SALEM Template (2685)

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Salem Templates

Break Even Analysis

BEQ = FC / CMu*

CM = Revenues – VC

* CMu = Contribution Margin per unit

Profit – Volume Charts
Margin of Safety Formula = FC
Profit = Budget - BEP CMu

No activity : Profit
loss of FC
Volume of Activity (Sales)
FC Loss CM
Sales Revenues PQ
Variable Costs VC
Contribution Margin CM
Loss Fixed Costs FC
Operating Income OI
Relevant Range
Budgeting: Costs and their Behaviour
Variable Costs
Total Unit
Variable Y=5X Variable
Costs € Costs
(materials) €5 VCu

Output level X Output level X

Y Fixed Costs Y
Fixed Unit
Costs € Fixed
Constant Y = 10 Costs Declining
10 FC
(Depreciation, Interest on Debt, Rent)

Output level X Output level Y

The Higher the Fixed Costs, the Riskier the Firm

Salem: Q1 &2 Cost Analysis
Variable expenses:
- ................ ………..
- ................ ………..
Total VC (per hour) ..............
Fixed Expenses:
- ..............
- ............
- .............
- .............
- .............
- .............
- .............
- .............
- ..............
- .............
- Total Fixed Costs ..............

Cost Function: Y = a + bX => Y = ............. + ..........X

Discretionary cost is Variable, but once decided it will be Fixed
Mixed Costs : Y = …….. + …….. X

The total mixed cost line can be expressed

as an equation: Y = a + bX

Where: Y = The total mixed cost.

a = The total fixed cost (the
Y vertical intercept of the line).
b = The variable cost per unit of
Total Utility Cost

ost activity (the slope of the line).

d c X = The level of activity.
m ixe
ta l
To Variable
Cost per rev. hour
X Fixed yearly
Activity (rev. hours)

McGraw-Hill/Irwin Slide 5
Salem: Cost Funtion

Y TC = ............. + ............ X

.......... VCu

Relevant range X
of lineair relationship
Q3 Salem: Contribution Margin Statement
Sales Revenues : Intracompany: .....*.... = ........
Sales Revenues : Commercial : .....*.... = ..........
• Total Revenues = .........

• Variable Costs : .........*........ = ..........

• Contribution Margin = ..........

• Fixed Costs = ............

• Operating Income (loss) = ...........

Q4: Salem: Break-Even Analysis

BEP hrs of Commercial sales

= FC – [Contribution by the Intraco. Sales]

CM per hour

= ............. – [.......... * (.......... – ......)]

(..... - ......) =

= ......... - [..... * (........)]


= ...... hrs.

Increase the Commercial Hours from ..... by ..... to ...... to make Break-Even
Q5: Analyzing Options on Commercial sales
Present CM = ...... * (..... - .....) = ......
Action 1: Increase Price to ......, reduce demand ......
- Demand: .....*......... = ......
- CM = ....... * (.....-.....) = ...... (more/less than Present CM)

Action 2: Reduce Price to ....., increase demand .......

- Demand: ..... * ......... = .......
- CM = ....... * (.... – .....) = ....... (more/less than Present CM)

Action 3: Increase promo, increase demand with 30%

- Demand: ....... * ......... = ......
- CM = ……. * (..... – ....) = ...... (more/less than Present CM)

Promo budget = ...... – ...... = ........

without reducing Income (or Profit)
Q6: Salem: Conclusion

1. Services (Good services for Headquarter and what about

the Hours they sell? Increasing?)

2. Activities (what to do to make Salem profitable?)

Conclusion: ....... Salem Close/Open?

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