Bio Statistics

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a) Introduction
b) Types of data distribution
c) Measures describing the central tendency
distributions- average, median, mode
d) Measurement of the spread of data-
range, variation of mean, standard
deviation, variance, coefficient of
variation, standard error of mean.
Learning objectives
Students will be able to
Calculate the mean and median of a sample
(using StatCrunch for large sets of data).
Explain what the symbols x and μ represent.
Explain why the mean and median have different
relative values for symmetric and skewed
distributions of data.
Calculate the standard deviation using
StatCrunch for any set of data.
Describe the properties of the standard deviation.
Calculation of mean by various method
1. Short cut method
Here we take the deviation from the assumed mean
Find the mean if X: 101 106 125 150 110
X dx=X-A
= Arithmetic mean
101 101-110= - 9
106 106-110= - 4 dx = Deviation
125 125-110=15 n=Number of data
150 150-110=40
110 110-110=0 A= Assumed mean
A=110 ∑d = 42

= 110 + = 110 + 8.4 = 118.4

2. Step deviation method
Find out the mean for the given data
X= 20 40 60 80 100
= Arithmetic mean
X dx dx/i=d’x dx = Deviation
n=Number of data
20 - 40 -2
40 - 20 -1 A= Assumed mean
60 -0 0 i= class interval
80 20 1
100 40 2 d’x= step deviation

Let A=60 i=20

= A =60 + × 20 = 60
Calculation of mean in a discrete series/continuous series
• =
• Calculate the mean from the following data
Class (x) : 20 30 40 50 60 70
Frequency(f): 5 7 8 10 11 8

x f fx

20 5 100
30 7 210
40 8 320
50 10 500
60 11 660
70 8 560
∑f = 49 ∑fx = 2350

Answer = = 47.96
• Calculate the mean from the following data
Age : 18-20 21-23 24-26 27-29 30-32 33-35
Child: 18 20 32 7 2 1
Class interval Mid value (x) f fx

18-20 19 10 342
21-23 22 20 440
24-26 25 32 880
27-29 28 7 196
30-32 31 2 62
33-35 34 1 34
∑f = 80 ∑fx = 1874

Answer = = = = 23.4
• Calculate the mean from the following data
X 10 20 30 40 50 60

f 3 2 5 10 11 8

• Answer
Class (x) Frequency (f) Deviatio5n fdx
(dx= x – A)
10 3 -30 -90
20 2 -20 -40
30 5 -10 -50
40 (=A) 10 0 0
50 11 10 110
60 8 20 160
∑f = 39 ∑fdx = 90

• = A = 40+ = 42.31
• From the following distribution of marks obtained by 50
students, calculate mean.

Marks > 10 20 30 40 50 60
No’s of students 50 46 40 20 10 03

• Answer, we have i=10, n=50

Marks Students Mid Dx=x - A dx’=dx/i fdx
(x) (f) value(m)
10-20 4 15 -20 -2 -8
20-30 6 25 -10 -1 -6
30-40 20 35(=A) 0 0 0
40-50 10 45 10 1 10
50-60 7 55 20 2 14
60-70 3 65 30 3 9
∑f = 39 ∑fdx’ = 19

• Answer= = A ×i= 35+ × 10= 38.8

1. Biological variability: Individuals in similar
environments differ when compared as rgards,
sex class and other properties but the difference
noted may be small and is said to occur by
2. Real variability: When the difference between
two readings. Observations or values of classes
or samples are more than the defined limit in
3. Experimental variability: Error or variation or
difference may be due to materials methods,
procedure employed in the study or defects in
the techniques involved in the experiment.
Find the range and coefficient of range from
the following data
• Hhh
Data 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency 1 5 10 13 9

Data Mid value Frequency

0-10 5 1
10-20 15 5
20-30 25 10
30-40 35 13
40-50 45 9

• Here we have highest value: 45 Lowest value: 5

• Range = 45 – 5 = 40
• Coefficient of range = =
Inter quartile range

Inter quartile range……..
• The inter quartile range of a group of observations
is the interval between the values of the upper
quartile and the lower quartile for that group.
• Upper quartile of a group is the value above which
25% of observations fall.
• Lower quartile of a group is the value below which
25% of observations fall.
• This measure gives us the range which covers the
middle 50% of the observations in the group.
• If lower quartile is Q1 (25th percentile) and the upper
quartile is Q3 (75th percentile) then inter quartile
range =Q3 – Q1
Q. Calculate the inter quartile range, quartile deviation and
coefficient of quartile deviation from the following data.
Hight I inch 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

Frequency (No. of students) 21 25 28 18 20 22 24 23 18

Height Frequency Cummulative
frequency we have Q1=60, Q3=64
58 21 21
59 25 46 Inter quartile range=64-60=4
60 28 74
61 18 92 Semi IQR= Q3-Q1/2=4/2=4
62 20 112
63 22 134 Coefficient of QD=4/124
64 24 158
Mean Deviation
• Mean deviation is defined as an average or mean of
the deviation of the values from central tendency
(mean, median or mode).
• Mean deviation is also known as average deviation
taken from any average especially mean, median or
mode. While taking deviation we have to ignore
negative items and consider all of them as positive.
• Measure the average distance of each observation
away from the mean of data.
Measurement of mean deviation

In case of frequency distribution,

MD= or
Q. Find the mean deviation from the
following data. X: 10,20,26,32,23,15
• Solution
Sl . No. X dx = x

1 10 -11 11
2 20 -1 1
3 26 5 5
4 32 11 11
5 23 2 2
6 15 -6 6
n=6 ∑X = 126 ∑ = 36

Mean =126/6=21
Coefficient of MD=6/21=0.285
Q. Find the mean deviation and coefficient of
mean deviation from the data
Data 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency 2 5 8 15 20

S. No. Class Mid value Frequency = f.
interval (x) (f)
1 0-10 5 2 2.5 5.0
2 10-20 15 5 12.5 62.5
3 20-30 25 8 22.5 180.0
4 30-40 35 15 32.5 487.5
5 40-50 45 20 42.5 850.0
N=5 ∑X=125 ∑f=50 =1585

Mean deviation:===31.7, ==2.5

Coefficient of mean deviation=31.7/2.5=12.68
Standard deviation
Standard deviation…………
Standard deviation……..
Q. Find out standard deviation from the following
3, 7, 8, 9, 10
• Lkj
X dx= X d

3 -4.4 19.36
7 -0.4 0.16
8 0.6 0.36
9 1.6 2.56
10 2.6 6.76
∑X=37 ∑d

• Standard deviation ====2.416

Q. In a survey of 150 families in a village, the following
distribution of ages of children was found, find the standard
deviation of the given distribution..
Age of 0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10
No. of 40 32 25 23 30

Class Mid Frequenc =

interval value y ()
0-2 1 40 -2 4 -80 160
2-4 3 32 -1 1 -32 32
4-6 5 25 0 0 0 0
6-8 7 23 1 1 23 23
8-10 9 30 2 4 120 60

• Fy ∑= 150 ∑= 31 ∑=275

=2 =2 =2=2.67626
Variance and coefficient of variance

N – 1 is called degree of freedom

Standard mean error

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