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Presented by,
S.P Ancilin Mino
Physical Science
 The word demonstration means to give a demo or to perform activiy.

 In this method teacher performs an activity to teach his students a concept.

 Demonstration often occurs when students have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or
when students are unable to understand application of theories.
Needs of Demonstration method :
 It helps a student in having a deeper understanding of the topic.
 It helps students active in teaching and learning process.
 Raise students interest and motivation.
 To improve the skill of the student.
 Observation skill will be improved.
 It leads to permanent learning.
 Can be used to develop and challenge students understanding.
Principles of Demonstration method :
 ‘Truth is that which works’. The teacher has to workout something and then only the
students will believe.
 ‘From concrete to abstract’. The students observe the demonstration critically and try to
draw inferences.
 The teacher should be aware of the learners.
 The demonstration must present a single fundamental use, procedure, or general fact.
 The work of demonstration must be creatively and skillfully done.
 The demonstration should be timid as to meet the immediate needs of the class with the
work at hand.
Characteristics of Demonstration method :
 The demonstration should be done in a step by step and simple way.
 In a demonstration method, attention should be given to all students.
 The aims and goals should be clearly stated.
 It is a well planned strategy.
 Time is given for rehearsal before the demonstration.
Criteria of a good demonstration :
 The demonstration should be planned and rehearsed well in advance.
 The teacher should be clear of the purpose of demonstration.
 The teacher should get the help of students in arranging, filling up, and performing the
 The teacher should ask questions in order to know that the students have understood and
are attentive in observing the demonstration.
 The teacher should explain the important and difficult points involved in the
 The apparatus should be arranged in order.
 The demonstration should be visible to all students in the class.
 Demonstration experiments should simple and speedy.
 The teacher should maintain the intrest of the students throughout the experiment.
Requirements of good demonstration:

i. Appropriate arrangements
ii. Sufficient light
iii. Arrangement of apparatus
iv. Preparation by teacher
v. Securing attention
vi. Teaching aids
vii. Use of black board
1. Appropriate arrangements:

 While performing an experiment the teacher must be sure that everything done on the
demonstration table is clearly visible to the pupils.
 There will be no difficulty if the lecture gallery is available but in its absence there are
several ways of enabling the pupils to get a better view.
2. Sufficient light :

 Attention must be paid to adequate lightning of the demonstration table and the lightning.
 Proper background is very important.
 Black things should never be shown in front of the black board.
3. Arrangement of apparatus:

 Everything must be placed in order before the demonstration starts.

 The apparatus to be used should be placed on the left hand side.
 After the apparatus has be used, it should be transferred to the right hand side.
4. Preparation by teacher :

 The teacher must be sure that the experiments will succeed and are strikingly clear.
 This demands adequate preparation on the part of teacher and rehearsal of the experiments
under the conditions prevailing in the classroom.
5. Securing attention :

 Attention of the class is very important.

 The teacher should know various methods of arresting and creating interest.
6. Teaching aids :

 Demonstration experiments should supplemented with teaching aids like charts, pictures,
diagrams, models, film strips etc..
7. Use of black board :

 A large blackboard behind the teachers demonstration table is

most essential.
 During the lesson the teacher can use it to great advantage.
 Necessary simple diagrams can be drawn on it.
Steps to conduct a demonstration lesson :

1. Planning and preparation

2. Introducing the lesson
3. Presentation of subject matter
4. Demonstration
5. Teaching aids
6. Evaluation
1. Planning and preparation :

 Proper planning is required for good demonstration.

 For this following points should be kept in mind,
1. Subject matter
2. Lesson plan including the questions to be asked
3. Collection and arrangement of apparatus is required
4. Rehearsal of experiments
2. Introducing the lesson :

 The teacher should motivate the students and prepare them mentally for the demonstration.
 The teacher should introduce lesson to students keeping in mind the following things,
1. Individual differences of students
2. Environment of classroom
3. Experience of the students
 The experiment should be able to hold the attention of students.
3. Presentation of subject matter:

 In demonstration , presentation of subject matter is very important.

 The principle of reflecting thinking should be kept in mind.
 The teacher should teach the students in such a way that their previous knowledge can be
attached to their new knowledge.
4. Demonstration :

 The performance in the demonstration table should be ideal for the students.
 The demonstration should be neat and clean.
5. Teaching aids :

 The teacher can use various teaching aids like models, blackboard , graphs etc.. during
6. Evaluation :

 In this last step, evaluation of the whole demonstration should be done, so that it can be
more effective.
 Get feedback from students.
Merits of demonstration method :

 This method is phychological because the students need not imagine anything, instead they
are shown concrete things and living specimens.
 Demonstration is very suitable teaching when the apparatus is very costly or very sensitive
and is likely to damaged if handled by students. Example: Forten’s barometer , electric
dynamo etc..
 It is helpful in case of dangerous experiments like preparation of chlorine, burning of
hydrogen etc..
 The method is considered most economical.
 It is a time saving method compared to project or experimental method.
 It is suitable for all types of students i.e, average, below average , and above average.
Demerits of demonstration method :

 Students are not involved in practice therefore they cannot benefit directly and gain
personal experience because teacher carry out the demonstration.
 Demonstration method is not based on learning by doing but rather by seeing.
 Demonstration method is costly because it requires costly materials.
 Demonstration method does not provide training for the scientific method.
 Demonstration method lack of experienced teachers to carry out the demonstration.
Common errors in demonstration
 The apparatus may not be ready for use.
 The teacher may fail to show how the demonstration fits into the problem in hand.
 There may not be an apparent relation between the demonstration experiment and the topic
under discussion.
 The teacher may fail to ask the right type of question.
 Black board may not be used properly.
 The language used by the teacher may be difficult for the students to understand.
 Sufficient time for recording data may not have been given to the pupils.
Conclusion :
 It is the most suitable method for teaching the secondary classes.
 If a teacher feels that the demonstration is taking much time them he would have to take
the help of students.
 Similarly, a small group of students can be invited to the demonstration table.\
 This might help in removing objection regarding non availability of learning by doing

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