Theater Company: Here Is Where Your Presentation Begins

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Here is where your presentation begins

Here’s what you’ll find in this Slidesgo template:

1. A slide structure based on a Company Profile Presentation, which you can easily adapt to your needs. For
more info on how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or read our FAQs.
2. An assortment of graphic resources that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the
alternative resources slide.
3. A thanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given.
4. A resources slide, where you’ll find links to all the elements used in the template.
5. Instructions for use.
6. Final slides with:
7. The fonts and colors used in the template.
8. A selection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the online
editor. Visit Storyset to find more.
9. More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited.
10. Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process,
education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork.

You can delete this slide when you’re done editing the presentation.
Here’s what you’ll find in this Slidesgo template:

1. A slide structure based on a Company Profile Presentation, which you can easily adapt to your needs. For
more info on how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or read our FAQs.
2. An assortment of graphic resources that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the
alternative resources slide.
3. A thanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given.
4. A resources slide, where you’ll find links to all the elements used in the template.
5. Instructions for use.
6. Final slides with:
7. The fonts and colors used in the template.
8. A selection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the online
editor. Visit Storyset to find more.
9. More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited.
10. Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process,
education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork.

You can delete this slide when you’re done editing the presentation.
Dimensions Power Distance Individuality Masculinit Uncertainty Avoidance Indulgence Long-term orientation

India Scores 77 48 56 40 26 51
● Power Distance - In society and organisations, this indicates a respect for hierarchy and a top-down structure. The following
words and phrases could be used to describe the Indian attitude: reliant on the boss or the power holder for direction and
acceptance of unequal rights between the power-privileged
● Individuality - The Individualist aspect of Indian society is seen as a result of its dominant religion/philosophy – Hinduism.
The Hindus believe in a cycle of death and rebirth, with the manner of each rebirth being dependent upon how the individual
lived the preceding life.
● Masculinity - A low score (Feminine) on the dimension indicates that caring for others and quality of life are the prevailing
values in society. In a Feminine society, living a good life is a sign of success, and standing out from the norm is frowned
upon. The primary question here is whether people are motivated by a desire to be the best (masculine) or by a desire to enjoy
what they do (Feminine).
● Uncertainty Avoidance - In India, there is acceptance of imperfection; nothing has to be perfect nor has to go exactly as
planned. Its traditionally a patient country where tolerance for unexpected is high ; even welcomed as a break from monotony.
● Indulgence: Societies with a low score in this dimension have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism. India being a
restrained society does not put much emphasis on leisure time and control the gratification of their desires.
● Long Term Orientation - Dominant preference in Indian culture cannot be determined. In India the concept of “karma”
dominates religious and philosophical thought. India has a great tolerance for religious views from all over the world.
● Promotions - As India is a cradle of cultures and religions, elements of the same can be incorporated to induce a feel of
acceptance. It is interesting to note that Hinduism has paved way for the individualism in the country. Therefore curating
DIY products that align with Hindu festivals like Diwali and Ganesh Chathurthi will help in creating a recall and
resonance with the brand for the majority of the customers.

● Price - Considering that the indulgence score for India is quite low, it is evident that there is a restraint for extravaganza
and expensive items. Thus pricing is a key element that will determine the whether the product will make or break in the
Indian market.In order to tackle the issue, seasonal pricing that prices according to demands and offerings that will align
with national celebrations s will lure the customers to make a purchase.

● Ecommerce - As there is paradigm shift in from offline to online, it is imperative to capitalise on the same. As
uncertainty avoidance is moderate to low, ecommerce being a shift from the normal will be welcomed. Leverage of
technology such as AR and VR to create estimates and models of DIY products before purchase will help in reducing any
hesitation from the consumer side

● Advertising - With a fairly high score of masculinity, people in India believe in and are motivated to be the best. Thus
DIY can serve as path to individual achievement. This can be leveraged in the advertisements to influence consumer
behaviour in order to make them purchase DIY kits and the finished DIY product can be promoted as an entity that
depicts an individual achievement.
Dimensions Power Distance Individuality Masculinit Uncertainty Avoidance Indulgence Long-term orientation

