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• Learning Competency: Distinguishes between and among patterns of

development in writing across disciplines.

1. Definition

• Code: EN11/12RWS-IIIa-3.3
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

1. recognize a definition text and its parts;

2. identify the significant steps in developing a definition
paragraph or text;
3. organize ideas to form an effective definition paragraph;
4. develop an appreciation in using definition in creating a
paragraph as one of the methods of paragraph

• Let’s Warm up
(Cooperative Learning Strategy)
Activity # 1: Do you feel me?

 The group chooses one emotion to define using The

Four Graphic Organizer.
 The teacher facilities a quick presentation of the

Activity # 2: It’s just emotions

 The groups are given an envelope with paragraphs. They are tasked to arrange the
paragraph logically.

The teacher processes the activity further with the following guide questions:
1. How did you come up with your answers for the 1 st activity? (Defining a
2. What is the text all about? (students present the topic of their text}
3. How did the text present the ideas about the topic? (leading to Definition}
4. How did you arrange the paragraphs? (leading to Organization of ideas)
5. What are your clues/hints on how to arrange the ideas or paragraphs?
Leading to Cohesion and Coherence)
5. What are the important parts of a text? (leading to important parts of a
The teacher confirms students’ answer and review salient points presented during
Input on Definition Paragraph/Text

Definition is a method of development which is essentially

employed in expository writings which aim to explain, define
or interpret facts or ideas. More than a statement of what a
thing is, by explanation a definition is strengthened which is
in turn may be supported by details and examples.
Definition Text/Definition Paragraph
• A writing that explains what a term means
• Tells reader what term is being defined
• Presents clear and basic information
• Uses facts, examples, or anecdotes that
readers will understand
Definition Text/Definition Paragraph
• A writing that explains what a term means
• Tells reader what term is being defined
• Presents clear and basic information
• Uses facts, examples, or anecdotes that
readers will understand
• When you write a definition paragraph, you can include a definition
from the dictionary or use an original definition.

• Correct and varied sentence structure is essential to the quality of

your sentences and paragraphs.

• When you write, the ideas and the words are usually your own.
However, sometimes you might want to borrow someone else’s
words. When you use another person’s words, you must let the
reader know that they are not yours.
• Good writer include examples, especially when they are writing
about a difficult or abstract topic.

• Give a generic definition of you term or an attention grabbing
• Give a contradiction to your term to contrast it.
• End your introduction by giving your own definition that you are
going to expound upon throughout the rest of the essay.
• Provide a few different points that construct your
interpretation of the definition.
• Provide background information.
• Each point should have its own paragraph

Point 1:
• Include the first component of your definition.
• Give your analysis for how the example substantiates your
Point 2:
• Present a second aspect of your term
• Give an example and provide analysis

Point 3: (If necessary)

• give an overview of you point
• explain how the definition has impacted your life
• (you may) bring back attention grabber at the beginning of your essay
to connect

Eating disorders are a serious problem. One

disorder people think at most often in anorexia. Th
male and female is afraid of gaining weight so they
become meticulous and controlling about the amount
of food they are swallow. The adequate food portions
make the body go into a starvation mode and if left
unchecked, it may lead to heart damage, stroke and
Another example of an eating disorder is bulimia.
With this disorder, the person is stuck at the middle of
their desire for food and the desire not to gain weight.
Therefore, a vicious cycle of eating large quantities of
food followed by vomiting develops. Over time, the
vomiting may cause damages to the esophagus,
deteriorates the enamel of the teeth, and damages
the heart.
My last case in point is binge eating. Food
becomes a crutch to ease unhappiness and stress felt
in life. The taste and texture of food is comforting
which invites overeating. This leads to a feeling of
guilt, but the lure of food overrides the feeling. The
individual eats until he becomes overweight or obese.
Obesity leads to heart disease as well as higher risk
of diabetes, cancer, and arthritis.
Many times, eating disorders are a signal that a
person is suffering from mental anguish, however,
they manifest themselves as sever health problems.


• The teacher gives the class another definition text.
• Students read the text and identify the parts.

• Group 1 Introduction
• Group 2 Body – 1st Point
• Group 3 Body – 2nd Point
• Group 4 Body - 3rd Point
• Group 5 Conclusion

The teacher provides worksheets for the assessment.

The students answer individual.

Composition Activity)
• Choose one picture and write a Definition
Paragraph about the following idea. Use the rubric
as your guide.

1. Ecumenism is any which promotes better understanding among

movement differing religions.

2. A muezzin is a Moslem who calls the people to pray at the proper time.

3. A pomegranate is a round with a thick, red rind and many seeds covered
fruit with red, juicy pulp that can be eaten.

that accepts and stores data, accesses and

4. A computer is an retrieves data, performs certain operations on
electronic the data and presents the results of those
device operations.

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