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BITS Pilani

BITS Pilani Pawan Gupta
Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

SS ZG553, Real Time Systems

Lecture No 7
Cardelli’s metrics and languages
and the procedural style
Economy of execution is high for procedural languages
provided the compiler is efficient. E.g. Fortran focused
on code optimization.
Compilation of large systems is efficient – modules can be
compiled independently.
Small-scale development is economical – type checking
can catch many coding errors.
Data abstraction and modularization have methodological
advantages for large-scale code development because
the interfaces between modules can be clearly defined.
Procedural languages are economical – the learning curve
for programmers is relatively low.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Language considerations
Assembly language
Procedural languages
Object-oriented languages
Survey of languages
Know the compiler and rules of thumb
Coding standards

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Object-oriented languages
Synchronizing objects
Garbage collection
Cardelli’s metrics and object-oriented languages
Object-oriented versus procedural languages

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Languages that support a high degree of data abstraction,
inheritance, polymorphism, and messaging.
The benefits of OO languages include increasing
programmer efficiency, reliability, and the potential for
extension and reuse.
Objects are an effective way to manage system complexity
– they provide a natural environment for information
hiding, protected variation, and encapsulation.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Synchronizing objects
Synchronized objects: e.g., mutex is associated with an object that can be concurrently
accessed by multiple threads. 
– Internal locking : each public method acquires a lock on the synchronization object upon
method entry and releases the lock on exit. 
– External locking : clients are responsible for acquiring a lock on the associated
synchronization object before accessing the object and subsequently releasing the lock
when finished.
Encapsulated objects: No synchronization needed – the lock of the enclosing object
also protects the encapsulated object.
Thread-local objects: Objects that are only accessed by a single thread require no
Objects migrating between threads: Ownership of a migrating object is transferred
between threads. Require no synchronization – the transfer of ownership does
require synchronization.
Immutable objects: An immutable object’s state can never be modified after it is
instantiated. Immutable objects require no synchronization when accessed by
multiple threads since all accesses are read-only.
Unsynchronized objects: Objects in a single-threaded program require no

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Garbage collection
Garbage refers to allocated memory that is no longer being used
but is not otherwise available.
Garbage is generally associated with object-oriented languages
like C++ and Java.
Excessive garbage accumulation can be detrimental to real-time
Garbage collection algorithms generally have unpredictable
performance and are detrimental in real-time.
Garbage can be created in procedural languages. For example,
in Pascal or C garbage can be created by improper
deallocation of memory.
Java standard environment incorporates GC, whereas C++ does
In those languages that do not provide GC, it must be

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Cardelli’s metrics and object-
oriented languages
Less efficient in execution – every routine is a method. Introduces additional
indirections through method tables and prevents optimizations such as
Economy of compilation is low – often there is no distinction between the code
and the interface of a class. Some OO languages are not sufficiently
modular and require recompilation of superclasses when compiling
Superior with respect to economy of small-scale development. E.g. individual
programmers can take good advantage of class libraries and frameworks.
Economy of large-scale development is low – sometimes these languages have
poor modularity properties. E.g. it is easy to override a method that should
not be overridden, or to re-implement a class in a way that causes problems
in subclasses.
OO languages have low economy of language features – what starts as
economical and uniform ("everything is an object") ends up as a menagerie
of class varieties.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Object-oriented versus procedural
There is still no agreement on which is better for real-time
OO languages for real-time can lead to unpredictable and
inefficient systems, and they are hard to optimize.
The unpredictability argument is hard to defend with respect to
C++, which does not use garbage collection.
Likely that a predictable system can be just as easily built in C+
+ as C. Also, just as easy to build an unpredictable system in
C as in C++.
The case for more unpredictable systems hangs on arguing
about garbage collecting languages like Java.
Other inefficiency is based on the execution time penalty due to
late binding (in all OO languages) – this represents
considerable and often non-deterministic delay.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Object-oriented versus procedural
Inheritance anomaly is serious problem in OO languages:
– Arises when an attempt is made to use inheritance as a code reuse mechanism, which does
not preserve substitutability (i.e., the subclass is not a subtype). 
– If the substitutability were preserved then the anomaly would not occur. 
– But the use of inheritance for reuse has been subsumed by composition so most inheritance
anomaly rejections of OO are off-the-mark.
Most opponents of OO languages for real-time assert that concurrency and
synchronization are poorly supported. 
– When built-in language support for concurrency does not exist it is standard practice to
create "wrapper facade" classes to encapsulate system concurrency APIs (e.g., wrapper
classes in C++ for POSIX threads). 
– We already noted several concurrency patterns for OO real-time systems. 
– While concurrency may be poorly supported at the language level in practice it is not an
issue since developers use libraries instead.
Bottom line – there are no clear guidelines for where OO approaches and languages
should be used in real-time. Each situation needs to be considered separately.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Language considerations
Assembly language
Procedural languages
Object-oriented languages
Survey of languages
Know the compiler and rules of thumb
Coding standards

