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SESI 2 Past Perfect

What is Past Perfect Tense

• Past Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah kejadian yang

telah selesai sebelum satu kejadian lain di masa lampau.

Past Perfect
Past Simple
First,… a
completed …then,
activity another

Past Present Future

When do we use Past Perfect Tense?

• Menjelaskan momen yang telah usai (di masa lampau)

• Tense ini bisa berfungsi untuk mengekspresikan aksi di masa lampau yang telah selesai
terjadi sebelum momen lampau lainnya terjadi.
• Untuk membicarakan kondisi ini, kita sisipkan subordinate conjunction seperti:
After (Simple Past + after + Past Perfect)
Before/When (Past Perfect + before/when + Simple Past)
When do we use Past Perfect Tense?

• Menjelaskan momen yang telah usai (di masa lampau)

After (Simple Past + after + Past Perfect)
He went to school after he had finished his breakfast.
After he had finished his breakfast, he went to school.

Before/When (Past Perfect + before/when + Simple Past)

The movie had ended before/when I arrived at the cinema.
Before/When I arrived at the cinema, the movie had ended.
When do we use Past Perfect Tense?

• Menunjukkan intensitas sebuah kejadian (di masa lampau)

• Tense ini bisa berfungsi untuk menunjukkan seberapa sering sesuatu terjadi atau
dilakukan di masa lampau.
• Untuk membicarakan kondisi ini, kita sisipkan adverbial frequency seperti:
Past Perfect + Once/Twice/Three times/Once a day/Every day before/until + Past Simple
When do we use Past Perfect Tense?

• Menunjukkan intensitas sebuah kejadian (di masa lampau)

Past Perfect + Once/Twice/Three times/Once a day/Every day before/until + Past Simple

I had been to Bali twice before we had our honeymoon.

My friends and I had travelled abroad once a year until (the pandemic hit in) 2019.
When do we use Past Perfect Tense?

• Menunjukkan kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech/indirect speech)

• reported speech adalah kalimat yang kita sampaikan dari orang lain.
• verb yang bisa digunakan adalah: said, told, asked, thought, wondered.

He said/He told me that + Past Perfect

When do we use Past Perfect Tense?

• Menunjukkan kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech/indirect speech)

said, told, asked, thought, wondered + Past Perfect

He said that he had finished his homework.

She told us that she had watched the movie twice.
My father asked if I had washed the car yet.
I thought our team had won.
Everyone wondered whether she had been married or not.
When do we use Past Perfect Tense?

• Menunjukkan angan-angan atau berandai-andai (3 rd

if conditional)
• Menunjukkan apa yang mungkin terjadi seandainya suatu hal dilakukan di masa lampau.
If + Past Perfect, Subject + would/could/should/might + have + V3

If I had studied for the test, I would have got an A.

We wouldn’t have been hungry if we had eaten breakfast.
How do we use Past Perfect Tense
Subject had Past participle (V3)
She had eaten

Subject had not (hadn’t) Past participle (V3)
She had not (hadn’t) eaten

Had Subject Past participle (V3)?
Had She eaten?

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