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Food Choices and Human


Chapter 1
Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney
 Nutrition – study of nutrients in food and in the
 Nutrients –components of food that are
indispensable to the bodies functioning
 Young science

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Categories of Nutrients

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

A Lifetime of Nourishment
 Foods have a cumulative effect
 Your body continuously renews itself
 Skin, hair, nails, cells

 Best foods – Optimal – Contain all 6 nutrients

 Support body’s growth & maintenance

 Malnutrition
 Deficiencies, imbalances, & excesses

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

The Diet and Health Connection

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Genetics and Individuality
 Genetics & nutrition affect diseases to varying
 Things we do cause mutations (sickle cell)

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Other Lifestyle Choices
 Tobacco & alcohol
 Substance abuse
 Physical activity
 Sleep
 Stress
 Environmental factors

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Healthy People: Nutrition
Objectives for the Nation

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Healthy People 2020, Selected

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Healthy People 2020

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

The Human Body and Its Food

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Elements in the Six Classes of

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Meet the Nutrients

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney


Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney


Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Vegetarian Diets

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

 Supplements are NOT Regulated
 Allowed to put additional ingredients in product

 Sawdust- house plants etc…

 FDA does NOT oversee

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Food terms
 Enriched – adding nutrients back into a product
that were previously removed
 Thiamin, niacin, iron, riboflavin –bread

 Fortification – adding nutrients to a product that

did not previously exist
 Calcium to orange juice

 Natural- no legal definition

 Light- fewer calories, sugar, fat
 light in color

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

The Abundance of Foods to
Choose From
 Whole Foods
 Typical consumption
 Fruits

 Vegetables

 Types of foods
 Fast, processed,

functional, staple

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

How, Exactly, Can I Recognize a
Nutritious Diet?
 Five Characteristics
of a Healthy Diet
 Adequacy

 Balance

 Calorie control

 Moderation

 Variety

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Why People Choose Foods
 Eating is an intentional act
 Cultural and social meanings of food
 Traditional cuisines

 Cultural competence

 Vegetarian or omnivore

 Omnivore eats meat

 Vegan does not eat meat

 Fruitarian

 Honey from bees

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

 Adequacy- providing all of the essential nutrients
 Balance- foods and nutrients in proportion to
each other
 Calorie Control- control of energy intake (3500
calories = 1 pound)
 Moderation- within set limits- not in excess
 Variety – wide selection of foods

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Why People Choose Foods
 Factors that Drive Food Choice
 Taste and price

 Convenience

 Advertising, availability

 Social pressure

 Emotional comfort

 Habit, preference

 Values, weight

 Nutrition/health benefits

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Types of Studies
 Nutrition – Young science, constantly changing
as new research is conducted
 Balance Study – common in nutrition –

chemical elements do not change

 Case study

 Epidemiological study

 Intervention study

 Laboratory study

 Use the scientific methodology

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Examples of Research Design

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Can I Trust the Media to Deliver
Nutrition News?
 Training of News Media
 Looking for “big story”

 Read News with an Educated Eye

 Published in peer-reviewed journal

 Description of research methods & subjects

 Findings presented in context of previous

 Web Site - .org or .gov

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

National Nutrition Research
 National Health and Nutrition Examination
Surveys (NHANES)
 What people eat

 Recording of health status

 Diseases and conditions

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Changing Behaviors
 Behavior change takes substantial effort
 Process of change
 Six stages

 Setting goals
 Realistic goals

 Small

 Achievable

 Specific behaviors

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Stages of Change
 Pre-contemplation –
 not considering change

 Contemplation-
 identify that change is needed

 Preparation- preparing for change

 Action- making the change
 Maintenance-
 integrate new behavior into daily life

 Adoption- new behavior is routine

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Adequate Nutrients Without
Excessive Calories
 Nutrient Density – High nutrients / few calories
 Vegetables have high nutrient density

 Time needed for food preparation

 Options to save time

 Cut vegetables/ bag salad

 High Energy Density – High calories

 Fried foods

 Combining foods into meals

 Complementary Proteins – Amino Acids

 Rice and beans)

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney
A Way to Judge Which Foods Are
Most Nutritious

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

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