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MELC -Illustrates well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets,
null set, cardinality of sets, union and intersection of sets and
the difference of two sets.

1. Define sets, subsets, universal sets, null set, cardinality of sets, union
and intersection of sets and the difference of two sets.
2. Identify the different notations and symbols related to sets
3. Differentiate various kinds of sets.   
4. Apply the union and intersection of sets, difference of sets and
complement of a set in everyday lives.
Activity #1. Group the different objects as you see it and

Introduction label each group.

Activity #1. Group the different objects as you see it and
label each group.

Set of Plants/Flowers
Set of Letters
Set of Animals
Set of Number
Set of Shapes
Set of Appliances
Set of Living Things
Set of Non Living Things
Activity #2. 
Suppose the set of Natural/counting
numbers from 1 to 10 is the universal
set (U). Form smaller sets consisting
of elements of U that share a
different characteristics.
Activity #2. 
Suppose the set of Natural/counting numbers from 1
to 10 is the universal set (U). Form smaller sets
consisting of elements of U that share a different
Possible Answers:
A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }
B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }
C = { 2, 3, 5, 7}
D = { 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 }
E = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
    Describe the picture with the corresponding
word/s best describe it.
Universal Set        
Cardinality of a Set
Null/Empty Set
    Describe the picture with the corresponding
word/s best describe it.

Universal Set        
Cardinality of a Set
Null/Empty Set
    Describe the picture with the corresponding
word/s best describe it.

Universal Set        
Cardinality of a Set
Null/Empty Set
    Describe the picture with the corresponding
word/s best describe it.

Universal Set        
Cardinality of a Set
Null/Empty Set
    Describe the picture with the corresponding
word/s best describe it.

Universal Set        
Cardinality of a Set
Null/Empty Set
    Describe the picture with the corresponding
word/s best describe it.

Universal Set        
Cardinality of a Set
Null/Empty Set
Terms to Remember

Set Element Universal Set

Sets are well-defined Elements are also Universal set is
and well-distinguished
known as members, denoted by letter U.
group of objects, called Elements share a It is the set that
elements. common characteristic contains all the objects
and a certain rule. under consideration.
Terms to Remember

Subset Null Set/Empty Set The Cardinality of a Set

Set F is a subset
The cardinality of a
of set A if all elements of
F are also elements of A. The null set is a Set is the number
Proper Subset subset of any set. of elements
F is a proper subset of No element. contained in a
A if F does not contain all
given set.
the elements of A.
3 Ways on how the Elements
can be described
By By By
definition/description Roster/Listing Method Set-Builder/Rule Method
Examples: Examples:
A = set of enhancement E = { x| x is a number
C = { a, b, c, d, e }
subjects in Grade 7 between 10 and 20 }
D = { 2, 4, 6, 8 }
B = set of students who F = { x | x is the first
five counting numbers}
are wearing eyeglasses
Write each set described below.
Set A consists of the distinct letters of the word

G = {x|x is an English alphabet and x comes before the

letter "F"

H ={0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
Activity #1. Name/describe the following
Symbol/Notation that is enumerated.

1. ∪
2. ∅ or { }
3. Uppercase letters
4. n(A)
5. ⊆
6. ∈
7. ∉
8. Lowercase letters
9. ⊂
10. ǀ
Answers in Activity #1. Name the following
Symbol/Notation that is enumerated.
1. ∪ = Universal set
2. ∅ or { } = Null set or empty set
3. Uppercase letters = Name of Sets
4. n(A) = The cardinality of set A
5. ⊆ = Subset
6. ∈ = is an element of
7. ∉ = is not an element of
8. Lowercase letters = elements
9. ⊂ = proper subset
10. ǀ = such that
Notations and Symbols
Set is denoted by capital letters or uppercase letters.
A = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }
B = { blue, pink, red }
Elements are denoted by small letters or lowercase letters and it should be
enclosed by braces { }. In case the elements or members are Proper Nouns it
should be in capital letters.
C = { a, b, c, d, e}
D = { Aida, Nicka, Raquel, Suzie, Nick, Rob}
Notations and Symbols
Universal Sets
Universal Set is denoted by capital letter U and it is illustrated by a rectangle.
U = The set letters in the English alphabet
U = The set of whole numbers

