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Assessment of mental status

and substance abuse

Definition of mental status

Refers to a client's level of cognitive functioning and emotional


• Mental health is an essential part of one's total health

- "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social
well‐being,not merely the absence of disease" (WHO, 2010)
a. A behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that
occurs in individual

Propose DSM-5
b. That reflects an underlying psycho biological dysfunction
definition of mental
disorder c. The consequence of which are clinically significant distress
or disability

d. Must not be merely an expectable response to common

stressors and losses or a culturally sanctioned response to a
particular event

e. That is not primarily a result of social deviance or conflicts

with society
Economic and social unhealthy lifestyle
factors choices

exposure to violence personality factors

Factors affecting
mental health
spiritual factors cultural factors

changes or impairments
in the structure and
development levels and
function of the
neurological system
A history of early aggressive
Risk factors for
mental health lack of parental supervision
disorders and
substance abuse a history of substance abuse

drug availability

Goal of prevention

• Change the balance between risk

and protective factors so that the
protective factors outweigh the risk
Cont….Alcohol use disorders identification test audit
• How often do drink containing alcohol
• how many drinks containing alcohol do you have our typical
day when you're drinking
• how often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion
• how often during the last year have you found that you were not
able to stop drinking once you have started
• how often during the last year have you failed to do what he was
normally expected of you because of drinking
Alcohol use disorders identification test audit
• How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get
yourself going after heavy drinking session
• How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened
the night before could you had been drinking
• How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt remorse after
• Have you or someone else been injured as a result of drinking
• Has a relative or friend or a doctor or another healthcare worker been concerned
about your drinking or suggest you cut down

Healthy mental status

• You cannot
is needed to think
clearly and respond
status - observe
for optimal life
Substance Abuse: Evidence

• Healthy People 2020 is addressing substance abuse in

adolescents and military personnel serving overseas.

•Goal: to reduce substance abuse to protect the health,

safety and quality of life for all.

Level of consciousness and mental status:

• - Posture, gait, body movements.
• - Behavior and affect.
• - Dress and grooming.
• - Hygiene.
• - Facial expressions and speech.
• - Mood, feelings and expressions.
• - Thought processes and perceptions.

Cognitive abilities:
• orientation
• concentration
• recent memory
• remote memory
• use of memory to learn new information
• abstract reasoning
• judgment
• visual, perceptual, and constructional ability
• slums dementia/Alzheimer's test exam
• Observe the client's Level of consciousness.

- Normally client is alert and oriented to person (name of

self/family), place time and date.

- If they do not respond appropriately,call their name louder or

shake gently. They should be awake and alert with eyes open
and respond

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