China Scores 80 20 66 30 24 87
● Power Distance - China’s score is way too high at 80 which indicates that there is a strong cultural belief amongst their
citizens that authority should not be questioned rather people should stop having higher aspirations that go beyond their
current rank. This also leads to a high abuse of power that remains largely unchecked.
● Individuality - The Chinese have a low score for individuality which implies that they try to conform to the crowd and not
rather try to stand out. Relationships at workplace are very hostile & there is a very high likelihood of favoritism creeping in
due to preference given to interests of particular group of people.
● Masculinity - China is a highly masculine society which implies that their people value success & personal career goals above
family commitments. Thus they are more likely to sacrifice family for work. Service people tend to work till late at night or
even farmers are highly likely to migrate to cities leaving family behind in search for better opportunities & work. An
interesting observation is that chinese students care about marks since a good score leads to better job opportunities.
● Uncertainty Avoidance - Adherence to laws and rules may be flexible for the chinese but there is a high pragmatism amongst
them. The Chinese thrive in ambiguity since their language is also full of ambiguity.
● Indulgence China scores 87 that shows pragmatic side of their culture. In societies with a high pragmatic orientation, people
believe that truth depends on situation, context and time. The chinese are more likely to save and invest.
● Long Term Orientation - Dominant preference in Indian culture cannot be determined. In India the concept of “karma”
dominates religious and philosophical thought. India has a great tolerance for religious views from all over the world.
● Social Commerce - The key is to leverage social media platforms to bring in sales through popular local social media
apps. Social commerce is becoming an increasingly important part of marketing strategy since more and more chinese
users are getting used to online purchases. Social commerce combines comfort with ease of purchase & more wider
acceptance for the products.

● Competitive Price - Considering that chinese society is not know to indulge in personal spending, In fact the chinese
considers it as highly immoral to indulge in something like DIY that is not part of essential spending thus the key here is
to position the product as not a luxury discretionary spend but as something that everyone needs to be able to have a great
experience while at home. Thus, competitive pricing should be the strategy since the key is to convert those chinese
customers sceptical of spending into users of DIY

● Digital Marketing - As china becomes more digital & adopts the latest technology it becomes to be present across all the
digital touchpoints of the customers and be a part of customer journey. Thus, leverage SEO, SEM & Google Ads to be
present right before the customers on their devices so that the chances of conversions increase.

● Out of Home Advertising - As China slowly rises as the world’s next superpower they have been very conscious of their
culture and have been using culture, traditions & religious beliefs to exert soft power across Asia & around the world. As
the chinese society becomes more nationalist therein lies opportunity for brands to showcase local cultural elements across
the DIY products range so that strikes an instant cord with the people across. Thus, leverage the Out of home through
banners, & displays.
Dimensions Power Distance Individuality Masculinit Uncertainty Avoidance Indulgence Long-term orientation

France Scores 68 71 43 86 48 63
● Power Distance - A considerable low score in this parameter as compared to China and India suggest that there isn’t an
absolute acceptance for authority and a bit leniency is expected when it comes to strict adherence to positional power
● Individuality - The population of France has a really high score in individualism which signifies that the people believe in
standing out and voicing their opinions and do not just believe in accepting whatever is being subjected to them.
● Masculinity - France has a low score (Feminine) on the masculine front which indicates that caring for others and quality of
life are the prevailing values in society. In a Feminine society, living a good life is a sign of success, and standing out from the
norm is frowned upon. The primary question here is whether people are motivated by a desire to be the best (masculine) or by
a desire to enjoy what they do (Feminine).
● Uncertainty Avoidance - A high score indicates that there is a constant strive for perfection and that leads to the population
becoming better and looking at the optimism of seeking excellence in the work performed. Alos flexible approach of letting
things be the way they are, is not something that the people of France would easily accept.
● Indulgence In France culture, there is no such thing as a dominant preference. The notion of living the life to the fullest and
not just restricting oneself to specific limitations has been the prevalent culture.
● Long Term Orientation - Skepticism and despair are common in societies with a low score on this area. India, being a
controlled society, does not place a high value on leisure time and restricts the fulfilment of one's aspirations.

● Making use of technology and Online Platforms- As France becomes more digital and embraces cutting-edge
technology, it will need to be present across all of its consumers' digital touchpoints and be a part of their experience. As a
result, use SEO, SEM, and Google Ads to appear immediately in front of clients on their devices, increasing the odds of

● Setting the right pricing policy: Given France's modest indulgence score, it's clear that indulgence and costly things are
restricted. As a result, pricing is a critical factor in determining whether a product succeeds or fails in the Indian market.
To address the problem, seasonal pricing that adjusts to demand and incentives that coincide with national holidays would
entice clients to make a purchase.

● Online channels and Ecommerce - Because there is a cultural change from offline to online, it is critical to take leverage
of it. Because uncertainty avoidance is usually very low, ecommerce will be welcomed as a departure from the usual.
Utilizing technologies such as AR and VR to develop estimations and models of Custom items before to purchase would
assist in removing any customer concern.

● DIY and related advertising - People in France believe in and are motivated to be the greatest, with a relatively high
masculinity score. As a result, DIY may be used as a means of achieving personal goals. This may be used in marketing to
influence customer behaviour in order to persuade people to buy DIY kits, and the final DIY product can be marketed as
an entity that represents a personal accomplishment.

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