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The Happiness Hypothesis

Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
His Inspiration
Searching for psychological statements- about the human mind, human nature,
way of living, thinking and comparing it with modern psychological studies and
research. Tracing the origins of positive psychology and examining the applications
of positive psychology today.
Indian, Chinese, Buddhist, Greek philosophies.
My Inspiration
• My belief that both ancient wisdom and modern science have
answers. One approach will not work. It is necessary to effectively
balance both approaches and form a middle ground.
• Instead of making it a fight between culture and modernity we can
make a deal.
• It need not be a battle, it can be a reconciliation.
• Extremes are easy balancing is hard.
• Happiness hypothesis provides a balanced view.
Happiness: Internal and External
• To strive for balance we have to borrow and learn from ancient wisdom and modern
• Modern definition- We have to strive for happiness- achieve, struggle, fight find
success, find love, earn money
• Ancient definition- All struggle is futile. Real happiness lies within. Let go of all external
attachments, learn to control your mind.
• Happiness is neither within or without it is in-between. It is the relationship between
the internal and the external.
• It involves bringing about harmony in our internal world- consisting of our biological
makeup, our personality, our values.
• While also striving for harmony in our external world- consisting of our relationships
with others, our work, our role in the society.
Emotions and Thoughts
• Brain Research study by Antonio Damasio
• People who due to a stroke had lost parts of frontal cortex- lost their emotions
• Will the loss of emotions mean better, faster more rational decision making?
• NO! These people were unable to make the simplest of decisions, they could clearly see and
evaluate the choices but in complete absence of emotions( feelings of like and dislikes) they could
not choose or come to a decision, there was no pint in doing so.
• It is our emotional brains which instantly, automatically appraise possibilities that enables us to
come to a decision, make a choice between different options.
• It is ONLY because our emotional brains work so well that our thoughts- reasoning can work at all.
• Human Rationality depends critically on Sophisticated Emotionality.
• Reason and Emotion MUST work together to create intelligent behavior BUT emotions do most
of the work.
The ‘elephant’ and the ‘rider’
• The Autonomous and The Controlled System
• The autonomous system is triggered by natural selection to trigger quick and reliable action.
(flight and fight response) (pleasure and pain)
• The controlled system is the one which allows to think and reflects, consider and imagine
different perspectives, make long-term plans.
• The Autonomous system is an Elephant- It has more power and influence over our behavior. The
elephant is our emotions, intuitions, gut feelings and reactions. It is unconscious and automatic.
• The Controlled system is a rider placed on the elephant it is a advisor to the autonomous system.
It has far less power over our behavior. The rider is seated on the elephant’s back to help it to
make better decisions, gather more information etc. it is conscious and controlled.
• The Rider serves the Elephant- The controlled system is the servant or the advisor to the
autonomous system. The rider cannot force the elephant to do something against it’s will. It can
only guide or advise.
• The autonomous system came before the controlled system. When the controlled system or ‘neo-
cortex’ developed it made the ‘rider’ possible. It also made the elephant smarter.
Religion and Science
• Religion and Science are generally seen as two opposing, views that can never agree or
work together.
• However several insights revealed in ancient religious scriptures, regarding human
nature and behavior are now validated by modern science.
• To truly understand the complex nature of human beings both religious wisdom and
scientific research is required.
• Science and religion can start taking each other more seriously, and be willing to learn
from each other.
• Insights found in ancient religions can be studied and analyzed through modern
scientific studies.
• Whereas the progress and breakthroughs made by science can be adapted into
religious practices and can also be used to bring about certain religious reforms.
Tradition and Modernity
• Tradition and modernity are two other opposing ideologies that are always
engaged in battle.
• Proponents of both ideologies try to prove it’s superiority and there is always a
debate on which one has made a larger, better contribution to human society.
• Modernity has created a more comfortable, accessible society.
• Tradition has given us a larger identity, a sense of meaning and belonging.
• But here too, it is important to strive for balance and that can be done if we
accept and acknowledge the contributions of both cultural traditions and modern
• Both have a place and a role to play in shaping human nature and the larger
• Modern advancement can be made without destroying and uprooting traditions.
• In the same way traditions can be preserved and practiced without completely
rejecting modernity.
Conservative and Liberal, Left and Right
• The two ideologies that are one of the major reasons of division and the greatest contributors to
the polarized world we live in today are the political ideologies of Left Liberal and Right
• The liberal ideology focuses more on individual rights and autonomy, separation of religion and
state, protecting of minority rights and liberties.
• The conservative ideology are more focused on following and upholding cultural traditions, family
• There are examples worldwide of what happens when any one ideology gains absolute power
and authority. Both extreme left and extreme right governments tend to become autocratic and
• A society which has completely lost it’s liberal values can become oppressive, constraining and
limit the rights of many individuals. Whereas a society without any cultural or traditional values
might loose it’s collective identity and shared values and morals.
• If a society needs to progress and develop while remaining rooted and grounded a healthy
balance of both liberal and conservative values is required.
• Instead of viewing each other as evil or misguided. Liberals and Conservatives can try to
understand each other’s perspective better and work together towards creating a society where
both values can be implemented without infringing upon each other’s rights.
Eastern and Western
• The Eastern and Western philosophies are known to teach and prioritize vastly
different ideas and values.
• Eastern philosophies tend to focus on acceptance, collectivism and group identity.
• Western philosophies are more focused on individualism and individual identity.
• Both have a point and both are valuable.
• Having an individual identity is necessary for each person to understand
themselves better and find their role and purpose in life.
• However no human being can live and thrive alone. Human beings are social
animals and finding a community and building relationships are essential
contributors to a person’s well-being and overall happiness.
• Individualism and collectivism are both required and one needs to study and
understand both the Western and Eastern approaches to form a identity balanced
by a sense of the self and of the group.

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