs: 
play – played
watch – watched
want – wanted
For verbs that end in –e, just add –d.
live – lived
care – cared
For verbs that end in consonant +y, we change y to i and add –ed.
spy – spied
carry - carried
For verbs that end in consonant+vowel+consonant, double the last letter
and add –ed.
stop – stopped
rob - robbed
For be verbs:
am – was
is – was
are – were
For irregular verbs, there is a special past tense form.
irregular verbs: 
eat – ate
write – wrote
go – went

Try to memorize them by heart!

Be careful!
When we use the negative, we don’t change the main verb. We use
‘didn’t’ instead.

I didn’t watch TV.
I didn’t go to school.

For be verbs, we just add “not”.


I wasn’t (was not) at home yesterday.

We say... We don’t say...

I had fun! (NOT I haved fun!)

He didn’t play tennis. (NOT He didn’t played tennis.)

They went to France. (NOT They wented to France.)

Let’s practice!
Can you remember the rules?

1. play - _______
2. eat - ________
3. write - ________
4. stop - _______
5. go - _________
6. cry - _________
Let’s practice some more.

Yesterday I went to the playground near my house. I had a

lot of fun. I played on the swings and the slide, but I didn’t
go on the roundabout. I saw my best friend there. We talked
about her birthday and she invited me to her party.
Afterwards I didn’t want to go home!
Tell me a story!

Using the past simple sentences. Tell

me a story about something fun you did
over the weekend.

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