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• Team Leader : Vaibhav D Wahatule.

• Name of Group Members :

• Vaibhav D Wahatule :-262 Jayesh V Wagh :-261

• Vinayak D Muragi :-222 Nitin B Todkar :-256

Society Management System


• BACKEND DEVLOPMENT : Jayesh Wagh,Vaibhav Wahatule


• The Society Maintenance Companion is an Android based application
developed with Java language. The main function of this app is to
provide an online maintenance report within app that people living in
particular society can pay maintenance of their house online. It
features monthly or yearly maintenance report. This app also has
separate login credentials and the most secured for the security
gard.The reason behind this is a member can request to permission
their guest before their visit and get a status of visitors. Members can
complain to society committee as well as send a feedback for society
and my application. User get a news of a society and notifications of
society events.
Goals and Objectives

• The objective of the project is to achieve the goals listed below which will help user
interact with the system and make maximum benefit out of it.
• Easy Manage of member’s profile by admin.
• Members can solve most off society problems at here
• Design of application mad as an easily use any person.
• Easy Up gradation of maintenance reports and bills.
• Reduce time and space Complexity
• Better performance for notification, communication between members with privacy.
• Easily understandable Application for members, admin and also for developer
• Usable by non-technical users easily
Overall Workflow of project
• Administrator:
• Can login as Administrator.
• Can add/remove members.
• Can set user-id and password of members.
• Can manage complain and feedback.
• Can generate maintenance reports.
• Send reminders to residents for bill
• Can generate Guest verification.
• Can update news of notice, meetings, events, etc.
• Manage staff, facilities, inventory,
• Send reminders to residents for bill
Can download this application.
Can login through user-id and password given by
Can check their maintenance bill and pay.
Can do complain and give feedback.
Can do request for permission to security gard then
guest can enter in society.
Security guard:
Can login be using their id and password which
given by admin.
Members can verification of registered guest then
allow visiting.
• Designed Login Page ,Registration Page using XML File.

• Different Dataset Connecting work and to user Pages is going on.

• Send OTP Authentication is Done.

• MenuBar (Navigation Drawer )Done.


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