Critical Reading Presentation

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OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

1. Define and explain critical reading;
2. Unlock difficult words found in the text;
3. Enumerate the five essential keys on how to think critically;
4. Organize the factors that affect critical reading and critical
thinking through semantic webbing;
5. Can explain the importance of critical reading and critical

• You have just won PHP 100,000
• From a contest!!!!!
• All you need to do is to claim your prize to
provide your personal information, along with
some credit cards.

1. Will you believe this text message?

2. What are you going to do about it?
3. Do you think you have chosen the right

Based on the above activity, before you give your reply, you might have
asked question like:
“Did I ever enter such contest?”
“Why is this person asking questions for such confidential information
through text message?”
Did I ever join any contest lately?
• Asking such questions is a proof that you are thinking critically.
• This process of validating information through reading while thinking critically
Define the following:
1. Critical
• Sentence: Mr. Greed was critical when it came to checking errors in the billing
2. Assume
• Sentence: In the absence of the Captain, the Sergeant assumed that he is in
command on the squad.
3. Evaluate
• Sentence: The teacher evaluates her students through quizzes.
4. Passive
5. Argument
• Sentence: The attorney argued to the judge and the opposing lawyer
referring to ordinances and constitutional Laws to prove his client’s innocence.
 You were taught to skim and scan a test to look for the main idea and important
topics; now you will be dealing with critical reading which goes further than just
being satisfied with what a text says, it also involves reflecting on what the text
describes, and analyzing what the text actually means which is CRITICAL
 Critical Reading involves critical thinking; it allows reader to read deeper and a
critical reader must be open-minded, disciplined.
 To keep it short, an active thinker and a critical thinker is a critical reader.
(Use a Semantic Web as reference)
• The teacher distributes the hand outs about the
topic, “Critical Reading”
• The teacher places three questions on the board to
initiate the discussion using “Semantic Webbing.

1. What is critical thinking?

2. How do you think critically?
3. Why should you read critically?

The teacher distribute hand out for the students to

read that is entitled, “The Policies and Achievements
of the Government and Regeneration of the Filipino”
by Manuel L. Quezon for 10 minutes. And then
answer the Vocabulary Check” as written on a
manila paper as visuals.
Answer the following questions.
1. What do you think was the intended message of the
excerpt? Support your answer. (5 pts.)
2. What are the themes of the excerpt? Support your answer.
(5 pts.)
3. How would you compare the Filipino today to the ones
being compared to by Manuel L. Quezon in the excerpt?
4. Do you agree with Manuela L. Quezon’s statement in
excerpt, “The Filipino of Today is soft and easy going”?
Explain your answer. (5pts.)

Find out whether your answers are correct

by doing your own research.

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