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Maters in operations and supply

chain management
The Relationship between Total
Quality Management Practices
and their Effects on Firm
performance: Evidence from
Pakarab Fertilizer, Multan
Introduction of the Project

Describe brief and comprehensive introduction of your

project topic.
Objectives and Significance
• To find the impact of three key TQM practices (leadership,
training and employee management) on organization’s
operational performance.
• Outcomes of this study can help policy makers and
management unit in Pakarab Fertilizer in strategy formulation
and it and will help them to understand the importance of TQM
practices (leadership, training and employee management) on
organization’s operational performance.
Research Methodology
Data Collection Sources & Tools:
– Primary data will be collected from the employee working at Pakarab Fertilizer, Multan (at plant level).
– For data collection, a structured questionnaire will be used based on “Likert scale”. Likert scale will have five
response items with a neutral item. (“1” for “strongly disagree”, “3” for “neutral” and “5” for “strongly agree”)
– Target population is employees working in Pakarab Fertilizer, Multan. Unit of analysis is officers/employees
working in SCM (supply chain management) department and sample size will be 150 that will be done with
convenience sampling.
– Data collection will be done personally. Forms having any error will be checked in field and rectification will be
– Describe the sources (primary and secondary) and tools (questionnaire, interviews etc.)
you have used for collecting the data.
– From which level of the organization you have collected the data
– What is the unit of analysis? (individual, group or organization)
– If you have used the questionnaire which scale have you used for that?
Sample Size and Sampling technique
– Mention the sample size and the technique with which you have collected the sample
Data Processing

• Data collection will be done personally. Forms having any error will be checked in
field and rectification will be done.
• To identify the effect of TQM practices on firm’s operational performance,
correlation and multiple regression will be run with “SPSS”

• Describe the methods used to extract and process the

information you gathered.
• Describe the data coding and manipulation
Data Analysis
• Describe how you have analyzed the data. You can also
use graphs, charts, diagrams, etc.
– Here you need to present the complete data analysis
– Provide the tables and the graphs in the readable form
– The interpretation should be done by yourself at the time of the
Data Analysis
Data Analysis

Describe the conclusions drawn or results sorted out

after raw data has been collected and analyzed
– Tell about the overall findings
– Whether you have made some cumulative table or points that
will highlight the major findings of the study
– Link the findings with the objective of the study
– Make sure that the findings must be in the same order as per
the objectives
•This research covers the TQM practices in different ways,

 First of all it add to literature by empirically testing the

relationship of TQM practices and firm’s operational
 It also describes those three dimensions of TQM practices
(training, leadership and employee management) have
significantly positive impact on firm’s “operational performance”
 In this study it is established that organization’s “operational
performance” can be enhance with mentioned TQM practices.

Describe proposed solutions or plans to cover and

remove all the ills and deficiencies that you think (in
light of data processing and analysis) needs to be
removed or improved.
– It should b precise and should be in the bulleted form

• It is recommended from the quantitative analysis,

 As TQM practices can directly increase organization’s
operational performance therefore, they can be used as
foundation in order to improve “operational performance”
 Special attention should be paid on implementation of TQM
practices with the help of training on TQM tools and
involvement of all employees on all levels.
• Questionnaire or the interview guide must be
present with you that has been already
approved by the instructor
• If you have problem pasting it here you can
keep a WORD file for that
Thank You

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