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66 days for a new habit

The meaning of habit

• According to Thesaurus,2018 “habit” an acquired behavior pattern
regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. Thus, habit is
something that you repeat daily in your life, for different purposes.
• Habits can be goods and bad, Also, It is important to differentiate the good
from the bad ones.
Habit Formation Theory of 21 days
• Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon in the
1950s when he began noticing a strange
pattern among his patients.
• When Dr. Maltz would perform an operation
realized that it would take the patient about 21
days to get used to seeing their new face.
• These experiences led to develop the “belief”
of 21 days to create a habit.
Successful People and Good Habits

Michael Jordan spent his

off seasons taking hundreds
of jump shots a day.

Cy Young award-winning
Phillies pitcher Roy
Halladay routinely does a
90-minute workout before
Studies about Habit Creation
• The 21 days of habit creation was no proved with real studies, and became a myth
between the society.
• Philippa Lally examined the habits of 96 people over a 12-week period to determine
how long takes to create a new habit.
• As a result, on average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes
automatic — 66 days to be exact.
• However, can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the
circumstances. In Lally's study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people
to form a new habit.
66 Days for a new Habit

• Highly successful people have

learned to develop good habits,
and it takes discipline, courage
and hard work on a daily basis
to keep those habits in place.
In Organizations
• Its important for managers to find an applicable method to increase
productivity on its organization.
• Good Habits such as: punctuality, work order, organization on the desk
etc. must be encouraged on employees.
• The 66 days method to create a new habit can be applied in organizations
Despite the results of 66 days for create a new habit, the researchers also
noted that:
• Missing a single day did not reduce the chance of forming a habit.
• A sub-group took much longer than the others to form their habits,
perhaps suggesting some people are ‘habit-resistant’.
• Other types of habits may well take much longer.
Habit Recommendation for High Performance
• Live an inspiring vision: managers should inspire to employees with an inspiring vision of
its organization.
• Communicate clear strategies and goals: summarizing the organization strategy and goals
into a short phrases, and also implement strategic communication in the organization.
• Develop employees: develop, coach and support to the employees in the organization its
• Listen and adapt to customer needs: after employees, client is crucial in the organization,
that is its important to create a good relationship with the client. Managers should prepare
to its employees to build good relations with clients.
• Habit creation is important to succeed in personal and professional life.
• Despite studies, people can develop habits depending on they personality,
style of living and conditions of living.
• For managers its important to develop a good strategy to make its
employees to create new habits.
• In organizations the practice of “66 days” can be applied.

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