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 Business Ethics and
 Social Responsibility
 The Core Principles of Good Corporate Governance

 Transparency

 Stewardship Business Fairness

 Accountability

 A Good Corporate Governance in all businesses and

 even in non-profit organizations such as foundations
 is very important in order to build trust and confidence
 with the investors, donors, and the community in general.

 A good corporate governance builds the integrity of the institution.

 Below are the Core Principles of a Good Corporate Governance:

 Fairness comes from the old English word faeger, which means
 “pleasing or attractive.” It is the quality of making judgments that are
 free from discrimination. Fairness in the context of a business
 organization involves balancing the interests involved in all decision-
 making including any decisions related to hiring, firing (including the
 investigatory process), and the compensation and rewards system.
 Hiring the right people is one of the most important decisions
 an organization makes.

 Accountability is the obligation of an individual or organization to
 for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the
results in a
 transparent manner.
 Accountability in the context of a business organization is the
obligation to
 demonstrate that work has been conducted in compliance with agreed
rules and
 standards or to report fairly and accurately on performance results vis-
 mandated roles and/or plans.

 Transparency is defined as being authentic in the way an organization
 message themselves externally – to stakeholders, to prospective
customers and
 talent, and within the community. It allows stakeholders to understand
 the activities of social institutions provide a genuine service to civil
society and
 whether money is used appropriately.
 Thus, transparency means there is lack of hidden agendas or conditions,
 accompanied by the availability of full information required of
 cooperation, and collective decision-making.

 In Biblical terms, stewardship is defined as utilizing and managing all
 resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His
 That definition plays a critical role in today’s business landscape. In the
 of business organization, stewardship refers to taking responsibility for
 business and the effects it has on the world around it. This involves
 more than just the bottom line and looking at elements such as values,
 and morals

 Accountability means to be liable in explaining or justifying one’s

action and
 one’s decision.
 Fairness is the quality of making judgements that is free from
 Stewardship is a practice wherein people are intrinsically motivated to
 for others or for organizations to accomplish the tasks and
 responsibilities with which they have been entrusted.
 Transparency is an important mechanism for granting social

 As the country continues to deal with myriad COVID-19 pandemic,

 Filipinos need to work to earn money to improve life as well as to help others.
 Work is part of God’s design to humanity. It is a calling entrusted to
 man where it requires stewardship of time, resources, and giftedness.
 As an employee or worker, you should never steal from your company.
 You should obey and honor the managers of your company. It is not only out
 of obligation, but for personal growth as well.
 As an employer, you are called to be a good steward of your resources
 especially the people who work for you. You are blessed by God to be a blessing
 to others. As 1 John 3:17 says, “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees
 his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide
 in him?”
 The pandemic is now challenging you. What does it mean to be a
 steward in your home? in school? in community? in workplace?
Thank you everyone.
Be ready for an Activity.

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