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Differentiating Solid Figures

from Plane Figures and
Identifying the Faces of a
Solid Figure
This lesson focuses the difference
between the solid figures and the plane
figures which include the number of
edges, number of faces, shapes of the
bases and the difference between solid
figures and plane figures.
Name the following figures:
Can you differentiate plane figures from
solid figures?
Plane figures are flat two-dimensional figures with
length and width. These are closed figures which points
lie on the same surface. Square, rectangle, circle,
triangle and pentagon are examples of plane figures.
A net is a closed plane figure that can be folded into
solid figure.
Solid figures are geometric figures having three
dimensions: length, width and height. Cylinder, prism,
sphere, cube, cone and pyramid are common examples
of solid figures.
Illustrate the given solid figures and identify
the plane figures that illustrate its faces.
Match the solid figures in column A with their corresponding nets
in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in separate
answer sheet.
Match the solid figures in column A with their corresponding nets
in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in separate
answer sheet.
Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer inside the box.

_______1______are flat two-dimensional figures with:

_______2______and _______3______.These are closed figures
which points lie on the same surface. _______4______,
_______5______, circle, triangle, and pentagon are examples of
plane figures. _______6______are geometric figures having three
dimensions: _______7______, _______8______and
_______9______. Cylinder, prism, _______10_____, cube, cone and
pyramid are common examples of solid figures.
Additional Activities

A boy visited a toy store, and he found the following:

From the items that he found,

identify which are plane figures
and solid figures. Write your
answer on a separate answer

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