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Top 4 Paid Resume Writing Services In India

• Job hunting is a costly endeavour. The cost of commuting, interview attire, dry cleaning, coffee dates, and

networking event fees all add up. The last thing you want to do is overspend on your next job.

• If you’ve been job hunting for a long and haven’t had much luck, it may be time to invest in a professionally

prepared resume. The best resume writing services help you get a leg up in the age of computer-screened


• Let’s be honest, it’s the age of technology and computer vision and machine learning is here to stay. It’s crucial

that your professional resume showcases your unique skills and experiences and emphasizes why you’d make

a great employee, but they also need to be written to make you stand out – to both humans and computers.
How to Pick a Good Resume Writer?

• Do Your Research There are tens of thousands of career service specialists who can help you write a CV.

However, not all resume writers are the same. Verify a resume writer’s certification. Unfortunately, some

dishonest people claim to be certified when they aren’t.

• Go through their website – Examine their website to see if they specialise in your sector or field. Look for

testimonials that attest to the quality of their work and how it has benefited their clients.

• At the very least, three should be contacted — You’ll have a better understanding of how each resume writer

can help you and if they’re a “good fit” or not based on your research and conversations with them. Don’t be

satisfied with second best. Take the time to do your homework and make an informed conclusion.
• You’ll quickly realise that hiring a resume writer is an excellent investment. You’re doing more than just having

someone type up your résumé or make minor changes to your profile. You’re making an investment in yourself

and your career.

• It’s a chance to land interviews for jobs you’re confident will be personally and financially fulfilling. It’s well

worth the money in every way.

So, to make your work easier we reviewed nearly a dozen professional resume writing services based on their

pricing, customer service, turnaround times, and—most importantly—the quality of their work product. Here

are our top picks.
1. KalamKagaz

• KalamKagaz has been acknowledged as a global resume service firm that provides a resolute answer to

professionals’ resumes from a wide range of fields. They have worked with over hundreds of professionals as

one of the prestigious companies, assisting them to a prosperous future.

• They provide the greatest resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and guided approach in the business to help

you maintain your ambition in this competitive climate. All of their services are jam-packed with flawless

solutions, reasonable pricing, and unwavering support to push you to go beyond your comfort zone and live

your dream.
2. Estorytellers

• Estorytellers is India’s leading professional resume writing service. They offer the best CV writing service, with

relevant keywords tailored to your strengths and what HR managers are looking for. Their services are

available in India, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations.

• They are dedicated to delivering high-quality resume writing services that exceed their clients’ expectations.

Before preparing a CV, each member of their team conducts significant research, including keyword selection,

resume style selection, competition analysis, important skills, and more. Their writers are all highly qualified

and have written hundreds of resumes/CVs in a variety of industries and fields.
4. Write Right

• Write Right specialises in designing resumes with a lot of substance and a lot of design. Their content writers

and designers have over ten years of experience in the field of recruitment. Their CVs are tailored to your

industry and experience.

• They employ industry-specific keywords that Recruiters and Hiring Managers use to find new talent for their

companies. They take great care in projecting your Achievements, Skillsets, Domain Expertise, and Personal

Strengths, and make sure your career overview emphasises the Value Proposition you wish to provide to the

Parting Thoughts

• Perhaps you want to change careers but aren’t sure how to demonstrate your transferrable talents in a new

industry. Or perhaps your résumé is dominated by a series of short-term or unrelated occupations. While you

can’t erase the past, a skilled resume writer can help you smooth out a shaky employment history by

emphasising your strengths and downplaying your flaws.

• If you’re applying to the correct jobs but still can’t get an interview, it might be time to seek advice from a

professional. Investing on a professional CV could offer you the edge you need to cut down on your job search

and find the appropriate job, so do it today!
Sky Sol, A 701,
near Bhagwat Bungalows, near Mari Gold,
South Bopal, Ahmedabad


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