The cardinality of a Set

The cardinality of a given set is denoted by n(name of the set)
E = {x, y, z} n(E) = 3
F = The set of days in a week n(F) = 7
Notations and Symbols
Subset is denoted by ⊆. We can determine the number of subset by listing or by
using the formula 2^n, where n is the number of elements in the given set.
G={ } SUBSET = { }
H = {8} SUBSETS = { }, {8}
I = {a, b, c} SUBSETS = { }, {a,b,c}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a,c}, {b,c}

* Note: The null set or an empty set is a subset of any set. The set itself is a
subset of any set.
Notations and Symbols
Proper Subsets
Proper Subset is denoted by ⊂. We can determine the number of subset by
listing or by using the formula (2^n) - 1, where n is the number of elements in
the given set and the constant 1 represent the set itself.
H = {8} SUBSETS = { }
I = {a, b, c} SUBSETS = { }, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a,c}, {b,c}

* Note: The null set or an empty set is a proper subset of any set. The set
itself is not a proper subset of any set.
Notations and Symbols
Is an element of and is not an element of
Is an element of is denoted by ∈ and is not an element of is denoted by ∉.
J = {2, 4, 6} 2 ∈ J = 2 is an element of set J
p ∉ J = p is not an element of set J
K = {p,q, r, s} r ∈ K = r is a element of set K
6 ∉ K = 6 is not an element pf K
Such that
Such that is denoted by |. 
L = { x|x is an even number}
M = {x|x is the first counting number}
Activity #2. Match the term/s with
the  corresponding examples.
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Null Sets or Empty Sets
Sets that contain no element or member

Unit Set or Singleton Set

Set that contains one element or member.

Kinds of Sets Equal Sets

Are sets that have the same elements and the
number same elements.

Equivalent Sets
Are sets that have the same number of

Mathematics Class | Rizal National Science High School elements but have different elements.
Finite Sets
Sets that have limited number of elements.
Infinite Sets
Sets that have unlimited number of
Kinds of Sets Joint Sets
Sets that have the same or have common

Disjoint Sets
Sets that have no common element.

Mathematics Class | Rizal National Science High School

Activity #3. Look at the
Activity #3. Look at
Go picture/illustration
to and use the
code 74 25 22
or use the chat box to answer the
Who among the following students
Look at the illustration below. are members of the Choir?
Who among the following students are
members of the Dance troop?

Who among them are members of BOTH
the Choir and the Dance Troop?

Who among them are members of Choir

ONLY? Dance Troop ONLY?

Mathematics Class | Rizal National Science High School


Look at the illustration below. Who among the following students

are not members of any group?

 Who among the following students

are neither member of Choir nor
Dance Troop?

Who among the following students

are either member of Choir or Dance

Mathematics Class | Rizal National Science High School

The union of sets A and B, written
as A ∪ B, is the set of elements

Union of Sets that are members

of A, or members of b, or
and members of both A and B.
Intersection of The intersection of  sets A and B,
written as A ∩ B, is a set of
Sets elements that are members of both
A and B.
The complement of a Set is the set
of all elements in the
universal set that do not belong to
Complement of the given set. The complement of

Sets set E is written as E' or E^c.

Difference of Sets or Relative

Difference of Sets Complement of set B from A,

can be written as A – B or A \ B,
is the set of all elements in A that
are not in B.
Engagement 1. _____{painting, yoga,
cooking, watching movies,
Using the picture below tell whether playing video games, using
what set operation is being illustrated. computer}
2. ____{ watching movies, playing
video games}
3. ____{watching movies,
playing video games, jogging,
swimming, biking}
4. _____{painting, yoga}

5. ____ { using computer , cooking}

6. ____{biking, swimming,
jogging, yoga, painting}
Using the picture/illustration below
perform the indicated set operation.
1. C U D = _________
Write the different household chores
(elements). 2. C intersection D= _________

3. C - D = _________

4. D \ C = _________

5. C' = ________

6. D^c = ________
In order to stay and keep one’s mind and body
healthy what are the activities that you need to
do everyday? How about the activities that you
need to do once a week? Twice a week? Thrice a
Everyday = _______________________

Once a week = _______________________

Twice a day = _______________________

Thrice a day = _______________________

* In your journal write your personal insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.

I understand that _______

I realized that _________________

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