School Teachers Training

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School Teachers’ Training

Qulb e Abbas

• Module-1 “Domains of Learning” .

• Module-2 “Quantification of Assessment”.

• Module-3 “ How to get Good Grades” .

Module -1
Domains of Learning
• Domains • Quantification

Terms = Schema
Quantification (At Secondary)
Terms + Solution (Connected) +
Reasons (Supporting Documents)
Domains of Learning
Base / Foundation / Stand of process to
gaining knowledge (name and definition) or
skills (Knowledge and its usage).
Eating Skills

Good degree of Better degree of

eating skill eating Skill
Cognitive Affective

Command Words with definitions
• Define : To give a formal statement or equivalent paraphrase that precisely conveys the
meaning; examples are not required.
• Solve : To obtain the answer(s) using algebraic and / or numerical and/ or graphical
methods (working should be shown)
• Construct :To systematically frame a concept, model or diagram by combining and
arranging parts of given information or idea.
• Factories : To resolve or break an integer or polynomial into its factors.
• Show : To demonstrate with evidence, i.e. working, calculations, experimentation or
illustrations (including graphs)
• Prove : To establish the validity of an assumption / fact / law by using evidences.
• Verify : To confirm a hypothesis or fact using certain laws, principles or rules.
• Rationalize : To simplify an expression by removing radicals in the denominator of an
algebraic fraction without changing the value of the expression.
• Plot : To locate and mark one or more points on a graph by means of coordinates.

Quantification of Assessment
Quantification of Assessment
• Quantification = Numerical Value
• Assessment = Testing Methods
• Quantification of Assessment = Methods or techniques
to get numerical values. (Scaling)

• Example : 60 / 100 , mean that 60 percentage knowing

about term /skill if the total level of Scaling  will be 100.

• Real Life Example :

100 degrees Fahrenheit, mean fever.
Module -3
Getting Good Grade
• Selection of the question take place long before examination at the
learning stage.
Selection of
Questions • Select question keeping in view of your personal strengths and skills.
• Select question keeping in view of content and its volume.
• Select question keeping in view of content and its weightage.
• Lay out and outlook.
• Hand writing and spacing.
Paper Presentation
• Use of ink and pencil.
• Familiar with instructions and filling the blanks as required.
• Allocate time proportionally.
Time allocation to • Spare 5 to 10 minutes for checking and revision of paper.
Question • Reach examination center before the start of the paper.
• Hand over paper to invigilator before leaving the center
• Do as much practice that make you perfect and confident, your
achievement in paper is directly proportional to number of tests you
take before the examination.
• Be organized and composed.
Stress Management
• Be relaxed have a sound sleep at night prior to taking the paper.
• Walk enough for muscular relaxation, co-ordination before entering
exam center.

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