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Survey of languages
Ada 95
Real-time Java
Occam 2
Special real-time languages

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Ada 95
Ada (1983) was originally intended to be the mandatory
language for all U.S. Department of Defense projects, which
included many embedded real-time systems.
Ada 83, had significant problems and Ada (1995) was introduced
to deal with these problems.
Ada 95 was the first internationally standardized object-oriented
programming language.
Ada 95 is both procedural and object-oriented depending on how
the programmer uses it.
Ada 95 includes extensions to help deal with scheduling,
resource contention, and synchronization.
Other language extensions made Ada 95 an OO language
(tagged types, packages, and protected units).
Ada has never lived up to its promise of universality because
users have found it to be too bulky and inefficient.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Invented around 1971, is a good language for “low-level” programming.
C provides special variable types such as register, volatile, static, and constant,
which allows for control of code generation at the high-order language level.
C supports call-by-value only – call-by-reference can be implemented by
passing a pointer to anything as a value.
Variables declared as type volatile are not optimized by the compiler. This is
useful in handling memory-mapped I/O and other instances where the code
should not be optimized.
Automatic coercion (implicit casting of data types) can lead to mysterious
C provides for exception handling through the use of signals and setjmp and
longjmp, constructs to allow a procedure to return quickly from a deep level
of nesting.
Overall C is good for embedded programming – it provides for structure and
flexibility without complex language restrictions.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
C++ is a hybrid OO language that was originally implemented as
a macro-extension of C.
Exhibits all characteristics of an OO language.
C++ extends C functions with classes and class methods, which
are functions that are connected to classes.
C++ still allows for low-level control using inline methods rather
than a runtime call.
The C++ preprocessor can lead to unnecessary complexity.
Preprocessors also do weak type checking and validation.
Misuse of pointers causes many bugs in C/C++ programming –
standard libraries of dynamic data structures (e.g. the
Standard Template Language) help minimize pointer

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Multiple inheritance allows a class to be derived from multiple parent
Multiple inheritance is powerful, but it is difficult to use correctly, is
subsumed by composition, and is very complicated to implement.
C++ does not provide automatic GC, which mean– dynamic
memory must be managed manually or GC must be
Tendency to take existing C code and objectify it by wrapping the
procedural code– very bad because brings all the disadvantages
of C++ and none of the benefits.
Bad C++ programmers use a mixture of function and methods
leading to confusing programs.
C versus C++ – is a tradeoff between a "lean and mean" C program
and a slower and unpredictable C++ program that will be easier to

