Presentation Abou Skate Fish

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Skate fish

{ Prepared by:
What is it?

Everyone, who has watched the movies ‘‘Finding Dorry‘‘ or
‘‘Finding Nemo‘‘has seen this large character, floating fish on his
back. Have you ever wondered what this fish is called? It‘s a
skate fish. It is really sizeable and reminded a kite.
Skate fish have a flat body shape with flat
pectoral fins that extend the length of
their body. A large portion of the skate's
dorsal body is covered by rough skin
made of placoid scales. Their mouths are
located on the underside of the body.
Skate's gill slits are located at abdominal

area as well, but dorsal spiracles allow
the skate to breathe even when it partially
buried underground. Also located on the
dorsal side of the skate are their two eyes
which allow for predator awareness. In
addition to their pectoral fins, skates have
a first and second dorsal fin, caudal fin
and paired pelvic fins. Distinct from their
rhomboidal shape is a long fleshy slender
tail, which can shake electricity.

Lenght – up to 8 feet
Weight – up to 200 pounds

What does it look like?

Distribution, habitats.
What do they eat?

They are in oceans across the world. They are most

commonly found along continental selfes and upper slopes.
Usually they are in deep-water. Where are not skates in
freshwaters environments.
Most of them feed on ocean-bottom animals such as shrimp,
crabs, oysters, mollusks and other.
 skate fish can live for up to 100 years

 Skate fish communicate with the help of their
electric organs. These electric organs produce
electric shocks, which are strong enough to
signal different behavioral activities.
 Skate fish are eaten by humans. They are
popular due to their high protein content and
they have a mild flavor with hard flesh.
 Average litter size – 40 eggs
Skates produce their young in
an egg case called
a mermaid's purse. Their
"mermaid pouches" can be
found on beaches across the
Some pictures
I really hope, you liked
it, how I presented you
about skate fish
{ Thanks for your attention

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