Week 5 - Socialization

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 “…is the process whereby people learn the
attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to
individuals as members of a particular cultur
e” (Schaefer, p.96)
 Micro level —helps teach us what to say, how
to behave “properly”, and what to expect from
 Macro level —passing on culture and
maintenance of the harmonious living of the
 Study of twins: similar tone of voice, temperament,
nervous habits
 Twins raised apart: differences in values, beliefs,
drinking patterns
 We learn about ourselves, change and modifies ‘Self’
through our membership in the society
 The ‘Self’ “…represents the sum total of people’s
conscious perception of their own identity as distinct
from others” (Schaefer,p.101)
Charles Horton Cooley
(Looking-Glass Self)
 “the self is the product of our interactions with other
s” (Schaefer, p.101)

 Stages of developing self-identity

◦ We imagine how we present ourselves to others
◦ We imagine how others evaluate us
◦ We develop some sort of feeling about ourselves
George Herbert Mead
(Stages of Self): Developing Self Identity

 Preparatory stage:
Children imitates—behavior, verbal, nonverbal

 Play stage:
Children develop and embody certain role i.e. parents, doctors
They engage in role taking—“…the process of mentally
assuming the perspective of another, thereby enabling one to
respond from that imagined viewpoint” (p.102)
 Game stage: About 8/9 years old—“consider several tasks
and relationships simultaneously” (p.102) –realize not only
their social position but also those around them

 So, individuals start of looking at self as the central

position in his/her own world— then starts to be concern
of others’ concern and reactions especially significant
others—“those individuals who are most important in the
development of the self” (p.103)
Erving Goffman: Presentation of Self

 Individuals engage in impression management —

create and recreate the presentation of self
 Uses the dramaturgical approach—people are mere
actors and actresses performing to target audiences
 Initial stage of sense of self usually from home
 “Successful” parents transmit norms of the family and
the society
 Parents also are socializing as a parent
 Socialization – formal: habit training where schedules
are introduced for eating, playing, sleeping
 Socialized into “doing gender” either through observation
or verbally taught
 Gender Roles: “…refers to expectations regarding the
proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and
females” (p.110)
 Also learn ideas of marriage, parent etc—can serve as their
own template in the future
 (F) Schools fulfill the function of teaching values
and customs of larger society; teach the custom
of the “dominant culture” and gender roles
 (C) Through competition, system of rewards and
punishment may lead to the justification of one’s
status and achievement; also may result in one
feeling incompetent and de-motivated
 Issues of different treatment by teachers in
schools also result in different socialization
Peer Group
 As they grow, peers (especially of the similar age group
and interests) tend to be more important than other agents
 May imitate/ encourage/ discourage peers on behaviors or
learn norms through reward or punishment
 Within group can develop sense of control and
responsibility—otherwise, teachers and parents tend to
take the lead
Mass Media
 Include radio, motion pictures, recorded music,
television, internet
 Allows imitation and role playing
 Promote gender roles, aggression, misrepresent the
reality, develop skills for school
 Media and Aggression
 Confirm adult status, learn the norms of working—pass of
adolescence period
 Learn the reality of working to pay the bills and realization
of ambition
 Oftentimes tied with your parents’ or people that we
encountered or look as role models, people represented in
The state
 They run most of the institutions that serve as the
protective unit
 Control certain rite of passage i.e. age to enter club,
driving, marriage—thus shapes how we are to behave
in correspond to our age
Family is the most important agent of
socialization. Do you agree with this
statement? Support your argument with

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