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• BMI is a calculation of your size that takes into account your height and weight.

• BMI helps you know whether you are underweight, normal, overweight or obese.
• A normal resting heart rate for an adult ranges from 60 to 100
bpm (beats per minute).

• Most common places to find your pulse or someone else's pulse

is at the wrist or the side of the neck.

• Resting Heart Rate = Pulse count for a minute while at rest.

• You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from

• Once you know your maximum heart rate, you can calculate your desired
target heart rate zone — the level at which your heart is being exercised and
conditioned but not overworked.

•50 to 70 percent (MHR x .5 to .7) for an easy workout

•70 to 85 percent (MHR x .7 to .85) for a moderate workout
•85 to 95 percent (MHR x .85 to .95) for an intense workout or interval training

Maximum Heart Rate = subtracting (your age) from 220

Target Heart Rate =
MHR(Maximal Heart Rate) – RHR(Resting Heart Rate)= x 60%(minimum) = + RHR
Maximal Heart Rate = 220 – 23 = 197

Target Heart Rate = 197 – 60 = 137 x .6 = 82.2 + 60 = 142.2

Calorie – Is a unit of energy.

Kcal – Kilocalorie, 1kcal is equivalent to 1000 calories.

Calorie Deficit
Calories In Calories Out
Protein Exercise
Fat Daily Activity
Carbohydrate Resting Metabolism

Note: Calories In and Calories Out should be balance.

How to Calculate a Calorie Deficit

1. Calculate your daily maintenance calorie intake.

BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate (is the number of calories required to keep your body functioning at rest)

Harris-Benedict Equation

Men: 6.24 x weight (lbs) + 12.7 x height (inches) – 6.755 x age (years) + 66 = BMR

Women: 4.35 x weight (lbs) + 4.7 x height (inches) – 4.7 x age (years) + 655 = BMR

Example: 6.24 x 132.277 + 12.7 x 69 – 6.8 x 25 + 66 = BMR

825.41 + 876.3 - 167 + 66 = 1600.71

• Account the level of activity in your life.

Physical Activity Level Physical Activity Ratio  Description 
Sedentary  1.55  Sitting most of the day with no structured
Moderately active  1.85 • Sedentary or low active job with 1 hr
exercise daily 
• Active job (moderate movement 8+ hrs per
day) but no structured exercise 

Vigorously active  2.2  • Active job (moderate movement 8+ hours

per day) and 1 hr exercise per day 
• Sedentary or low active job but 2 hours of
exercise daily 

Extremely active  2.4 

• Training more than 2 hrs per day 
• Moderately active job (walking all day) plus
at least 1 hr of exercise daily 

Multiply your BMR x Activity Factor = Maintenance Calories

1600.71 x 1.85 = 2961.31

2. Adjust your calorie intake for weight loss.

Remembering that 1 kilo of body fat is about 7,700 calories.

500 calorie deficit per day = 3,500 calorie deficit per week

700 calorie deficit per day = 4,900 calorie deficit per week

3. Adjust for physical activity.

Food Calories – Exercise Calories = Net Calories

How to Create a Calorie Deficit

• Focus on Realistic Changes 

• Don’t Go Too Low 

• Change it Up 

• Incorporate Cardio and Strength Training 

• You Can’t Out-Work a Poor Diet 

• Take Home Message 

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