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
C# is a C++-like language that along with its operating
environment, has similarities to the Java and JVM.
C# is associated with Microsoft’s .NET Framework for
scaled down operating systems like Windows CE 3.0.
C# and the .NET platform may not be appropriate for hard
real-time systems – unbounded execution of its GC
environment and lack of threading constructs to
adequately support schedulability and determinism.
C# and .NET might be appropriate for some soft and firm
real-time systems.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Fortran is the oldest high-order language still used in modern real-time systems
(developed circa 1955).
Old versions of Fortran did not support re-entrant code.
Fortran was developed in an era when efficient code was essential to
optimizing performance in small, slow machines.
Fortran is weakly typed, but it still can be used to design highly structured code.
Fortran has no built-in exception handling or abstract data types.
Fortran is still used in many legacy and even new real-time applications (A new
version of Visual Fortran was recently released for .NET).
Embedded systems written in Fortran typically include a large portion of
assembly language code to handle interrupts and scheduling, and
communication with external devices.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Java is an OO language that looks very much like C++.
Java is interpreted – the code compiles into machine-
independent code which runs in a managed execution
This environment is the Java Virtual Machine, which executes
“object” code instructions as a series of program directives.
Java code can run on any device that implements the virtual
machine – “write once, run anywhere.”
There are native-code Java compilers – byte code executes
directly “on the bare metal”.
Like C, Java supports call-by-value, but the value is the
reference to an object, which appears as call-by-reference for
all objects.
One of the best-known problems with Java involves its garbage
collection utility.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Real-time Java
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) task force was charged
with developing a version of Java that was suitable for embedded real-time
The final report (1999), defines core requirements for the real-time
specification for Java (RTSJ).
– Any garbage collection that is provided shall have a bounded preemption latency.
– Defines the relationships among real-time Java threads.
– Include APIs to allow communication and synchronization between Java and
non-Java tasks.
– Includes handling of both internal and external asynchronous events.
– Incorporates some form of asynchronous thread termination.
– Provides mechanisms for enforcing mutual exclusion without blocking.
– Provides a mechanism to allow code to query whether it is running under a real-
time Java thread or a non-real-time Java thread.
– Defines the relationships that exist between real-time Java and non-real-time
Java threads.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Occam 2
Occam 2 is based on the Communicating Sequential
Processes (CSP) formalism.
The basic entity in Occam 2 is the process – there are four
fundamental types, assignment, input, output, and wait.
More complex processes are constructed from these by
specifying sequential or parallel execution or by
associating a process with an input from a channel.
The Occam 2 language was designed to support
concurrency on transputers but compilers are available
for other architectures.
Occam-2 has found some practical implementation in the

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Special real-time languages
Several specialized languages for real-time have appeared and disappeared
over the last 30 years.
PEARL: Process and Experiment Automation real-time Language developed
in the early 1970s. Has fairly wide application in Germany, especially in
industrial controls settings.
Real-time Euclid: An experimental language that is completely suited for
schedulability analysis. This is achieved through language restriction.
Real-time C: A generic name for any of a variety of C macroextension
packages. These macroextensions typically provide timing and control
constructs that are not found in standard C.
Real-time C++: A generic name for one of several object class libraries
specifically developed for C++. These libraries augment standard C++ to
provide an increased level of timing and control.
Others include MACH, Eiffel, MARUTI, ESTEREL.
Most of these languages are used for highly specialized applications or in
research only.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Language considerations
Assembly language
Procedural languages
Object-oriented languages
Survey of languages
Know the compiler and rules of thumb
Coding standards

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Know the compiler and rules of
Is essential in generating code that is optimal in either
execution time or memory requirements.
The easiest and most reliable way to learn about any
compiler is to run a series of tests on specific language
For example,
– case statement versus if-then
– while loops versus for loops or do-while loops
– when to “unroll” loops
– comparison of variable types and their uses
– use of in-line expansion of code via macros versus procedure

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Language considerations
Assembly language
Procedural languages
Object-oriented languages
Survey of languages
Know the compiler and rules of thumb
Coding standards

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Coding standards
Is a set of stylistic conventions.
Complying with coding standards will not foster portability,
but rather in many cases, readability and maintainability.
May even increase reliability.
May also be used to foster improved performance by
encouraging or mandating the use of language
constructs that are known to generate more efficient
Many agile methodologies embrace coding standards, for
example, Extreme Programming.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Coding standards
Standard or boilerplate header format.
Frequency, length, and style of comments.
Naming of classes, methods, procedures, variable names, data,
file names and so forth.
Formatting of program source code including use of white space
and indentation.
Size limitations on code units including maximum and minimum
lines of code, number of methods and so forth.
Rules about the choice of language construct to be used; for
example, when to use case statements instead of nested if-
then-else statements (previously discussed).
Example: Hungarian notation -- a set of rules about naming
variables, it has been used with C++, Ada, Java and even C.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Coding standards
They can promote very mangled variable names.
Their very strength can be its own undoing. E.g. what if the
type information embedded in the object name is, in fact,
wrong? There is no way for a compiler to check this.
Adoption of coding standards is not recommended mid-
project. It is much easier to start conforming than to be
required to change existing code to comply.
A “bad” coding standard is better than none at all.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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